Tsukishima Kei

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A/N- This has probably been a long awaited chapter...To be honest Ive held it off for a bit, but eh can't run forever. Also the ending of the new episode has me freaking sO PUMPED!!

I would like to say thank you to @Epicpanda1 because they have a Yandere Haikyuu! head cannon book and it really helped me out with this.

"Come on, Tsukki!"
"Nicer serve Tsukishima!"
"Just get it over the net!"
Cries from your side of the court could be heard as Tsukishima served the ball. You were in the middle of a practice match against Nekoma, so tensions were visible, but playfulness was there as well since they were all friends.
"Ah, (Y/N) did you see that?" Yamaguchi spoke up next to you, staring at all the players on the court in admiration...mostly Tsukki though.
"No I didn't what'd I miss."
"Tsukki just purposely hit it barely over the net to weaken the offense. It's a strategy I use whenever there are pesky wing spikers." This time Sugawara spoke and answered your question. You wrote down the information just in case you would have to use it again, though Suga would probably remember.
"He's so cool..." The freckled boy muttered next to you.
"Eh, he's alright. He could use some manners and emotions."
"Hah I agree on that!" Daichi chuckled from the court.
"Pay attention to the game not our conversation!"
<><><>Timeskip to after the game brought to you by poles<><><>
"Thank you very much!"
The game had ended with an awesome win thanks to Nishinoya and Hinata. They may as well be the MVP's of every game cause without them we'd lose almost every game.
"Hey hey, (Y/N)!" You turned to meet the vibrant eyes of Hinata. "Toss for me!"
"What about Kageyama or Sugawara? They know how to serve properly."
"Kageyama doesn't want to and Sugawara is helping out Noya. Please toss for me!"
You smiled and let out a short sigh in defeat. "Fine, fine. Just toss for me afterwords, I like spiking and flying." Your eyes shined in admiration as you got into position.
"Alrighty here we go." You said, immediately beginning the sequence to get a toss up. When the ball hit your small hands you set the ball to a 3rd tempo. In an instant, Hinata flew up and spiked the ball, allowing the satisfying sound of ball against wood to fill the gym.
"Alright, alright my turn! Take a ball come on!" You excitedly got into your position not even allowing the orange haired boy to protest. "Hurry up!"
Hinata then tossed the ball over allowing you to receive it. Hinata got into position and did a 1st tempo. You ran ahead and were about to spike it, until a giant wall came in front of you, closing you out.
You looked up in disappointment, but you immediately glared at the blonde jerk who was smirking back at you.
"Tsukki you giant jerk." You landed on your feet and were fuming. He just smiled and chuckled.
You always hated him. Even on your first day of school he had gone out of his way to embarrass you in front of your whole class, With a big giant fiery burning passion, you hated Tsukishima Kei.
"That glare doesn't fit your cute face." He winked and his smirk grew wider when he saw you make your way to him. He was surprised when you kicked him in the groin, almost falling to his knees, yet he managed to groaned out an "I love you too..."
"Aw lighten up (Y/N)..." You turned to see Yamaguchi bashfully smiling, eyes darting between his two friends.
"He'll live...Unfortunately..."
"Aww...My little boo is angry." Two arms wrapped around your waist and picked you up.
"Put me down you creep!"
"Not until I get a kiss."
"You're crazy!"
"I sure am."
"Put me the heck down." You kept squirming and trying to get out of his clutches, but it was no use. Thank god Sugawara happened to pass by and help you.
"Alright Tsukishima put the poor girl down."
"I refuse to until my boo gives me my kiss."
"Im not your boo, now put me the fu-"
You were interrupted by lips quickly brushing over yours. Your face burned a million shades of red while the blonde simply smiled.
"B-Baka! I-I hate you! Id rather kiss Yamaguchi! Id kiss him any day!"
"Oh really?" Tsukki raised his eyebrow, letting you down knowing what would happen next. "Then do it."
"P-Please don't bri-"
"Fine." You marched to the freckled, cupped his face in your hands, and leaned in for a kiss much longer and enjoyable. When you pulled apart the both of you stared at each other for a long while, ignoring the cheers of people around you.
"Wow..." Yamaguchi's face was darker than a tomato, but he was astonished at how gentle your lips were and how soft your hands were. It was beyond everything he imagined about you since...He did have a crush on you.
The red boy now cupped your face and pulled you in for another kiss, which you gleefully accepted.
"Oi oi, Yamaguchi don't cling to her like that." Tsukishima teased, causing the freckled boy to pull away his hands and pull away from the kiss out of embarrassment.
"Why must you ruin everything..." You mumbled and walked away from the beanstalk before he could say or do anymore embarrassing things. He could suck America's Florida for all you care.
"Hey (Y/N) wait up!" You heard a familiar voice call out to you, but you kept on walking and soon to the outside world.
"Hey please wait." This time a hand reached out and stopped you.
"Look I don't want to be near him. Not near his vision, dumb smirk, his shadow, nothing. I don't know how you guys are still friends after all these years, Yamaguchi."
"Well, there were events that happened when I was younger and he was the one that helped me out...but now..." An arm wrapped around your waist and another turned you around. "I have you."
"You're usually not this brave. What happened?"
"Well for one we're not in front of Tsukki or the team, and I don't know. You just make me extremely happy...you have been for a long time I just never confessed my feelings...sorry..."
"Why are you apologizing? Look at us now! Forced to kiss because I needed to prove a point to a telephone pole, you kissed me back, and now we're holding hands."
"Wait WHA-?!" Yamaguchi looked down to see that his hand had unconsciously slipped into yours. Upon seeing that he turned bright red and pulled away, stuttering out a bunch of sorry's.
You jut chuckled at the freckled boys insecurities.
And so, the two of you walked off not even bothering to help the others clean up.
"Oh wait, my bag!"
<><><>Timeskip to heading over to Yamaguchi's<><><>
"Thank you again for allowing me to stay. I apologize for being a burden." You bowed slightly to the middle aged woman who just chuckled at your respect and polite attitude.
"You'll never be a burden in our home! You're always welcome to stay, and no need to be formal." You looked up and examined the features of the woman in front of you. Dark hair, brown eyes, no freckles, slightly lighter skin color, long and slender hands, but short. Almost half of her had rubbed off onto your freckled friend. Where the father was, you hadn't known.
Another chuckle was heard from the woman...Her personality definitely does not match the flustered one next to you. "I see you looking at my features. Tadashi looks and acts a bit like me, but more like his father. Fun story actually, when Tada was bri-"
"M-Mom please." This time both you and the mother laughed at Yama's behavior, making the light blush on his cheeks turn deeper.
"Alright, alright I'll leave you be. If you need anything please help yourself." With that, the mother walked away and upstairs.
"Oh god...Why mom..." Yamaguchi mumbled next to you, getting a small giggle from you. "I-It's not funny!" More laughing. "(Y-Y/N) s-stop!"
Your fits of laughter were interrupted by the sound of a doorbell, which Yamaguchi immediately ran for, escaping your beautiful laugh.
A few moments later, Yamaguchi walked back and with a new friend.
Scratch that, not new friend, new jerk.
"Why. Freaking...You follow me everywhere, why?" You glared daggers in the direction of Tsukishima but that only fueled the fire.
"My my (Y/N) the clothes you wear outside of school are awfully tight." He smirked and looked you body up and down, like a wolf watching his prey.
"You know what, let me over there so I can smack that grin off your face."
"Oh you're getting very feisty...That turns me on you know."
"Yeah and fanfiction turns me on too, now wipe off the sh*t eating smirk before I do it for you." You began to take steps toward the taller boy before he could even respond.
"A-Ah (Y/N) please let's not hurt each other...Although you have a reason, please do not." Yamaguchi then stood in between you and the bean stalk preventing you from hurting him in any way.
However, the thing that surprised you most is when the freckled boy was lifted from the ground by his neck.
"Y-Yamaguchi!" You tried your best to pry the strong hands away from his neck, but to no avail. The poor boy was struggling so hard and needed air so desperately, but another gasp of the vital oxygen never came.
"Tch. Stop squirming around you're making things harder." His grip only tightened more, making the pinch server cry out in pain for a fraction of a second.
The deathly deed was over after a couple more moments of Tsukki choking his friend and you making futile attempts to help. Tsukishima tossed his body aside like a rag doll and made his way over to you.
"Ive waited so long to get to you." The tall boy now made long strides toward you, forcing you back into a wall. "And now you're right here." Both his hands smashed into the wall on both sides of your head, making you jump and him chuckle.
"P-Please..." You only managed to utter that one audible plea, but the rest were hardly understandable due to your hyperventilation.
"Now you're at my complete mercy...so, let's have some fun, shall we?" His face leaned in closer and closer until a voice caused him to pull back and glare daggers.
"What is going on here?!"

To be continued

Well thanks a lot Tsukishima. I really hate Tsukki actually I really do very much. I mean god dang just freaking will it kill him to be excited at sometime god dang freaking JUST SMILE. Ugh. Anyhow, hope y'all enjoyed and STAY AWESOME

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