Daichi Sawamura

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A/N- Thanks again for 1K reads! Im never gonna stop saying thanks lol
You smiled happily as you walked up the side away from school. Your exhausting day was finally over, and you were going to spend it with your absolutely amazing boyfriend:
Daichi Sawamura
You two hadn't been together for too long, but you were still very happy. It seemed he was too, and though he could be a bit clingy at some times, you still loved him.
You guys were at the hand holding stage, which everyone else thought was absolutely adorable. However, every time his strong and large hand slipped into yours, you could feel your heart skip some beats and your face erupt with red blush. You two were holding hands right now, in fact, but your blush has already died down and your heart is beating normally.
"Hey, (Y/N)?" You heard Daichi quietly say. "How long do you think...." Daichi lost himself in thought as he looked ahead. You noticed that his grip on you was becoming tighter.
"Think what?" You asked looking up to Daichi. He seemed to be having a mental debate with himself as he stared off into the distance.
"N-Nothing never mind...I'll just wait until we get home to tell you." Daichi finished the topic and you two continued towards the captains house. His parents were expecting to meet you, so you assumed that he was gonna ask about his parents approval to you. To be honest, you had intentions to date him whether they liked you or not.
"Daichi, Im sure they'll like me...your parents..." You looked up again to see Daichi show his concealed nervousness. He looked down to you with worried eyes.
"I mean, what if something goes wrong and the house burns down and then you or my parents die and then so-"
You cut off the worried boy with loud laughter. You had never heard something so funny come out of his mouth!
"D-Daichi! Nothing will go wrong, I promise! The house wont burn down and none of us will die." You chuckled and wiped a tear from an eye. "Don't think so negatively. Always think about the present and what you have now because we don't know what the future holds. We can only hope of a brighter today and an even better tomorrow."
"That almost sounds like something Takeda would say.." Now it was Daichi's turn to laugh. "However, that is one of the many reasons as to why I love you." Daichi slowly leaned down for a kiss.
Oh my gosh, a kiss?!
You began to stand up on your toes to close the gap between your mouths.
'Body, what are you doing?!'
Suddenly, a pair of lips were softly planted onto your own as you melted into the strong arms of the captain. When your lips parted both of your eyes met and widened with realization. Quickly, you both collected yourselves and walked a bit faster towards the, now visible, captains house.
"Here we go..." You heard Daichi mumble.
"Don't worry, you're not alone." You rubbed your thumb against his hand, trying to comfort and calm him. Even though you were freaking out as well, you wanted to be there for your boyfriend.
You took a deep breath as Daichi opened the door to his home. Slowly, you both walked into the home and took off your shoes.
"Mom, Dad! Im here!" Daichi called out with a hint of nervousness in his voice.
"Did you bring someone?!" You heard an excited and teasing man call back Fathers; they're all alike.
"Yes, I did..."
"Well hurry up and get on in here!"
Well they at least sound enthusiastic and excited. You were a bundle a nerves now, but you hid it all for Daichi. He needed you now more than you needed him.
Slowly, you two stepped into the sight of two parents. A mother smiling warmly and a father smiling widely with a proud gleam in his eyes.
"Mom, Dad...This is (Y/N)." Daichi slowly said. His embarrassment was very noticeable, and he already expressed how worried he is. However, it was your turn to speak...
"Hello! Im (Y/N)!" You smiled and waved a small wave. It was the best thing you could do other than be like 'H-Hi m-my name is uh...'
"Well, it's very nice to meet you (Y/N)." The mother smiled more and took a deep breath. "Daichi I am proud. She is a very beautiful and radiant young lady."
"M-Mom!" Daichi stuttered and blushed as he squeezed your hand a bit tight as a quick and unnoticeable apology. You were busy having your own freak out session though! You were blushing and almost took a step away from the parents and their compliments.
"I agree Mai! She looks strong too...Has she been practicing with you Daichi?" The father now asked. Oh god this is so freaking embarrassing!
"Dad...Stop..." Daichi groaned as he threw his head up in an attempt to hide his deepening blush.
"Just stating the truth..."
"Th-Thank you! That's very sweet." You smiled and exchanged small nods as a sign of gratitude to both of them.
"Well, come sit down. We can talk and I'll prepare something." The mother, Mai you remembered, smiled and went to the kitchen which wasn't too far from where you sat in the, what you assumed to be, dining room.
"So, (Y/N). How long have you known my son?" The father asked. You hadn't heard his name yet, so you remained silent with his name.
"Almost three years now. We met when I was a first year." You spoke strongly, yet quietly, trying not to sound nervous.
"How so?" The dad kept pushing for answers.
"I was running a bit late and thought I would be too late to one of my classes. I was being dumb, running too fast, and bumped into Daichi. Turns out, we had the same class. We talked and soon he invited me to watch and play volleyball." You smiled warmly at Daichi, but he kept his head low while smiling small.
"I remember the day he came home saying he officially had a girlfriend. He was head over heals for you! Didn't stop smiling for quite some time."
"Dad stop embarrassing me..." You heard Daichi grumble with a light blush resting on his cheeks.
"You know, for the captain of the volleyball team, you seem a bit afraid and embarrassed." You smirked at the comment you just made. It was true after all.
"Oh please (Y/N). How would you feel if I talked about the first time you 'recieved' a serve wi-"
"LETS NOT TALK ABOUT THAT!" You shrieked making your face turn a deep shade of red. However, everyone just laughed and had a jolly good old time.
-•-•-Timeskip after embarrassing moments brought to you by Yoichi-•-•-
"I don't know if I should be relieved or upset that that was over." Daichi said while leading you up the stairs and toward his bedroom.
"Same here. So many embarrassing stories, but so many I can use against you!" You replied smiling to yourself. You were gonna have fun embarrassing Daichi left and right around all of his friends.
"Lets just not talk about those from now on"
"Aww darn...Fine" You agreed, knowing that if you shared anything about him, he would as well.
You and Daichi arrived to his room, and the first thing you noticed? His manga collection.
"Daichi! You never told me you had this much manga! OH!!" You looked at each and every one of them with fascination and excitement. Little did you know, Daichi locked the door.
"OH MY GOSH DAICHI YOU HAVE OWARINO NO SERAPH!! I love this wi-" You were cut off with Daichi kissing you roughly on the lips.
"D-Daichi!" You stuttered out surprised. He, however, gave you no time to breathe. He kept kissing you, even though you hinted here and there that you wanted him to stop. It was when he thought that trailing his hands up your shirt was a good idea, you most definitely stopped him.
"No. Now, please stop Daichi. I probably need to get home so-" Daichi kissed you again more passionately, but you pulled away. "Daichi I said enough." You were getting defensive and tried to go for the door, but you were stopped.
"Im not done yet, (Y/N)." You turned to see Daichi smiling wickedly. This scared you on immense levels. You pulled your wrist away and tried to open the door, but to no avail. It was locked.
"I said, I wasn't done yet." Daichi growled into your ear in a somewhat seductive tone. You shivered at the sudden change as you tried and tried to open the door. You couldn't unlock without some key that you assumed Daichi had.
"D-Daichi stop. Y-Your scaring m-me." You stuttered out as Daichi snaked his arms securely around your waist and pulled you onto the bed.
"You're mine (Y/N). I wont stop until Im satisfied." Daichi whispered into your ear. You started to hyperventilate and struggle against the captains grip, but it was no use.
Instead it was a night full of rape.
-•-•-Timeskip brought to you by no lemon and no smut :) -•-•-
You woke up alone inside of Daichi's room. The memory of last night was fresh in your mind as you felt your naked body against the warm sheets.
Definitely something you'll remember, unfortunately.
However, another thought takes up your mind.
You need to get out of here.

To be continued

A/N- GUYS SEND HELP I HAVE THIS OBSESSION WITH OWARINO NO SERAPH AND ITS SOUNDTRACK. It's so gggooooooddd. Ive fallen desperately in love with Mikaela and Yoichi. Freaking, when Yoichi became a demon I was actually SOBBING. I literally had to the pause the video and grab a tissue box because I was crying so freaking hard. ANYHOW...Back to Haikyuu...Hope you enjoyed this! The next chapter Im already planning and WOO BOY it'll be awesome. Also, as we near February 13, please keep in mind there will be NO UPDATES THAT DAY! I take a hiatus from Social Media on that day along with others out of respect for two people. The 13 is for Joel Evan Green. Thanks everyone for reading! STAY AWESOME!

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