Hinata Shouyou II

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A/N Once again, thank you for over 100 reads! Now send help Im almost at 200 what even is this *~*

The gym door quickly slid open. Thank God Hinata turned his gaze to the door rather than stabbing you with a needle! Even you looked to the door only to see three out of breath boys.
Oh no
Sugawara, Nishinoya, and Yamaguchi all stood there breathless and hopelessly confused. Suga had the largest look of concern, Nishinoya kept darting his eyes from you to Hinata, and Yamaguchi looked just about ready to sprint away as fast as he came.
"You. ALL OF YOU!" Hinata suddenly yelled getting off of your body. "You're getting in the way. Especially you." Hinata pointed the syringe to Nishinoya along with a deathly smirk and crazy eyes.
"Hinata...please put that down and let us help (Y/N)." Suga was the first to speak up. Of course he was more worried about you than his own life.
"No! Never! You only want to take her away from me! You're always trying to amaze her with your sets and serves and receives, but she is mine! Mine forever! And ever. And ever...and ever..." Hinata kept chanting the words leaving the three boys shocked and not knowing what to do. They didn't want to die, but they didn't want you to either!
"Hinata...please just untie (Y/N) and we can work something out." Suga tried once more to calm the crazy first year.
"Stop trying to take her! She will never love you, she only loves me! Me!"
Nothing's working! You need to help them somehow before the entire team arrives and everyone dies! Thoughts and ideas were running through your head until a reliable one seemed to come across. You looked to Suga with pleading eyes and gestured your tied limbs. Hoping he got the message, Sugawara nodded his head.
"Please Hinata untie (Y/N). You don't want your...er-girlfriend to be uncomfortable do you?" Yes! Suga executed the plan perfectly!
"(Y/N)...are you uncomfortable? Oh I had no idea!" Hinata immediately began to take off your rope and duct tape. Ok good,good. This is turning out very good. What would make him let you go?
You looked to Sugawara mouthing the word 'plan' but he only shrugged and mouthed 'none'.
"U-uhm Hinata. Why did you do this?" You barely managed to stutter out. It was something brave to do after all. Asking your yandere friend why he was about to kidnap you.
"No no, not why did, why am. I don't plan on letting you leave. Even if you did I would come back for you like the good person I am." This is insane.
"Shouyo this is enough." You turned to see Noya speaking. No no please not Noya! "This is anything but good. You're scaring (Y/N) and all of us. Not to mention the team could be on their way in any minute."
"You can just shut up. I know who you are. What you are. You're nothing. The only thing you want to do is take (Y/N) away from me!" Hinata yelled. This isn't working!
"Stop talking! Ive had enough. Just leave." No, no no! You looked to the two bo- wait two? Yamaguchi. Oh my god Yamaguchi ran!
"Hinata please we want to make sure she'll be ok." This time Suga spoke out. It seems Sugawara is the negotiator in this situation.
"Who better to take care of them than me?" Oh god, please! This isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
"Hinata the entire team has helped them! Look at what you've done now." Suga gestured to your face that was now bruised from the very hard punch.
"O-oh..." Hinata looked down to his feet now. Upset with himself.
"Hinata please let (Y/N) leave and we can figure something out. Ok?" Was this really going to work?!
"N-no! If she leaves now she'll leave my life and ne-!"
"Hinata!" A certain voice pierced through the tensed air. Daichi! The whole team had now arrived. Leading them was Yamaguchi.
"N-no...no no no No!" The sudden change in Hinata certainly surprised you, but it was when he turned to you, you began to become afraid.
"Hinata stop!" Daichi called again. "Stop now or else you will never be able to set foot in this gym!" Hinata faltered in his steps now. Volleyball. The second most important thing in his life.
"Stop." One simple word escaped Hinata's mouth.
"STOP!" Hinata sprinted to you now and quickly trapped you with one arm around your neck and the syringe ready to go into your arm and make you...sleep..?
Now everyone in the gym was silent and completely worried for your safety.
"Just stop talking for a minute."
Silence filled the gym as Hinata thought about an escape route through the entire team. However, the more Hinata thought the more the team thought about ways to save you. Ways to negotiate and escape themselves in case anything went wrong.
"Just let me leave with (Y/N)...and Nishinoya."
"Just. Listen. If I leave with (Y/N) and Nishinoya then nobody will get hurt and nobody will die." This is absurd! There is no way he can agree.
"Hinata please lower the syringe and then we can talk." Suga tried again to negotiate, but to no avail.
"No." One stubborn word that made you want to kill yourself now rather than find the end result of this mess.
"Hinata, (Y/N) may never love you if this is how you...ask her." Hinata loosened his grip around you. He almost fully lowered his hand with the syringe in it. This may be your only chance...
You quickly elbowed Hinata in the face and sprinted. Adrenline immediately coursing through your body.
"Run!" Was the only thing you managed to yell before getting out the door, leaving a growling Hinata.
"Ok, good idea but what now?!" A running Nishinoya said.
"I have no freaking idea, but we need to make it out of this school and into a public place before we die!" You looked back to the now far away gym to see a small hurt figure standing. Watching.
"Oh crap run faster!" You heard Tsukki yell. Never had you heard Tsukki distressed.
"There's no way we're going to make it in time, he's the fastest runner!" Yamaguchi called out.
"We at least need to try." You were desperate. So desperate to get away from...him.
"How about we make it to that convenience store not too far from the school. We might be able to make it!" Suga yelped.
"That's a pretty good idea. If only..." You looked back to see an orange haired boy now running towards you. Crap!
"Guys we need to go a little but faster before we freaking die!" You screamed. All of you somehow quickened your amazingly fast pace and you made it out of the school and to the convenience store alive. It wasn't Ukai's, but it was good enough.
"I can't...believe...we made it!" You were about ready to cry. Everyone was out of breath and ready to cry themselves.
"We...we sure did..!" Nishinoya pumped his fist into the air weakly, and some joined in.
"He seemed...extra angry at you...Noya.." Yamaguchi said.
"I don't know why he was...do you know..?" Suddenly all the attention was on you.
"W-well uhm...I was talking to him this morning about receiving...I wanted to be even better than Noya even though I know that's not possible!" A small blush appeared on your cheeks thinking about you said.
"Well of course that's not possible! Im the best!" Of course Nishinoya responded like that. The tiny libero was best at it! It was his only job, to keep the ball up. 
"At least we made it out..." Sugawara said looking to the ground.
"You were amazing Suga! You weren't affected at all!" Noya praised the grey haired boy, but Suga didn't look any more or less better.
"I was actually terrified. I thought I was going to die...b-but it would've been worth it to save (Y/N)!" Suga replied with a small blush.
"Awww!" Everyone cooed until the shop door open. An orange haired male walked in with a large smile on his face, but everyone else's hearts dropped.
"Hey! Was practice cancelled or something?" Hinata asked as if absolutely nothing happened today. Nobody replied as rising tensions filled the air.
"Guess it was...? What's wrong? You guys look like you've seen a murderer or something!" Hinata was close enough to one.
"W-we're ok Hinata. We were just heading out." Suga courageously said. With that you all rushed out of the store.
"Cya tomorrow!" Hinata called when you and the team were out of the store.
"(Y/N) please let us walk you home!" The entire team yelled once you were far away from the death store.
"Yes! Please walk me home!" You pleaded. To be honest, you wanted the entire team to stay at your place for about...the rest of your life, but that wasn't going to happen. Instead you enjoyed the final...regular moments you had left with them.
As the short journey to your home began, you all kept cracking jokes and laughing as you regularly would. Everyone wanted to forget what had taken place today.
"Oi (Y/N)! What do you think would be better Tanaka or me yandere?" Nishinoya asked as the rest of the team chuckled at the thought.
"If both of you were yandere that'd be great since you two would destroy each other." The whole team began to laugh as Noya and Tanaka smiled at each other knowing that there were no hard feelings...sort of.
Once you arrived at your house you were suddenly filled with fear. You didn't want to leave anyones side at all. You felt safer with the team no doubt about. You stopped at the steps of your stairs almost refusing to go up. You parents weren't at home, so they wouldn't know if you left the house for a day...or a week...
"What's wrong (Y/N)?" You heard Yamaguchi ask.
"N-nothing I just..." You refused to say what you were thinking.
"He knows where you live, doesn't he." Suga stated. The Karasuno mother, of course he knew. You turned around and slowly nodded with a defeated look.
"That's ok you can stay at one of our places!" Nishinoya called out.
"Doesn't he know where you all live?" You asked. You thought that Hinata knew where everyone lived.
"Not me!" Two people called out. The inseparable friends called out, Yamaguchi and Tsukki.
"Nice! (Y/N) you can stay with me!" An excited Yamaguchi said. You had no problem with that since Tsukki wasn't really one to like you.
"Alright then! Stay safe everyone! Practice is still tomorrow!" Daichi announced and everyone dispersed to their homes.
"So (Y/N)....H-how long were you and Hinata friends?" Yamaguchi asked a bit shyly.
"A really long time. That's what scared me the most today because I thought...he was my friend..." You looked to the ground a bit sad but you immediately lifted your hopes remembering you were kinda alive."Thanks for sorta saving me today too. You were the one that got the rest of the team."
"O-oh i-it was nothing! W-well it was actually everything because I-I thought I was gonna die! He never noticed though!" Yamaguchi seemed quite proud of himself for getting the team. It really did save you.
For the rest of the walk home you talked about volleyball and how you wanted to do everything. Even when you got to Yamaguchi's house you still talked about volleyball opponents, different attacks, and even Yama's jump float serve he tries so hard to perfect. It was only until night time that volleyball discussions had seized. Both you and Yamaguchi became silent as you both tried to sleep. Yamaguchi fell asleep first with light snores signaling his rest. It took you a little while, but you finally found yourself drifting into sleep. A dreamless sleep.
When you woke up you were in a different room then your own...oh yeah Yamaguchi's house! You were about to get up but the door opened.
"Good morning (Y/N)!" A smiling Hinata said.

(To be continued)

A/N- I left it at a weird spot I know. But eh...cliffhangers are the best right? Im just gonna pretend you agree. I was gonna make this chapter really bloody, but I decided to save my tears for another time! Probably next chapter...there will be much death though since the entire team helped you. It's late right now though and Im tired so Im just gonna leave this here. Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed! Requests are open! As always, STAY AWESOME!!!

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