Sugawara Koushi

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You sighed as you sat in class with a bored expression on your face. Your worst subject, your most hated teacher, and the worst time of day all rolled up into one. Morning classes were just never fun, even if the teacher was a good one. It was just your luck to end up with History and the worst teacher ever in the morning though. The world just absolutely loves you.
"Before you all begin to pack up, I have an announcement. I will be assigning a project on what we are currently learning." Well crap. You had absolutely no idea what the teacher was talking about because you never even payed attention! "Being the good teacher I am, I will allow you to choose partners!" After he said that, the class erupted into a frenzy of asking one specific boy.
Sugawara Koushi.
He was the smartest, most athletic, and hottest boy in your school. His beautiful brown eyes, his gorgeous grey hair you wanted to play with, his bright and charming could just go on and on.
He would never notice you though. Heck he was already being asked by three of the prettiest girls. You were Your plain (H/C) hair, dull (E/C) eyes, not to mention your poor grades and non-athletic body. He had it all while you were just stuck at zero.
"U-uhm..." You heard someone stutter out trying to get your attention. You looked up to see a boy a bit familiar...Short brown hair. Pretty generic. Brown eyes too...
"Hello." You said smiling warmly, trying to set a good atmosphere between you two.
"H-Hello. I was wondering if you wanted to work with me on the project." He asked with a small smile.
"Of course! Nobody ever willingly asks me anyway, so I'll be your partner!" You replied with a smile and a bit of a blush. To be honest, you were flattered that someone asked you! "Lets start out with simple questions...what's your name?" You asked.
"Daichi. And you?"
"(Y/N). How about sports? You play any?"
"Im the captain of the volleyball team! Im almost appalled that you didn't know."
And so you two began to talk and laugh as if you've known each other for years. It was only to the last 10 minutes of class you actually began to talk about the project. Even when you did get to the project, Daichi had to explain what you were learning in class. That took an extra five minutes and you still had to plan where you were going to work and when.
"Well, I have volleyball practice today, so maybe you can study up on some things while I practice and then we can come to my place and keep studying until whenever." Daichi suggested.
"Oh, leaving me to do all the work while you play a game."
"First, it's more than just a game. It means a lot. Second, I assume that's a yes?"
"Definitely." You responded, closing your books to pack them into your bag.
-•-•-Timeskip to practice brought to you by brown eyes!-•-•-
"Wow Daichi! You're getting really good at your receives!" You heard one of the boys call out.
"How did you handle the serve Kageyama just did?!" Another one of them exclaimed.
"Be quiet so I can study..." You mumbled while blankly staring at your History text book. You couldn't complain about the noise though. This was their 'home' and you just need to deal with it. Besides, it gave you a good reason to procrastinate.
You looked up to see a black haired boy getting ready to serve again. You were intrigued by this sport. It was more interesting than History at least.
"(Y/N) pay attention to your work not the sport." Daichi said. He hasn't even take his eyes off the ball!
"How do you know Im watching you play?!" You responded a bit interested in knowing.
"You responded to what I said." The smirking captain said. He got you there...
With a red face, you returned back to your reading while listening to approving yells and the occasional cries of pain. Sneakers squeaking became a rhythm in your head and the volleyball hitting the ground became a beat. Soon you were lost in the song and spaced out yet again.
"(Y/N) look out!" You heard someone yell, but before you could react, a volleyball hit your face.
"Oh no, oh no, oh no! Please be ok! Did I kill you?!" You heard footsteps coming towards you as you picked up the volleyball.
"You didn't kill me but that did hurt a lot..." You mumbled looking up to a worried boy. Oh god it was Sugawara!
"I am so sorry! It was my fault Im sorry! Are you ok?" He kneeled down apologizing over and over and asking if you were ok.
"Im fine! Im ok my face just probably has a red mark." You responded trying to end his apologies.
"Are you sure? Your face looks really red! P-please let me take you to the nurse!" Suga stuttered holding out a helping hand.
"M-my face is red?!" Crap you were probably blushing! "I-its nothing! Im fine."
"Pay no attention to Sugamama he just gets really worried!" You looked to see a short by with one small section of hair a different color, yelling. You couldn't help but laugh at the new nickname.
"Here. Take the ball and get back to practice. I am ok." You handed the ball to Suga and he ran off with one last 'Sorry!'
This volleyball team.
It was strange. They were all very passionate, and yet there was a sense of playfulness in the air. Seriousness contradicting carelessness. It really made you wonder what this team was made of and what they did.
"Stop spacing out (Y/N)!"
-•-•-Timeskip after practice brought to you by MY FREAKING TEARS-•-•-
"Alright everyone practice over! Tomorrow morning we still have practice. Clean up!" Daichi ordered, and with that, everyone was cleaning up. Now was your chance to procrastinate one last time!
You started to help picking up volleyballs and empty water bottles. To be honest, juggling volleyballs is not an easy task! Especially when you're holding too many...
"Here let me help!" You heard a boy ask. He had various freckles and some long hair...oh what was his name?!
"Oh! Thank you!" You said while trying to remember his name. Y...Yuri? No. Ya..Yard? Definitely not. Yama...YAMAGUCHI!
"Oooh..." You mumbled to yourself now remembering his name.
"Hm?" Yamaguchi turned his head to see your face full of realization.
"N-nothing. I just remembered something..."
"Probably my name." Laughed Yamaguchi.
"How did you know?!"
"Nobody remembers my name. Everyone usually remembers my friend, Tsukkis, though."
"Oh..." Things suddenly seemed a bit awkward and depressing. It was saddening that nobody remembers the adorable boys name.
"Hey (Y/N)!" You turned to see Daichi running towards you. "Quick change in plans. My friend, Sugawara, asked if he could work on his project with us since his partner couldn't make it tonight. Is that alright?"
"Yeah that's totally fine! I guess we should head out then?" You asked turning to the gym doors.
"Yeah lets go." Daichi said heading for his friend and the doors.
"Cya Yama!" You smiled and waved following after the two boys.
-•-•-Timeskip to Daichi's place brought to you by SOBBING-•-•-
"Im home! I also brought friends!" Daichi called out to his parents. No answer greeted him, so you all assumed they weren't home.
"Im gonna go grab some things. Please make yourselves comfortable." Daichi smiled humbly as he headed upstairs, to his room, you thought. In the meantime, you and Suga silently sat at a table located near the kitchen.
"(Y/N) please be honest when I ask you this. Do you like Daichi?" Sugawara suddenly asked.
"Well of course I li-"
"More than a friend." He added. Well then...This conversation took a turn. You liked Daichi as a friend, but you guys just met today! Yeah he had beautiful brown eyes...His smile was amazing....Oh gosh you are falling for him!
"W-well..." You started with a blush beginning to rise on your cheeks. "I...I uhm..."
"You do, don't you..." Suga sighed at your response, but he only got up and entered into the kitchen. "Im only looking out for my friend. I don't want him to get hurt, that's all " Suga came out of the kitchen with some fruit and a knife to cut it with.
"I promise I wont. I have no intentions at least. It's good that you want to look out for your friend. Very sweet."
"We've been friends ever since we were first years..." Suga said recalling the memory. He picked up the knife and began to cut the fruit he brought.
"Suga! Why are you doing things, you're the guest!" Daichi scolded Suga. He walked over to Sugawara to get the knife but...something went terribly wrong.
"You think you can just steal her away from me?! You know I love her, so why?!" Suga held the knife at the captains neck with a crazed look. Never had you seen the calm grey haired boy, insane.
"Answer me!" Suga yelled, pressing the knife close to his neck.
"I-I didn't know she liked me! Cut this out Sugawara!" Daichi managed to holler back. You were too stunned to speak. Silence and blushing is the only thing you could return.
"As if you didn't know! The only thing I need to cut out right now is your heart!" Suga yelled gesturing the knife to Daichi's heart.
"Suga..." You slowly mumbled. Suddenly all the attention was on you.
"What is it my sweet (Y/N)? Im sorry, am I scaring you right now? I'll put the knife down, will that make it better?"
"U-u-uhm...I uh..." You were at a total loss of words. What the heck were you supposed to say to an absolute psychopath? An extremely hot psychopath?!
"Sugawara I think you need to calm down an-"
"Don't tell me what to do. Only (Y/N) can." Suga cut off Daichi and turned to you again. "Would it be better if I killed him? Is that enough to prove my love?"
"N-no! Please no! I-I don't want anyone t-to die!" You stuttered out.
"Then please give me a reason why shouldn't kill him. After all he's been getting the way of our love."
"J-Just don't do anything to Daichi! I-I'll do anything. Do whatever you want to me, just please don't do anything to Daichi." All of the words flowed out of your mouth like a word vomit. You used one hand to cover your mouth after realizing what you just said.
"Anything?" Sugawara was very interested in your offer.
"No (Y/N)!"
"Anything." You finished your sentence looking sadly at Daichi. You knew exactly what this meant, but his life was probably more important than yours.
"Well then." Suga put down the knife and smiled widely. "I guess we will be leaving."
"(Y/N) please..." Daichi was now pleading for your life, but
"A deal is a deal." You looked to the ground as the words left your lips. You knew you two wouldn't be able to talk again...
You felt someone take hold of your hand. "Come on (Y/N) we have work to do."
"Right..." You walked away from Daichi and soon after, out of his house.
"Lighten up. You're mine now." Suga pecked your lips and then whispered "Forever."
It was true too. You promise to be his for the sake of everyone. Even if it meant you being miserable. Coming to grips with reality, you began to cry.
"Please don't cry." Sugawara said kissing away your tears. "Im here now, it's ok."
This only made you cry more.
You can't escape. Heck, you're too afraid to. The only thing you can do is wait to die, wait to escape, or wait for Sugawara to die. You hated waiting. Everything seemed to slow down now that you were Suga's. Until you heard something. No, someone. They...were calling your name!
"(Y/N)! Sugawara!"

To be continued

A/N- Send help this is over 2,000 words. SEND HELP THIS IS OVER 500 READS. SeNd HeLp DaIcHi DiEd oN tHe CoUrT. Freaking Haikyuu fandom is too awesome. Im actually in waayyyy too many fandoms right now it's really bad. First off: I want to apologize for my depression A/N. That was probably really immature of me and I will probably unpublish it soon. Second: Whenever I said in this chapter that you were anything but perfect, those are all very large lies because you are all beautiful and amazing people and you deserve the sun. Other than that, I HOPE YOU ENJOYED!! This was fun to write. It was noice. Im very reluctant to do Yamaguchi. My baby Yams...Oh whale. For now though, Stay awesome!

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