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A/N- Hey everyone! Happy, Happy, HAAPPPYY VALENTINES DAY!! I love y'all very very much and you all make me extremely happy with your feedback, SO my gift to you is a special Valentines Day chapter with my favorite, Yamaguchi Tadashi. If you guys want another Valentines Day chapter QUICKLY COMMENT BECAUSE IM PRETTY MUCH DONE WRITING AFTER MIDNIGHT. I appreciate you guys so much, so without further ado, here's your chapter :)

Warning: This chapter contains major spoilers for Your Lie in April. It also involves slight hints of depression and suicide.

Today was the day that love filled the air. Kisses were shared, roses and sweets were given, and time was spent with loved ones. Relationships were sealed today and surprises were made. Everyone was with someone they loved very dearly. However,
You were alone.
Yes, you had no kisses to share, you got nothing, and you didn't spend anytime with your boyfriend.
At least in real life, you didn't.
You actually met your boyfriend on Omegle when you had a five hour conversation about one of the all time best animes: Your Lie In April. Nearing the end of your conversation, you two exchanged Skype's and soon spoke to each other everyday, and boy did you fall for this kid.
Yamaguchi Tadashi
His adorable freckles, his beautiful smile, the way his hair fell perfectly, everything about him was perfect and you loved him so much. He was everything you hoped for.
However, he was 100 miles away from you, and as much as you longed to hug his body, kiss his soft looking lips, and talk to him all night long assuring him that he was perfect. He was everything you weren't.
At the moment, you two were texting each other while you were walking home. You guys had also exchanged numbers recently, so almost everything was good. Your phone vibrated in your hands as you received another message from your adorable boyfriend.
From: Yama Llama (◕‿-)
I can't stress how sorry I am about not being with you today...I want to be with you so badly!
You smiled and sighed happily reading the sweet message. He was so apologetic and cared so much about you. You typed a reply and kept the smile plastered onto your face.
To: Yama Llama (◕‿-)
It's totally fine! Besides, we always have Skype and we can talk. There's nothing to worry about because I know my soul is with you.
You smirked, hoping Yamaguchi would immediately pick up the reference you sneakily threw in there. The two of you were an absolute perfect match. Your phone buzzed again with a reply.
From: Yama Llama (◕‿-)
DON'T MAKE ME CRY ABOUT THAT REFERENCE!! So sad...Anyway, I don't just want to talk to you! I want to hold you and tell you how perfect you are and kiss you...
Oh Yamaguchi...He had also longed to hold you...He was so sweet and amazing. Unfortunately, you had to cut your conversation short because you arrived home.
To: Yama Llama (◕‿-)
Stop making me blush with your lies!! I love you very much, but I need to go because Im home. I'll Skype you later!
Sighing again because you had stopped talking to your lovely boyfriend, you walked up the steps to your home upset that you were alone for the holiday of love.
However, being alone allowed you to do something you don't get to do often. Stay up all night watching anime about love and heartache with your best friends, Ice Cream and Tissue Box along with Mr.Blanket.
Who cares if you were alone, you at least had time to yourself!
Though, you'd much rather spend your time with Yamaguchi and his adorkable presence.
<><><>Timeskip brought to you by tissues<><><>
"How can I live a meaningful life..." You mumbled grabbing another tissue to wipe away your tears. At the moment, you were watching Your Lie In April and...
Things weren't going well.
You were on your favorite episode and the scene that always shattered you in the worst way possible.
Episode 21: Snow
The episode after, what looked like, Kaori died. Even though you already knew she didn't die, the scene still upset you. However, the beginning of this episode was so beautifully presented and yet the longing and hurt was so raw...The symbolism especially got you, but you could relate to this scene so much that you couldn't help sobbing.
(The next part may get a bit confusing. If it has quotes it's from the anime, if not, it's your memories.)
You began to sob uncontrollably as you saw Kousei defeated and his head buried into his knees. Memories of your dark times began to flood you.
The world doesn't need me...Im so useless and worthless...Why...Why...Why him? Take me instead...Take me...
Your sobs came louder and your tears came faster as the scene unraveled in front of you.
"Okay, we're going to practice! Get on your feet now!"
You watched with tears clouding vision. Kousei had refused to get up and was dragged instead. He didn't move a single limb. He was so lifeless and broken.
(Y/N)! Oh my goodness are you ok? What happened? Why aren't you speaking...(Y/N)...N-No! Put the knife down!
"(Y/N)! You have a guest here!" You heard your mother call for your presence, but your response was only sobbing loud enough for the world to hear.
"I can't do this anymore...Can't do this...anymore...Hiroko...Why does it have to end up this way?"
Yamaguchi, I can't do this anymore...It's pointless...If I die then just maybe people will be better. Yamaguchi why...why does it have to end up this way?
Footsteps could be heard approaching your room, but you ignored them and kept watching.
"All I...All I ever wanted play the piano, and to make my mother get well...that's all..."
I just wanted to play with him and make him happy! Play duets and meet him and help him...that's what Ive always wanted...Yamaguchi why is this world so cruel?
You heard your door open, but you were too busy crying to yourself. The scene, the memories, it was all too much for you to handle. You kept watching and ignoring the other person in your room until long and slender fingers you didn't recognize reached out and paused the scene.
"(Y/N)..." This time a very distinct and recognizable voice reached your ears as you cried harder by the second. You were soon pulled into a strong hug as tears slid down your cheeks and onto the boys arms.
"Yamaguchi...Yamaguchi why...Why is the world this way..." You buried your head into his chest as he rubbed your back and rested his chin onto your small head.
"It's ok Im here...Im here..." The freckled boy held you tighter as your small and fragile body shuddered against his strong one. 
"Daniel...I-I want him back Yamaguchi...I want to grow up with my hero..." You barely managed to utter out those words at the remembrance of your hero, Daniel Kyre. He passed away September 18 because of an attempt in suicide. He was taken off of life support that day. You thought maybe if you were gone from this earth then the world be at ease and would be justified, but Yamaguchi set you straight.
"Your favorite scene in all of anime and you're watching it alone and without me?  How rude." Yamaguchi teased you as you felt a large hand cradle your head. "You know that it's ok now, right? No more tears I love you more when you smile."
You looked up and nodded, but your quivering lips said otherwise.
"Hey now, don't sob." Yamaguchi took his index and thumb to lightly grab your chin. Then he leaned down and kissed your shaking lips. Your tears immediately stopped as both of you turned a bright red.
"Surprise." Yamaguchi smiled a perfect smile as you sat there shocked and confused. "I came on a train yesterday and missed a day of school. I love you so much."
"I love you more than Kousei love Kaori." You smiled as you hugged Yamaguchi again.
"Oh now that's love. Let's watch the rest alright?" Yamaguchi unpaused the show as he easily pulled you onto his lap and kissed your cheek.
"Happy Valentines day."

A/N-OK IM LITERALLY SOBBING RIGHT NOW BECAUSE OF THE WORLD AND EVERYTHING AND OH MY GOSH AND UUGGHHH. Your Lie In April is literally amazing and episode 21 is my favorite episode and I can relate on so many levels with it and I love Yamaguchi and THERE IS JUST TOO MUCH!! I hope you enjoyed this special! Just excuse my uhm...ocean of tears. I had fun writing this! Hope you enjoyed! STAY AWESOME!!!

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