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A/N- Wow all y'all readers are getting specials LEFT AND RIGHT WOO! I got good reviews from the Valentines Day special and that made me happy, but Ive been working on this for a bit and Im excited to share! You guys mean a lot to me and you all deserve many many many special chapters and special things. So, here is your very very very special chapter showing my appreciation towards you, reader-chan!

WARNING: Major trigger warning- Suicide and Depression are MAJOR ROLES IN THIS! Yeah I know Im a sad little lady.

Today was just about the average day. The boys were practicing, the coaches were observing, and you watched with delight. It was the same routine everyday and it was the same routine that had managed to make you smile through your dark times.
Depression and Suicide.
People throw around those words like titles to a person. People always looked at you and constantly said "The depressed girl." They looked up and down your arms and some parts of your legs and said "The stupid suicidal one." As if the words they say had no affect on you. Thinking that the old rhyme Sticks and Stones can break your bones was one that stuck with you. As if the words spat to you never stung your open wounds across your body and the insults so lightly thrown around would never be more to you than just simple words. As if mental illnesses had never even touched your body, you were just a stupid teenager.
Depression and Suicide
Only you and the members of the Karasuno volleyball team thought it was a brave description. A brave description that had described who you are, who you were, and who you wont be in the future. Having the knowledge that depression isn't something that can simply be remedied by the contents of drugs in a first aid kit. Knowing that the scars that ran up and down your body are now reminders. Knowing that you can't simply have it go away in a day. It's a painstakingly slow process.
This team had made you happy again. Though the happiness given hadn't lasted forever, they still gave you something to hold onto. They helped you hold onto life and for that you had forever owed them. A debt you know you cannot fill.
"Hey (Y/N)! Join us for our final talk." You heard the captain request your presence, but you respectfully denied with the simple shake of your head.
"You sure?" This time an angelic silver haired boy invited you, but yet again you denied adding a smile.
You watched nervously rubbing your hands up and down your fragile arms. Though your scars were concealed behind the teams signature jacket, your insecurities and fears had always plagued your thoughts. The team knew of your suicidal side but they knew little of the scars you had. You lied about the ones on your legs and you made sure your arms were only covered. You even had two on your face. Each scar had it's own lie. The one on your cheek was from when you accidentally fell on a sharp rock and the one located near your temple was from a car crash that never happened. 
"Thank you very much!" The teams loud gratitude snapped you out of your low and depression thoughts. You envied all the members of the team. They all had constant smiles and when one wasn't smiling they did everything for the smallest hint of curled lips.
"Oi (Y/N)! You're spacing out a lot, do you need a rolling thunder to snap you back?" A small libero appeared in front of you, prepared to do whatever it takes to see your beautiful teeth.
"No Noya, but thank you for the offer." You lightly chuckled and scratched the back of your head in a worried manner. You were always afraid if you screwed up they would leave you and forever hate you.
"Ne ne (Y/N)! I could show you how awesome these new spikes and tempos I learnt are!" This time Hinata jumped up to your height and put his hands firmly on your shoulders.
"Really Hinata Im fine." You plastered a fake smile on your face. The two words that were the biggest lie ever told. Im fine. You wanted to say 'Help me please' but the two words that always came out were 'Im fine.'
Little did you know, the team was watching you intently, knowing that everything was but fine.
<><><>Timeskip brought to you by pork buns!<><><>
Again you watched the boys smiling and laughing as they devoured the pork buns. How you longed to reach the happiness the genuine they did.
"(Y/N)? Did you hear me?" You blinked a couple of times and remembered that you were having a conversation with Yamaguchi.
"Hm? No I didn't Im sorry." You smiled falsely again hoping he wouldn't notice. Yamaguchi was the person who could relate the most to you. He had many insecurities himself and thought himself to be dumb and lame, even though he had perfect grades and was the sweetest and coolest person you ever met. He was everything you'd never be.
"I asked if you were feeling ok. You haven't been yourself or eating much lately..."
"I-I uh...Im ok just not hungry." Crap you faltered in your mask!
"I know you (Y/N). I don't mean to pry, but please tell me what's bothering you." Yamaguchi looked to you with a serious look in his eyes, but you turned away frowning.
"(Y/N). We've all noticed your different behavior this week. We know you're not ok." You looked up to see Sugawara with a serious expression as well. The rest of the team followed pursuit, staring at you and waiting for an answer.
"I-I uhm th-there's nothing wrong...I need to go." You quickly ended the conversation and began to speedily walk off but two people blocked you.
"Tanaka, Tsukki, please move. Im gonna be late..." Lies flowed out of your mouth effortlessly, but nobody bought it.
"Late for what?" Hinata began to interrogate you as you tried to get past the two people blocking your only exit.
"I have...friends coming over." Tears threatened to prickle your eyes as you grew desperate to get away from the boys.
"(Y/N, we're your only friends. Please stop lying and tell us the truth." Daichi ordered you to speak up, but you kept your mouth shut.
"Just let me leave..." You whispered as you slumped you shoulders in defeat. Little did you know, blood began to trickle down your arms and hands. You forgot about the fresh scars made last night.
"(Y-Y/N)!" You heard Noya yell, but you simply dropped to your knees ready for the harsh words and disappointed voices.
"Quickly, help her! Take off her coat, the bleeding is from her arms!" Suga ordered people to do jobs, but when he said to take off your coat, you protectively wrapped your arms around yourself.
"N-No Im alright I promise!" Tears began to cloud your vision but you kept them in. Despite your asking to leave you alone, they began to lift off your coat, and when they successfully got your coat off
Horror was painted all over their faces.
Several wounds were bleeding profusely on each arm, but you were more concerned about their reactions than your own health.
"Go ahead...tell me how pathetic I am! Im a worthless piece of trash that nobody will ever love...you all are probably pretending to be my friends out of pity. Im what they say I am. Depressed. Suicidal idiot. Call me all of the names you've all been wanting to call me! Call me the names I deserve!" You began to hug yourself and cry as the blood poured out and onto the pavement.
"Hinata run as fast as you can to anywhere that has bandages. Yamaguchi I need to see your bag." Suga began to take control again. Hinata sprinted to a pharmacy a street away and Yamaguchi quickly handed over his bag. Suga plopped himself in front of you and began to rummage through Yamaguchi's bag finding the tissues he knew were in there. Sugawara handed a bunch to Daichi and Tanaka. "Please clean her wounds and wipe the blood." Then Suga took two tissues himself and took your head up in his hands forcing you to look at him. Slowly and softly, he wiped the tears gushing from your (E/C) eyes.
"No more tears. We're all here, we're all here to help." Suga smiled a beautiful and small smile, but your lips still quivered.
"You want us to call you the names you deserve? Fine." Suga let your head go as he took a deep breath preparing to say everything while the entire team stared in disbelief.
"Beautiful. So beautiful. Perfect. Funny. Resilient. Strong. Brave." You looked up to a smiling Sugawara who began to wipe more of your falling tears.
"Why would you lie like that..." You muttered, but the rest of the team heard you.
"None of us lie when we say those things about you! You're the coolest person Ive ever met and you shouldn't think otherwise." This time Yamaguchi spoke up and you swear you thought you heard him apologize to Tsukishima.
"Yeah! You're so awesome, even my receives can't compare!" Nishinoya chimed in and began to compliment you as well. Soon the whole team joined in calling you loving, yet undeserving names.
Soon Hinata arrived with the bandages and you were soon being taken care of again by the mother crow, or Sugawara.
"Please don't hide things like this from us again. We all love you like family...well most of us..." Suga said, but his last sentence confused you until he leaned in and pecked his lips against yours.
"OH MY GOD HE JUST DID IT NOW TANAKA!" Nishinoya screamed in response but you were dumbfounded.
"Yeah...I was gonna confess to you tomorrow, but I guess I got caught in the moment." Suga was blushing mess, but he still looked perfect. Soon, he helped you to you feet and took your hand. "I love you very much, so please don't leave me."
"Suga...I..." You were at a loss for words, but the expression on your face confirmed that you felt the same way.
"You're perfect, ok? Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise." With that said, he kissed you again while the rest of the team cried with joy.
At the moment. This very moment.
You were happy.
Though the happiness can't last forever.

To be continued...(?)

A/N-AANNNDDDD that's your 1K special. If you want a continuation then you've gotta tell me because I can if you want me to. If y'all wanna know what goes through my mind each day, it's this basically, BUT IVE NEVER SELF HARMED. This was sorta fun to write though since I get really passionate when it comes to crap like this. With that being said, STAY AWESOME!!

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