Yamaguchi Tadashi

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A/N-  Please everyone, take a moment of silence before reading. Today (the 16th) was the day my hero, Daniel Kyre, attempted suicide so Im in a bad mood...Anyhow...Guys I don't want to write this...GUYS I DON'T WANT TO WRITE THIS...What the HECK am I going to write for my sweet sweet Yams?!
Edit: What have I done...


You hugged your knees to your chest as you waited for a reply from the boy you were talking with.
Out of boredom and straight up curiosity, you had gone onto a website Omegle and typed in one of your all time favorite games: Undertale. Now, you were talking with some guy that had your same interests and liked the same parts of the game you did.
Suddenly, the screen lit up as a reply came from the mystery boy.
User:DinosaurVolley (A/N I am not a creative person >•<)
I feel like one of the more interesting parts is having Flowey reiterate how nobody comes when you call for help, just as he did when he was first a flower.
You smiled while typing in another reply to discuss the game so well done. Flowey was definitely one of your favorite characters...but Sans triumphs over all.
User:(                 ) (Username is up to you guys!)
I totally agree with that! I remember reading somewhere that in the genocide run, when you prepare to attack or are attacking, the lines are actually morse code for "but nobody came" Does that mean the opponents have nobody coming, or nobody will come to save the game and you by the end of the game?
In all truth and honesty, you were pretty obsessed with this game. You found it in September, loved it unconditionally, and five months later you still love it unconditionally despite being sucked into multiple new fandoms like Owari No Seraph and Soul Eater.
That's actually a really cool insight of the topic...I guess having the morse code applies to both the monsters and player. The monsters can fight and call for help, but nobody has ever come before. At the same time, come the end of the genocide run, you meet Chara and you're all alone. Nobody is alive anymore so therefore nobody will come.
Your mouth gaped open as you read the amazing take on the topic at hand. This kid must be real smart, because you don't know if you would've gotten the Chara part of it. You totally forgot about killing all of your friends in genocide!
User:(               )
WHOA THAT'S REALLY SMART AND COOL!! I was also thinking at the end of the neutral ending while fighting the devil nightmare photoshop gone wrong Flowey, we obviously have the original "but nobody came" saying, but keep in mind we're still fighting at Asgore's place where he first found Flowey. He obviously wants the player to feel the same agony and pain and hopelessness he did, but even so, how could he feel anything without a soul...?
Hah, photoshop gone wrong that's funny...but I don't know how to answer your question...I just want to meet Toby Fox and shake his hand or something. I want all of my questions to be answered.
You smiled at the screen knowing that he was just as in love with this game as you were. It was reassuring that you weren't a forever alone freak about Undertale!
Suddenly, you heard your mother call down you down for what you assumed to be dinner being the time of day.
User:(              )
Same here! Sorry, but I need to go, my mother is calling me for dinner. Thank you very much for the conversation!
Before you could exit the conversation, a reply was sent. You read it about three times before the words settled in and you could comprehend what they were asking for.
Thank you for the conversation as well, but...may I have your number so we can talk more?
You smiled a goofy and large grin as you typed in your phone number.
User:(               )
Yeah you sure can! It's (     ) -      -         - (AGAIN up to you.)
This time you left the conversation for good and ran down the stairs to hot steaming food.
Little did you know, the boy on the other side of the screen had a small smile on his face as well as he put the number into his phone.
(Someone give me an award I just figured out those theories on my own.)
<><><>One week later...<><><>
You were walking towards what you assumed to be the Karasuno gymnasium. After talking with your Undertale friend, Tsukishima, you found out which school he went to. Knowing Hinata, your talented Little Giant, went there, you decided to drop by. You had visited before, but its been awhile...so you were a bit unsure of yourself.
"Oi (Y/N)!!" You heard your fellow orange haired friend call out to you, but before you could turn around you were engulfed into a bone crushing hug. "Its been so long!"
"I can't....breathe...Hinata..." You chuckled a bit, but you really couldn't breathe until someone ordered him to let you go.
"Hinata get off the poor girl...Ooh Hinata is this your friend? OH ARE YOU DATING?!" This time a very loud and short boy spoke out, but you ignored his comment as you became a blushing mess.
"N-No we're not!" Both you and Hinata stuttered at the same time with bright red faces.
"Ne. What is going on..." You looked up to see a very tall and blonde boy with glasses walking towards the commotion.
"(Y/N)! He's the jerk you're looking for!" Hinata jumped and yelled knowing he completed his task of telling you where your Undertale nerd was.
"At least my ego is taller than you." Tsukki spat back which actually made you hold back some laughs because it's probably true.
"YOU TAKE THAT BACK TELEPHONE POLE!" Hinata jumped up to the height of Tsukishima and was ready to claw his eyes out, but you easily pulled Hinata backed to earth.
"That's enough Hinata." You calmly stated rubbing his shoulders. "This telephone pole is my friend, please don't hurt him."
"I don't think he could've laid a scratch on me..." The blonde muttered to someone you didn't know making him snicker.
"Oh really now? So, say you were out here alone with Hinata and he actually did end up hurting you. You'd call out for help, but nobody would come." You smirked applauding to yourself at how well you just put together that reference. Meanwhile, Tsukki's eyes widened a bit as he realized who you were.
"Are you really..?"
"How about you greet a new friend the proper way?" You smiled and held your hand out for a handshake just as Sans did when you first met him in the game.
"Pretty cool to finally meet you in person." Tsukki gratefully shook your hand, but his face remained expressionless. The rest of the people around you gawked at the both of you, amazed that Tsukki hadn't thrown an insult at you yet.
"Wow Tsukki! Is this the girl you li-"
"Be quiet, Yamaguchi." Tsukishima quickly cut off the freckled boy talking and turned to you with the slightest of blushes. "This is my friend, Yamaguchi. He started playing the game after I borderline forced him to."
"Hello Yamaguchi! Im (Y/N) and I seriously hope you love Undertale because if you don't you need to die." You smiled sweetly, but your final words were filled with venom making the poor kid jump with fear behind Tsukki. "Ne ne, lighten up a bit Im only joking."
"O-Oh..." The freckled boy began to loosen up as his lips curled into a small smile. "I do enjoy the game very much actually!"
"Oi! What are you all doing standing out there?! Practice is in here!" You turned to see a stunning silver haired boy call out to the small crowd mere yards from the gym. 
"Alright alright, Sugamama! We're heading over!" Hinata yelled back and began making his way over to the large gym. The rest of the team soon followed pursuit, easily striding towards their destination.
"So...What exactly is practice like? Ive only seen Bokuto pract-"
"Shut up Hinata you're gonna make her go deaf."
"I think I should be more astonished about her seeing Bokuto in a school uniform."
<><><>Meanwhile, at Fukurōdani Academy<><><>
"I feel like people are talking about me right now!"
"Oh hello! I haven't seen you around before. Are you new?" The silver haired boy who you remembered was Sugamama spoke and smiled sweetly to you.
"No no, Im not new, just visiting for some friends. Tsukki and Hinata. You returned with a smile and pointed to the two different boys.
"Ah, the opposites of the team. They're pretty different personality wise, how'd you meet them?"
"When I was younger I met Hinata because he had accidentally spiked a ball straight into my face! I met Tsukishima on a website to talk to strangers and we discussed theories about our favorite game."
"Wow, that's pretty cool...the freckled one next to Tsukki, their story is actually sweet. Tsukki helped Yamaguchi with bullies and they met again when Yamaguchi decided to take up volleyball." You smiled hearing the comment made. Both boys were very close and it was now clear why. It also became clear why the freckled boy was easily scared by your remark earlier.
"Hey Suga! Stretching not chatting!" A brown haired male ordered.
"Alright, alright! It was nice talking." The boy, Suga, smiled.
"It was nice chatting Suga-"
"Wara! Sugawara!" Sugawara cut you off before you could you finish your sentence Sugamama.
This team was definitely cool.
<><><>Timeskip to a month later...<><><>
"Nice kill!" You hollered as your Little Giant managed to hit his crazy quick and successfully steal a point.
Things have changed since you first met Tsukki and Yamaguchi. All three of you were now very close friends and make weekly rituals to discuss the still well known game you all loved; Undertale. Every Saturday you all tried another game together at your place, so visits were frequent from the two boys.
You also started to visit the boys' practice much more often leaving a betrayed Bokuto at Fukurōdani Academy.
"Hey, (Y/N). Talk for a minute?" You turned to see a smiling and slightly blushing Yamaguchi.
"Yeah, sure! What's up?"
"I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house so we could play this really powerful game called That Dragon Cancer."
"Hmm....It does sound very interesting...How bout Tsukki is he free?"
"No I already asked. He said something about practicing extra which surprises me..." The boy turned to his blonde haired friend only to see his face the same as its been for been years. "You make him happy..." Yamaguchi mumbled.
"I make him happy..?" You seemed a bit surprised because Tsukishima never shows any sorts of emotion.
"At least happier than Ive seen him in awhile. He doesn't show it, but we've been friends long enough so we both know what we're feeling...You make him happier than I do..." With that, Yamaguchi looked to the ground in disappointment until your soft hands lifted his head back up.
"You probably make Tsukki feel very happy everyday. I'll walk home with you as well and play that game with you." Now the once disappointed boy was overjoyed as a smile painted itself across his face.
"Great! Practice is almost over I can't wait!"
<><><>Timeskip while playing That Dragon Cancer<><><>
"No...No....Joel no...Oh no all the cards...No..." You moved around your character as you explored the hospital full of cards bidding sad, happy, regretful, and grateful farewells to ones who lost the long battle called Cancer. "Oh I want to read them all...all of them...they all deserve to be read..."
"I know (Y/N), I know. I warned you about the sorrows that come with this game." Yamaguchi pulled you into hug as he rested his head on your shoulder. Soon he tugged you into his lap as tears fell from his face and onto your shoulder.
"B-But Yama-Yamaguchi I...Th-They..." You words began to falter as tears began to escape your own eyes.
"They're gone and should still be here...I-I know..." Now you began to sob uncontrollably. Your body shuddering against his turned into a loving rhythm. After a minute of genuine pain from the both you, Yamaguchi turned you around in his lap so he could wipe your tears that were still falling even though his vision was clouded with the moisture.
"P-Please don't cry...we're not even close to done yet..."
<><><>Timeskip to the game credits...<><><>
(Just to inform you all, this game is about a four year old boy who died of cancer. I myself hoped throughout the game that it wasn't based off a true story, but the credits had said specifically 'For Joel Evan Green. January 12 2009 - March 13 2014.' displaying a picture of the young boy himself. This chapter will be dedicated to Joel Evan Green as well as all the people who have died from cancer whether I know them or not. My condolences and prayers go out to you and your family.)
"No...No no no no....." You buried your head into Yamaguchi's chest as the tears began to flow like a river from your eyes. "He was real..." Your body shuddered and was tenderly stroked by Yamaguchi who was crying as well.
"Hey come on...S-Stop you're making me cry more..." Yamaguchi then held your head in his hand while he wiped away the gushing tears. Your faces were in a close proximity as well and...
Caught in the moment, your lips touched.
Now the two of you became very flustered as your cheeks became a bright crimson red, as did his.
"S-S-Sorry I-I uhm I-I..." The both of you searched for proper words, but Yamaguchi had decided to be the brave one and leaned in again for another passionate kiss.
The night ended with one bed, two new lovers, and three words.
You groggily opened your eyes remembering what had happened the night before. Heck you two hadn't even closed out of steam when you finished the game.
When you came to your senses though, fear immediately struck you.
Your hands and ankles were bound, and to your horror, blood stained most parts of the bedroom.
"What happened..." You asked yourself, but arms suddenly wrapped around your waist and pulled you into a bone crushing embrace.
"Good morning love..." Purred a familiar voice.

To be continued...

A/N-Im gonna warn y'all now, the next chapter of Yamaguchi will be bloody. Very gruesome and bloody and...lemoney maybe....my definition of lemon is very different so don't get your hopes up. Anyhow, I really want y'all to read A REALL AWESOME YANDERE BOOK BY MaskCove They wrote/ are writing an amazing yandere book with six yandere guys and I am in love with it. I also need to vent about it to someone so send help freaking gahd. Other then that, STAY AWESOME!

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