Sugawara Koushi II

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A/N-I watched the new episode of Haikyuu! and I was literally so afraid, so I read ahead in the manga series and I haven't stopped crying for about 10 minutes oh my god ihaveneverbeensohappyinmylifeicannothandletheoverwhelmingjoyinmysoulsomeonehelpmeohmylordjesuschristicantrightnowfreakingholymightylordaboveicannotbelievewhatthefuturholds.

"(Y/N)! Suga!" A voice familiar, but not the captain you met before, called out to the two walking figures. At the sound of this voice, Sugawara noticeably tensed and slowly began to crush your hand.
"Ah, Nishinoya! What're you doing out right now? I'd expect you to be at home by now." Sugawara began to scold the short boy, but you noticed he was holding a bag with something you couldn't make out.
"Just groceries. Geez mom you don-(Y/N)? Why are your eyes red and puffy..." Nishinoya began to question you and soon began to question what was going on.
"It's ok Nishinoya. (Y/N) is handling something a bit personal at the moment and she just needs some comfort." Jesus this boy knows how to talk to people. He's such a good liar! There's no way you could get out of this.
"Wait, hold up. (Y/N) has known Suga for longer and she has never come to volleyball practice?! Why?!?"
"I uh...wasn't too fond of him until recently. We were just acquaintances."
"You were? Ooh are you guys dating now?!" Now you were lost for words, but Sugawara was on top of it creating lie after lie for every scenario that could happen. 
"Yeah we are now! She was just too nervous to come to practice before, but since her and Daichi had a project to work on she was forced to come today."
"If she has a project with Daichi, why is she walking home with you?" Nishinoya raised his eyebrow in a suspicious manner, but the grey haired boy kept his facade expecting the question to arise.
"She got an important message and had to come home immediately. The personal issue I was talking about before. So, here we are now." Sugawara smiled showing signs of no worries. The once suspicious Noya now calmed down and began to walk ahead of you two.
"Well, I hope you feel better (Y/N)! Also, come to practice more often, it's better with your presence. Cya!" The boy waved a final goodbye as he speedily walked to, what you assumed to be, his home. Suga's grip on your hand loosened as the libero walked away.
"That was too easy...Now, shall we come to my home? My parents aren't home, so we can do anything." Your body unwillingly shuddered and this made Sugawara laugh. "I take that as yes."
You just kept your eyes ahead and kept your gaze fixed on the libero that was slowly disappearing from sight. You noticed that he had taken out his phone and began to talk to someone. Despite the distance between you two, you could make out some words he said. Some unimportant like 'Lying' and 'still ahead' but some intrigued you and gave a hint as to what he was talking about when the words 'crying' 'holding hands' and 'tense' left his mouth.
"Something wrong?" You turned to see gentle brown eyes looking down to you, but you knew what were behind those glowing orbs.
You shook your head no and continued the journey to your new, hell.
<><><>Timeskip to Sugawara and his house<><><>
"Welcome home, (Y/N). Please take off your shoes and make yourself comfortable in the living room while I run upstairs. Try to escape and the consequences will be grave." Again, your body involuntarily shuddered making the male giggle ate your fear. You never wanted to figure out what the consequences would be unless you really, really, needed to get out of there.
Screw it you really need to get out of there.
Once Sugawara saw you sit comfortably on a sofa he trotted upstairs leaving you to an escape plan.
First, you attempted the windows. Surely they had to be unlocked, but they were all sealed tightly shut leaving you to look for more exits. Next you went to the kitchen in hopes that a back door would be found. To your surprise, a door was found, but yet again you were turned away as the door didn't open because of the locks.
"Come on dang it just open..." You mumbled while tugging at the door again and again. You couldn't head out the front door because your captor would see you if he came down the stairs.
"(Y/N)...?" Your body froze in place when you heard your name being called by the devil himself. Slowly, you turned your terrified body to meet the hurt brown eyes of the male. When your eyes met and locked you were completely paralyzed and helpless, but Sugawara was taking slow steps towards you. "What did I say, (Y/N)" The boy was rapidly approaching your body now, but the best you could do was back up into the door behind you. Finally, his tall body loomed over your petit figure as he placed both hands beside your head. "I said grave consequences..." Sugawara leaned in dangerously close and began to lick his lips as a lustful look took over his eyes.
"P-Please don't..." You weakly stuttered, but the boy showed no mercy as his lips crashed into yours. He tried deepening the strong kiss, but you refused to let it go further. Soon he began to attack your neck sucking it in various places, marking his territory with bruises and love marks.
When he pulled away his expression darkened and a sick grin appeared on his face showing he wasn't quite satisfied het, but was enjoying what was happening. "I warned you, but you've always been so stubborn." Before you could take another breath, his mouth took over yours. Soon he removed his hands from beside your face and to your hips hoping that he could trail his slender hands up and to your chest.
However, before any of that could happen, another voice interrupted the forced love.
"Stop this now." Slowly, Suga turned to look at the source of the voice and he moved out of your way. A mixture of relief and worry washed over you as you saw the hero himself:
Alfred F. Jones...Just kidding guys, kidding kidding...I wish though...
The hero himself:
Daichi Sawamura.
Along with some other familiar faces from the team you saw earlier like Nishinoya, Asahi, and surprisingly, Yamaguchi.
"Ah, I see you've all come to join the party." Almost all of Sugawara's attention was on you, but he snaked an arm around your waist defensively.
"Sugawara I realize that (Y/N) is now yours, but I can't stand by and watch her get raped." Daichi began to take a step forward. This caused a chain reaction to Sugawara switching your body in front of his and him now putting both arms securely around your waist. "If you want her so bad then come and get her." His hot breath prickled your ear causing you to squirm uncomfortably.
"N-No guys it's al-I-Im alright just go home...please..." With each word desperation and worry was more and more visible. Tears began to prickle your eyes and cloud your vision as they soon began to cascade down your cheeks like falling rain.
"We all know that's a lie. I realize we just met today, but I care about you. We care about you." This time Nishinoya joined in on the battle. Tension filled the room sending toxic waves everywhere as glares were exchanged.
"My sweet (Y/N)...Please don't cry...I can make this all better..." The silver haired boy, who was once angelic, whispered into your ear. "I can take care of this."
"(Y/N) what is he sayi-"
"Don't interrupt our conversation." Suga snapped to the captain who had boldly taken another step.
"So, my princess, would it be best if I killed them, all of them?" His breath once again hit your ear this time causing you to shake and shudder.
"P-Please anything bu-"
"Shh don't let them hear your answer. This is between us." His hand covered your mouth forcing you to just shake your head no.
"Please Sugawara let us protect (Y/N)." Yamaguchi spoke weakly, fear obviously present in his voice.
"I am protecting (Y/N). Well, I mean you're all still alive so I guess Im not fully protecting you yet..." Sugawara let his arms fall from your mouth and waist as he grabbed a knife from a nearby drawer.
"N-No...Please..." You stood helplessly as the silver haired boy approached the tiny libero. His height made him the most vulnerable.
Warning: Things will be getting bloody...unfortunately.
"Oi don't touch me! I haven't done anything to you." Noya prepared to make a dash, but the setter was faster as he held him strongly by the neck and slit his throat spraying blood everywhere.
"One down two to go!" Suga gleefully sang as he turned to his next victim; the captain.
"Sugawara what happened to you..." Daichi slowly backed away and towards your shaking figure. This infuriated the boy and he made his move to slice the knife through his stomach, but the captains reflexes were a second faster as he caught the psychos hands that clutched a now bloody knife.
"Nothing happened to me. It was you who got in the way! You knew it so why? Why?!" Suga kept pressing the knife closer and closer to Daichi's stomach, soon making a small cut on the stomach.
During that battle, Yamaguchi made his way to you and began to comfort and calm you.
"I-I know things are very bad right n-now, but I need you to take deep breaths. Ok? It'll be alright just calm down." Yamaguchi began to stroke your hair and your shuddering body soon turned still and your short panicked breaths turned regular, but once you calmed down, a painful scream pierced the air as you turned to see a knife through Daichi's stomach.
"Ahaha how adorable! The most cowardly one of them all and yet he's the final one standing." Sugawara began to laugh as blood from the captains stomach pooled around his shoes.
"Please Suga I know you love (Y/N) very much so please listen to her wishes. I know she doesn't or didn't want this to happen." Yamaguchi now stood in front of you defensively, tears pooling into his small orbs.
"Mmm...I don't think so. I must protect my precious (Y/N)." And so, the grey haired boy made his way to the pinch server.
Yamaguchi turned to you, tears now falling from his eyes. Before the knife reached him, he pulled you into a hug and whispered "Im sorry, but I really tried." before he screamed in agonizing pain as a knife went through his stomach and was pulled out. Blood splattered some parts of your face, but your tears cleared a patch of your skin.
"Hush hush...Im here now..." Now Sugawara pulled you into a hug as he tried his best to comfort you, but you would not stop crying and would not ease into his touch.
"I told you, but you didn't listen." Small sobs now escaped your lips as you realized the inevitable.
"You can't escape me."


A/N-This was uh...brave. I just took myself way outta my comfort zone while typing this wow. I can't believe I killed Yamaguchi twice now, TWICE! Im a monster...Anyhow I don't have any announcements or what not...After I start up my small Tsukishima Kei yandere thing I should be getting around to different volleyball teams and people like Oikawa, Kenma, Bokuto, all the wonderful people. Me and Bokuto actually have the same birthday **cries**. But that's it. Hope y'all enjoyes and STAY AWESOME!!!

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