Christmas Special- Bokuto ♡

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WHOA WOW, IM WRITING ABOUT SOMEONE WHO ISN'T FROM KARASUNO, IT'S A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE. In all honesty, Bokuto is my spirit animal, and if I had to choose from anyone who wasn't from Karasuno, Bokuto is my man. We share the same birthday ;u; How awesome is that? Pretty freaking awesome. You ready for this y'all? You ready? Neither am I. 

Love interest: My man Bokuto, HOOT HOOT HOODINI


Oneshot: Just a regular little old oneshot, but that's ok I guess 

Title: All I Want for Christmas

You walked merrily down the sidewalk, hat on and past your ears, gloves protecting your hands from the cold and snow. 

Winter, how much you hated. 

For some very odd reason the boy next to you loved winter, adored winter. 

"Bokuto, you're going to catch a cold..." You mumbled, pulling your scarf up over your mouth again. "And you know that I wont let you kiss me if you get sick."

"But (y/n)~!" He whined, squishing you against his chest with strong arms, which you were somewhat thankful for since it supplied more warmth. "I love you so so much, so mean to not let me kiss you!" 

You sighed...His antics...How you loved and hated them at the same time. "Just...don't get sick...ok?" 

"Deal!" Bokuto let go of you, also causing some warmth to disappear. You shivered, the cold coming to greet your body again. "So, what do you want for Christmas this year?"


"No, Im on the phone with Tsukishima." He said, speaking quickly into his phone. You didn't know whether to laugh or slap him. Since he was cute getting all excited talking to his friend, you left him to it. 

You listened in on the conversation, only picking up on freckles, dinosaurs, and...wrapped fingers? How odd. 

You heard Bokuto speak again, asking the same question. "What do you want for Christmas?" 

"I want-"

"What?! So expensive, I can't get you that. Im spending most of my money on my (y/n)~" The internal debate of slapping him again...He interrupted you, but revealed he was getting you something expensive...Ah, why was he so great? 

You walked in silence again, listening on the conversation. This time, a different boy was talking, but Bokuto and his big, giant, adorable head covered the contact. 

Giving up, you looked to the ground, looking at previous footprints in the snow. 

Another time you head Bokuto ask "What do you want for Christmas?" Except this time you just ignored it, assuming he was talking to another unknown friend, or some family. 

"Hello? Earth to (y/n)?" You felt him poke you through your layer of shirts and jackets. "Oya oya oya?"

"What is it, Bokuto?" You chuckled, finally meeting his bright gaze. 

"You heard me, what do you want for Christmas?" 

"Oh is it finally my turn to answer?" You laughed to yourself, but Bokuto pouted, mumbling a 'so cruel!'. 

"Really though, what do you want? I don't want to mess this up like I did on my birthday." He smiled brightly looking ahead, remembering the events. 

He got you lingerie. 


"J-Just don't have a dirty mind wh-while shopping for me!" You yelled through your scarf, causing him to laugh uncontrollably. In response, you shoved him into the snow. Well, attempted to, at least.

He's a big man, ok?

"Hey, don't be like that! It probably looks really sexy on you~" He said, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. 

"Sh-Shut up, baka..." You muttered. You did try it on at home, but you'd never wear it in front of him! It was so embarrassing and inappropriate! Plus you both were still in highschool, you two could never do...that. 

Not yet at least...

"You yell at me for being cruel, but you're the pervert!" You continued yelling at him, but not once did he hand his head in shame, his smile only turned prouder by the second. 

"Because you're my girl! I gotta make sure you have some sexy things!" He laughed, walking up to his door. "Come on, come on we're at my house now anyways! Let's at least be somewhat romantic and watch one of those cheesy Christmas movies!" 

"As long as you don't invade my vital regions..." You mumbled. "And they're not cheesy, they're beautiful!"

You guys watched two, absolutely heart tugging and tear jerking Christmas movies. 

Ok, they were really cheesy and bad, but gosh, those movies just get you every time! 

"Aw, (y/n), there's no need to cry..." Bokuto gently mumbled, wiping your tears. 

"Im f-fine...leave me be..." You secretly wanted more attention. 

And more attention is what Bokuto gave, as he hugged you close and kissed the top of your head. "Come on now, it's not even'll be alright...promise..." 

You two stayed like that for at least ten minutes. Bokuto whispering sweet words to you while you just listened, enjoying the gentle affection and non-perverted side of him. 

Come to think of it, Bokuto really was a sweet man. No matter what, he took care of you and got you what he could. He tried his best, and he mess up sometimes, but that's perfectly ok. Because in the end, you knew he was there for you. To support you, to help you, and to love you. He was always there. And you loved him for that. 

"Hey Bokuto, what do you want for Christmas?"

"Hm..." He pondered for a moment before smirking slightly before looking to you.

"I don't want a lot for Christmas...there is just one thing I need..." He chuckled to himself before continuing. "I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree...I just want you for my own..." He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close. "More than you could ever know...make my wish come true..." He leaned in closer.

"All I want for Christmas is..." 

Your lips were only inches apart.



WHAT A GREAT ENDING THERE DON'T YOU JUST LOVE IT, CAUSE I DO, RUINING DREAMS IS MY SPECIALTY! Honestly, that's an accurate representation of me right there, thanks again Bokuto for being my lovely spirit animal. I love that ending man, I really do. Hehe, I am the best. Who's ready for more? Cause Im ready to type some more for tomorrow's round! Also, Goose House is like consuming my life, someone save me please, thanks, bye ;u;

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