Hinata Shouyou III

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A/N- Important stuff at the end please read! Enjoy!!

"Good morning (Y/N)!" A smiling Hinata greeted you.
This cannot be happening.
You checked your surroundings and you were still in the Yamaguchi's room, but where the heck was Yamaguchi?
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" Hinata laughed as he closed the door. You were still groggy and confused about what is happening, why it is, and where the heck Yamaguchi Tadashi is!
"Yamaguchi..." You slowly called, hoping that the shy boy would come or even reply, but no answer came and no footsteps were heard.
"Oh sorry, he's busy. How about we get ready for the day?" Hinata swiftly walked towards you, but you stepped away with weak legs. You don't want what happened yesterday to happen again today.
"I...I don't understand..." You kept backing away until you finally reached a wall, leaving you vulnerable and trapped.
"It's ok I'll explain later." Hinata put both of his hands near your head so you couldn't escape. "Oh no...I really did hurt you..." Hinata's eyes trailed to you black and purple cheek. He caressed it and kissed it, making you flinch at his touch. Not only was it creepy and sadistic, it kinda hurt too. "Im sorry (Y/N)...At least I found you! Im a wonderful boyfriend aren't I?"
You were at a loss for words. No matter how many times you opened your mouth to speak, you couldn't utter a single word. At the moment, you were weak and the best thing you could do was stay silent until you had a legitimate reason to speak.
"Not talking? Oh well! I really had you fooled for quite sometime (Y/N). Always hanging around you, always being protective, you missed all the times I glowered at every other guy that looked at you. All the times I made you come to watch me practice volleyball. I made you believe that I was obsessed with volleyball, but I was only obsessed with you." Hinata's eyes trailed up and down your body as he claimed his 'prize.' "Your perfect body, beautiful hair..." He leaned in extremely close to your face until he softly kissed you. "Your soft lips..." He smirked as his expression darkened. "You never noticed until I showed you yesterday. You didn't accept it though, and that upset me very much."
You lips began to quiver thinking every bad scenario that could happen. He might rape you, burn the house down, kidnap you, kill the team, the possibilities were endless. Tears began to cloud your vision, but you held back as long as possible. Taking in deep breaths trying to calm yourself.
"Hush, hush don't cry. Im here." Hinata began to stroke your hair in a soothing manner, but you only shook violently and flinched trying to stop yourself from sobbing.
This was the end.
"Yamaguchi? You're late today!" You heard a familiar male voice call for his friend downstairs...Tsukki!
"Tch. He shouldn't barge in on our business. I'll take ca-"
"Yamaguchi...? What happened to you?" The blonde male found Yamaguchi and you could hear the concern. You just hoped they had enough time to at least get a weapon to protect themselves with.
"Ugh...Why does he have to ruin all of our fun? I'll be right back sweetie." Hinata winked and casually walked off. He showed no signs of murdering anyone nor did you think he had the guts to, but at the same time,
Hinata is crazy.
"N-No! Stay away! Please don't!" You heard an extremely familiar and fearful voice plea.
"Well maybe if that telephone pole didn't walk in, you'd be fine." You could practically hear Hinata smirk as slow footsteps could be heard. However, they were stopped when someone cried in pain.
"Oh-Oh my gosh..."
Scrambling footsteps could be heard. One pair running for what sounded like the exit and another pair running up the stairs and towards you. Not knowing who it was though, you stayed silent.
"(Y-Y/N)! You're alright!" A freckled boy ran up to you and engulfed you into a hug. His body shuddered against yours as his grip tightened. "Im s-so sorry that I d-didn't protect you. We need to go now, ok?"
You nodded in response as Yamaguchi took your hand and hurried to what you assumed was Tsukishima. When you had passed the kitchen you dared to look inside and saw something horrible.
A whole bunch of knives, blood splatters, and a bleeding Hinata on the floor. Yamaguchi pulled you forward though.
Until you were pulled back and onto the floor.
"I wont...let you...leave..." Hinata grinned wickedly as he tried to pull you closer.
"N-No! Leave me alone!" You kicked Hinata in the face, but his grip never faltered. "Yamaguchi please help me!" The freckled boy ran up to you and pulled you towards him, but his grip never gave.
"Even while he's dying he's annoying..." Tsukki commented as he walked towards the bleeding boy. Out of no where, he stepped on Hinata's wrist with so much force, it broke. You scrambled onto your feet and dashed straight for the door, not caring what the orange haired boy had to say to anyone.
"(Y/N) wait!" You heard one of your two saviors call out. You turned to see Tsukki and Yamaguchi running towards you.
"We just saved you, now you're gonna run from us?" Tsukki plainly asked. The jerk never showed any emotion.
"Tsukki, don't sound so mean...Are you ok (Y/N)?" Yamaguchi put both of his hands firmly on your shoulders and stared straight into your eyes. You didn't answer though, you just collapsed into his arms while crying. You were a total mess. Exhausted, afraid, relieved.
"It's ok (Y/N)...Lets get to practice and then you'll be safe for sure." Yamaguchi rubbed your back and comforted you as the three of you began your journey to Karasuno.
<><><>Timskip brought to you by Owari No Seraph<><><>
"Yamaguchi, Tsukishima! Where have you-" Daichi began to scold the two boys until he looked up and saw the sight given to him.
A crying (Y/N), a very afraid looking Yamaguchi with arms covered in bruises and comforting you, and an average Tsukki, except some blood on him.
"What happened to you guys..." Nishinoya was the first to speak as he approached the three of you.
"Hinats happened. What else?" Tsukki coldly spat back. Nishinoya glared at the tall french fry as he turned to the two people that actually had souls.
"What happened?" Noya firmly asked again. This time Yamaguchi answered.
"He followed us home...It was my fault...I woke up in my kitchen tied and gagged. Tsukki came to pick me up for practice, but he found me in the kitchen. Hinata saw us and was about to kill me, but then Tsu-"
"Are you ok (Y/N)?" Nishinoya cut off the speaking boy and turned his full attention to you. However, you had no intention to speak. Only your lips quivered as more tears streamed down your face.
"Take that as a no..." Noya walked forward as he hugged you tightly. Soon the rest of the team joined in as you held back sobs.
"We'll always be here (Y/N)...Not in a Yandere way..." You heard Sugawara say as he rubbed your back in a motherly fashion.
You were amazed.
Amazed that you got away from a freaking Yandere as he died in pain on the floor. Two average friends helped you get away from a crazed murderer.
You were forever grateful for the entire volleyball team.
They helped you get out of the clutches of a crazy orange haired 'friend'.
At least you hoped they did.


A/N- Congratulations guys, you survived Yandere Hinata! Would y'all want a cookie or naw...You probably don't since they were freshly baked by Hinata. Anyhow, I apologize for my absence yesterday, but I am never uploading on the 13th as Ive said in previous chapters. So, IMPORTANT STUFF!! Ive been crazy, crazy, crazy obsessed with Owari No Seraph, so how would you feel if I did an Owari No Seraph one shot book? I really enjoy the anime, so get back to me on that! That's all I got though, so STAY AWESOME!!!

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