Daichi Sawamura II

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A/N: Casually been gone for many many months...woops. All will be explained in another authors note! I know that the worst thing for readers is when they have this book they love, but when they finally come back they write an authors note...yeah, so instead, enjoy the long awaited part two of Daichi Sawamura, because he is crraazzyyy~!

Curling up against the blankets, that were surprisingly soft, you thought of some way to get out of this home. This place.
Then, a mind slowly began to form in your mind. Today was Thursday, so Daichi was already at school for volleyball. But you can't just waltz into school! He'll immediately catch you, heck he's in one of your classes.
A soft groan of frustration escaped your lips as you slammed the pillow down. First things first, get your clothes on. Can't have anyone else seeing you this way.
After pulling on your clothing from yesterday, you tried his bedroom door, which is probably going to be locked anyw-
To your horror, the door swung open to reveal the bright shining of face of...his mother?
"Finally you're awake!" Suddenly her honey voice turned into thick tar "I thought he killed you last night!" What the actual fu- "Don't worry about school today! Daichi wanted you to get some good rest today. Especially after last night's activities!"
The only thing you could do was just stand, shaking. Struck so much by fear. Hopes of escape seeming to fleet you more and more at the moment.
After a few moments of silence, you managed to utter one word, one question that has been racing through you ever since last night "Why...?"
A chuckle first escaped her, then she began to cackle. Slowly, you backed away from the lady, who seemed to quite literally be as mental as Daichi.
Oh wait, shi-
"Because we can of course! My son has had his eye on you for so long!" More giggles and chuckles bubbled out of her. "It's like my husband and I! He eventually learned to love me." Now she stepped towards you, then leaned in dangerously close. "You should do the same, lest you go crazy..." That being said, she stepped back out of the room, locking it from the outside.          Well there goes that escape root, because the parents will not be helping at all.
Taking in all of your anger, you balled up your fists and screamed out your feelings. "This is insane! You're all insane! You can't just keep me in here, I have a family and friends! They'll look for me, and you'll get caught!" You banged with all of your strength. "You have to let me out! I can't stay in here forever!" Tears threatened to spill over. Not out of fear, or sadness, but out of pure frustration and anger. "Get me out of here! Help me, please! I can't be in here, p-please!" Hearing the waver in your voice, you finally gave up, slumping against the door. Not yet letting those tears come out, because you refused to show you were weak.
Staring down at your hands, you saw that some blood stained them. But only some. Curling them up, you squeezed some more of the red liquid out, letting it stain the carpet with no remorse.
"I will get out of here...it will happen..."

.-.-.-.-. Timeskip brought to you by balls. Because Oikawa Tooru LOOVEESS BALLS.-.-.-.-.

Daichi walked through the door as the sun began to set. He remembered that this was your favorite time of day, when all of the beautiful and warm color simply mixed together, and then they were swept away into darkness, with small lights in the sky.
"(y/n)! Im home!"
And so, your plan will begin.
Yes, the rest of the seven hours you were locked in that room, a perfect storm brewed in your mind. And you would make it work, no matter what.
"(y/n)!" You heard him trudge up the stairs, so you let the kept in tears fall. It took all of your strength not to smile as you stared at the dried pool of blood on his floor then back at your hands, caked in your blood from not only banging on the door, but after cutting them yourself to make everything seem blown out of proportion.
The door slowly creaked open. Once fully exposed, Daichi's gaze was fixated on the blood on his carpet. Moments after they darted to you, eyes full of shock and worry. But, when those crazy eyes laid upon your hands, he changed in an instant. A low growl coming from him, fists curling in anger, just as you had done earlier that day. However, he came to you with gentle footsteps.     "Who did this to you? Who did this?!" With each word his chest heaved as his breathing became labored and mixed with anger. His touch was gentle, but his words were deceiving.
Looking down, with the smallest smile, you spoke with a frail voice. "Your mother..."
And that was the only thing it took to make the captain snap. He rose to feet, excused himself in an eerily calm manner, then stomped to the kitchen, where his mother was currently cooking dinner.
After a few yells from both ends, things grew silent. At first, you could only hear some footsteps, but then there was a door closing.
The husband...
Soon, more shouting ensued. But this time it was the deeper voice of the husband. You could not remember his name though...what was it?
You jumped up, hearing a shriek, not from the husband, nor his wife, but from Daichi himself. You ran to the crime scene, noticing now that Daichi was on the floor, blood gushing from his chest. Knife in his fathers hand and ready to stab it's next victim. Quickly, you tried to retreat, but your legs wouldn't allow you to move.
Well, this was definitely not a part of your plan.
The monstrous husband that was once humorous and nice now went, and successfully did, stab his wife, Mai you now remembered, in the stomach. Glaring at her he muttered "I wont let this happen to her too, I can't sit by and watch..."
Questions were racing by in your mind, and not a single one of them could be answered.
Daichi was just killed by his own father? And then he just killed his own wife? What?!
"Please...don't be so frightened..." Your eyes moved from the bloody sight to the eyes of the father. "I just...can't let you go through this too..."
"Wh-what do you..." Your loss of words was evident as your voice broke out in shaky words that you couldn't even comprehend. "Y-You...H-How could you..."
"Im a victim too. My..." he spat out the next word with complete disgust. "Wife. Mai, she was one too...but my son too? I can't allow it. Im so sorry for everything, (y/n). Please forgive me..."
"Of-Of course! Of course! You're saving me, oh my gosh..." Your eyes began to water. "Im saved..."
And though the words seemed so surreal, they rang true.


Ok world, that was the end of Daichi Sawamura. Kinda a dark ending, eh? Killed by his own dad, ech, sadness. BUT HEY this is yandere, so everything is crazy and screwed up. So, as all of you guys know, Ive been gone for awhile. Honestly, it's a crazy and long story, and I feel like it should be better explained in an authors note, but returning with an authors note is so crappy, so Im returning with a new chapter. Like it? Hope ya do!


Im nobody. Who are you? Are you nobody too? -Emily Dickinson

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