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A/N-3K 3K 3K READS OH LORD YYAASS!!! For this chapter, I listened to some music, got inspired, and now we have this mess. Gotta say, this makes up for Sugawara Koushi II because lemme tell you, that was way too out of my comfort zone like that made me very skittish. So, now we have something that makes me cry because I cry for literally everything :'D

Love Interest~ Sugawara Koushi
Triggering~ Possibly depression
Title~ Tears of the Fallen

You watched the clock anticipating the long awaited game against Oikawa and his team. You've waited for this moment so long. After the team lost, you reacted worse, crying right on the spot, but now? Now the new Karasuno will show them where they really stand.
"Before we go, (Y/N) has some words to say." Daichi gestured you to step forward and give your words of encouragement for the game that was going to be played very soon.
You shook a bit being very afraid that one slip up would result in the team abandoning you, but you just took deep breaths to calm yourself.
Why did you end up here?
You were the one that said you wanted to say something, but god this was terrifying.
Going over all the words you had planned out one last time, you opened your mouth to speak.
"Today is the day we compete once again against the largest jerk that has ever walked the face of the earth; Oikawa. We very well know what he is capable of, so the best is expected out of all of you, but one thing must be known: We've all reached our low points. Hinata, Kageyama. When you lost last year. Yamaguchi, when you missed your jump float serve last year. We've all been there. But we can get back up from it, and most of us already have. We've all gotten so much stronger. Don't end up like me, everyone. Im a messed up person and I have lived through a lot of crap. You all have been through so much and one thing I don't want to see is someone making my mistakes."
You choked on your words as you thought back to the worst days of your life.
Pain. Grief. Disbelief.
You read the Facebook message over and over again taking in every word and still refusing the truth.
You looked up to all the boys who were still practicing and back down to your phone and reread the message one more time.
"E-Excuse me for a minute...I-I need to go..." You told Sugawara, the closest boy, you were heading out. It wasn't the smartest decision being he was the mother of the team and immediately sensed something wrong. You were too focused on getting somewhere safe to cry, but the outside of the gym worked fine at the moment.
Your bright phone screen still held the message and tears began to flow like large waterfalls down your cheeks. The silent running liquid almost being of comfort as you choked back agonizing sobs.
Little did you know, the boy you told that you were stepping out was already on top of the situation and informed the captain that he was stepping out as well.
When the door to the outside world slip open the first thing he saw was you and your crying figure.
"Oh my goodness (Y/N)." The silver haired boy quickly shut the door and pulled you into a hug. You were lifeless though. You didn't hug back, you didn't talk, you just cried, mow making your sobs heard. "(Y/N) please talk to me. Tell me what happened, tell me what's wrong."
"Why..." Was the only thing you barely managed to whisper. "Why...Why...." You kept chanting the words in hopes that the boy hugging you would have the answer, but silence was the only thing that greeted you.
"(Y/N)...I don't know why..." The boy now began to stroke your hair as your sobs became even louder causing some of the members to hear. "I really don't know..."
Your phone soon fell from your hand causing Sugawara to look down at your screen hoping for an answer. Any hint at all. An answer is what he received, but not the one he wanted.
Hello everyone. We have some very important and tragic news regarding Cyndago and out future.
It is with heavy hearts that we inform you that Daniel was found in his room on the afternoon of September 16th in critical condition after an apparent suicide attempt. He was rushed to the emergency room and transferred to the intensive care unit. Family was notified and flew to Los Angeles to be by his side. Doctors confirmed that he had suffered irreversible brain damage and would not survive.
He was taken off of life support on Friday, September 18th, 2015. Surrounded by his family, Daniel passed away in peace.
We would like to announce that Cyndago will no longer carry forward. We have no plans to release any further videos, podcasts, or songs. We will release one final vlog addressing the current situation.
If anyone out there experiences suicidal thoughts or is battling anxiety/depression, we urge you, please seek help. You are worth more than you think, and suicide reaps massive effects upon everyone around you- your friends,your family, and everyone's life who touched you. There is always hope. There is always tomorrow.
We would like to thank everyone who stood with us throughout the years. When Cyndago was started in 2012, we never expected to come this far. It's been nothing short of an amazing journey and all of you are loved. You have all changed our lives and we hope that we could make each one of you smile. We're truly sorry that a story that brought so many people happiness had to have such a sad ending. Daniel will live on in our hearts and in the memories of the thousands of people he brought joy to everyday through YouTube. We thank you all. Goodbye.
- Ryan & Matt
Sugawara looked over the message from the phone and knew the importance of the situation. He remember you previously talking about the group as a whole, but the one who had passed was your hero.
Daniel Kyre.
You had found him a large inspiration to start music back in 2012, so you started up on clarinet. Not the same as his guitar, but it was something. Through the years your love for Daniel grew and you threw all of your love to him as you did for every person, making you vulnerable to loss.
Now your hero is dead.
Sugawara had no idea what to do at the moment. The best he could do right now is keeping hugging you and stroking your hair, but even that wasn't working.
"Listen, Im going to tell Daichi that you and I are going home early today. Ok? I'll be ri-"
Your hand caught onto his sleeve stopping him from getting up and leaving.
"Don't leave me too..." You barely managed to utter.
"I promise I wont leave you. I know you don't want people to see you in this condition so Im taking you home. I can stay there if you like."
Lips still quivering, you nodded letting more tears slip away.
Sugawara entered the gym again only to fimd that everyone had stopped and was listening, awaiting the arrival of the Vice Captain.
"We heard crying. What's going on?" Daichi firmly asked.
"It's (Y/N). Something very serious has happened and Im taking her home." Sugawara grabbed his duffel bag and walked back to the exit and to your probably unmoved body.
"Wait what happened? Is she hurt, sick?" Nishinoya asked with concern in his voice. The both of you were close friends, but nothing more.
"Worse? What could be-"
"Tomorrow. Right now I need to take (Y/N) home. Resume practice as usual." Sugawara made his way out of the gym after the final sentence only to find your body right where he left it, still in tears.
"Im back (Y/N), it's alright. Im going to take you home now alright?" Suga now began to try and help your unmoving body up and standing, but you refused to comply, forcing the silver haired boy to pick you up.
The boy knew all too well what you were feeling. It was a pain that no human should ever have to feel, so of course he was very kind and patient with you.
"S-Suga..." The girl stuttered your name through her sobs and managed another sentence. "W-Why did this h-happen?"
"I don't know why and we may never know, but that's ok." His response only seemed to sadden you more causing you to bury your face into his chest. He began to blush at the move being that you two weren't in a relationship.
"I-It's all my f-fault..." You mumbled into his chest.
"Please don't say that (Y/N). It's far from your fault."
A silence soon took over with whimpers coming from you sometimes. It was something you couldn't help.
Fortunately enough, Sugawara knew the way to your house and carried you all the way, leaving him a bit tired and setting you on your feet at your front door. You, however, were still a mess and quite reluctant to enter your house.
"P-Please stay..." You turned to your comforter and he nodded with a glint of worry and sadness in his eyes.
Mustering up enough the confidence, you opened the door and entered your domain along with Sugawara.
"(Y/N)...'s that you..." Slurred words from a male murmured from the living room. The boy next to you clenched his fists in anger knowing all too much the voice of your drunk father.
"Yeah..." You quietly squeaked and quickly tried to rush past him, but he stopped you.
"You didn't do your chores yesterday and you didn't clean the bathroom and my mess in there and your room is dirty. Get it done before homework."
"I wouldn't have to clean the bathroom if you didn't drink so much you end up chucking chunks." You coldly spat. "I did do my chores yesterday too, you just have so much hangover so often you always forget you make a mess after I do my chores."
"Bulls**t now go upstairs and do what I asked."
And so, you marched upstairs and to your room along with Sugawara, who was absolutely baffled that you said that to your dad, your dad said that to you, how drunk your dad was, and the fact that you father ignored your tears and puffy eyes.
Upon entering your room the boy become confused trying to find an excuse for calling your perfectly neat room a mess.
"This is dirty...?" The brown eyed boy looked everywhere and saw you pick up a simple pencil off of the floor, your tears falling on to the carpet as you did so. "That's unbelievable."
"Tell me about..." You went and closed your door, locking it in the process, and plopped yourself on your bed and grabbing a pillow allowing the crying to resume.
That night, Sugawara stayed with you and comforted you, not daring to leave your side.
The following two days you hadn't been at school, and when you still weren't there the team decided to visit you.
However, upon visiting you, they all saw your vulnerable state. You were just staring at the ceiling, tears rolling down your cheeks each second. Your eyes were redder than your drunk fathers and you pr sheets and pillows were soaked through with the liquid that never seemed to stop falling from your eyes.
Even for the next month you hadn't come and watched the boys practice. When you did through Nishinoya and Hinata literally dragging you there, you just stared off into the distance and spaced out. That occurred for two more months.
Everyone noticed. Everyone suffered from your sadness as well making you feel even worse about yourself. When traveling with the team to a practice match you'd only silently stare out the window listening to the same song over and over again: My Dreams Stave the Requiem. A memoriam for Daniel Kyre.
You tried your best to hide all the pain. To be honest, you had done an amazing job keeping on a happy facade, but when you were left to your own thoughts, you completely stumbled and showed it all, only holding back the tears that threatened to gush out of your eyes.
This behavior continued for a little under four months.
It was on December 12th when you had genuinely smiled for the first time and felt seconds of happiness.
On December 12th Sugawara Koushi had confessed his love for you.
Yes you still had your break downs every week, but you had someone who you loved with every fiber of being as you did with the, now deceased, hero.
Things had finally been getting better after that day.
<><><>End of flashback<><><>
You cleared your throat attempting to speak again.
"You all know the events of last year. I stumbled and fell very, very hard making me thinking I could never mend. I still am today but I am a thousand times better than the day I found out. You all fell and now you're going to show everyone out there that you've gotten back up and have gotten stronger. Show them all what the true Karasuno is made of. Show every person in that gymnasium that we are no longer flightless crows, we are now soaring high in the sky and flying. Prove everyone who said it's not the possible that it most definitely is! Prove them all wrong!"
The entire team stared at you in awe, mouths agape. Your self consciousness getting the best of you, your face turned bright read.
"Lets go beat their butts!" Hinata yelled first, jumping high with excitement.
"Yeah lets kill 'em!" Nishinoya chimed in.
"Killing is illegal Noya!"
"I wanna see them cry!"
You smiled in contentment glad that you got all of the boys excited and ready.
"That was beautiful." A familiar voice spoke behind you and the boy wrapped his arms around your waist. "One of the many things I love about you."
"I think there's nothing to love about me, but if you say so. Ready for the big game Suga?"
"First, you're gorgeous my love, and second, Im definitely ready. Im gonna score 15 points. 5 for you, 5 for Daniel, and 5 for my mom. Im ready to prove everyone what I can do for the people I love." You giggled at your boyfriend's adorable behavior.
"You're probably going to score 20 points with your amazing skill." You leaned in for a quick kiss and the minute your lips touched, a familiar telephone pole spoke out.
"Get a room!"


A/N- I liked writing this. It was really adorable and I thoroughly enjoyed writing this. You got a look into my life as well! My dad gets drunk a lot and he was drunk the night I found out Daniel Kyre died which only added to my sorrow. I cannot express through writing alone how I felt. I did not miss three days of school because nobody knew until February how I really did feel and even then I never got any days off, just a quick "get over it." But yeah this was nice to write. Thanks for 3K as well! Means a bunch. And as always, STAY AWESOME!!!

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