Nishinoya Yuu III

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A/N-Im listening to the Haikyuu! soundtrack and I can't handle it. I can pinpoint EVERY scene that the music is heard in and the memories and the beauty it's so amazing. Ive been crying for two hours like send help.

The phone of a certain boy who just died rang.
The familiar ring tone filled the room and you already knew who the caller was.
After thoroughly listening to about 15 seconds of the song, Heavenly Spirit from FullMetal Alchemist, Sugawara and his call finally stopped and all hope was lost.
It was odd to have Sugawara call Yamaguchi at any given point. Yes, they were friends and usually discussed anime, but both preferred texting. A call meant something serious.
"Noya...You should pro-" Before you could finish your warning, your own device began to vibrate and you immediately suspected who it was. You looked to Nishinoya not knowing what to do. Even the libero was at a loss until he fished out the phone, answered the call, and held the phone to your ear for you.
"H-Hello..?" You hesitantly answered, and sure enough the silver haired boy was heard on the other end.
"Hey, (Y/N). Ive been trying to get a hold of Yamaguchi since him and some other guys were supposed to gather tonight to start an anime, but he never showed. Do you happen to know where he is?" Sugawara had asked for your boyfriend, but his tone had changed slightly. Suga and his motherly instincts knew something was wrong.
"Im sorry I don't know where Yamaguchi is. He walked me home, but now he's...gone." Your hesitation and your answer caused the libero next to you to tense up, but you kept your ground.
"Oh, then Im sorry for bothering you. Would you like to come over then? Asahi and Tanaka are the only other two here, we wouldn't mind waiting." This kid was really smart, but how would you get your way out of this mess with your yandere captor next to you.
"N-No I can't join you sorry. School work has me a bit tied up at the moment. Would you mind if I came later?"
"No, no we wouldn't mind! Would it be better if we came to you instead?"
"Oh no no no! It's totally alright I can catch up on my own and join you another day."
"Ah, but (Y/N) what if there is no other day? It's settled, we'll come to you." Worry was the first emotion that flooded you as Noya pulled the phone away, but the boy on the phone wasn't done yet. "Oh and Nishinoya. Yes, hello I know you're there. Lay a finger on the poor girl and I will make sure Yamaguchi knows up in heaven that you were hurt in multiple ways."
And with that, Sugawara hung up, leaving a stunned Noya and a worried you. The only thing you could do now was wait as the small libero scrambled to grab various weapons and means of torture.
When most knives, bats, and any other possible silent killers were brought out, Noya brought up a chair right in front of you and began to interrogate you.
"How did he know?" Was the first thing that came out his mouth, and it was the only thing as he patiently awaited your answer.
You, however, needed to be very smart in your answers because you knew this boy was about ready tip, and with all of the weapons surrounding you...The situation was never safe to begin with.
"I have no idea...Yamaguchi was supposed to go over to his house, but he's..." Tears stung your eyes and threatened to leak over, but Nishinoya wasn't going to comfort you yet since something was up between you two.
"Dead. I know. That scum wont talk to you ever again...So, he was supposed to go to Sugawara's house...Crap..." The libero rose from his chair and got a knife in hand. "He should be here pretty soon."
You silently cheered to yourself until a doorbell rang. The front door? They're smarter than that, what are they thinking?!
"Don't worry (Y/N). I'll protect you." Nishinoya smiled wickedly and menacingly made his way up the stairs and the assumed to be door. When the squeak of the door opening was heard, no conversations were started, just two bodies hitting the floor in a battle. If that's one, where're the other two..?
The basement door flung open as two third years rushed down the stairs and to your body.
"(Y/N)! Oh god Yamaguchi...Oh man are you ok?" Sugawara ran to your tied up form and began to check your body for wounds and such and then began to untie you.
"Being perfectly honest..." tears escaped your eyes and you seemed to break down on the spot. "No, not at all."
"Well, we'll get you out of here first, retreat back to my house, call the police, and discuss important matters. Asahi?" The setter looked to the tall ace and surprisingly, the nice giant had a bat in hand. Suga grabbed a knife from a nearby table and took hold of your hand.
"We should hurry...I don't hear Tanaka and Nishinoya anymore." You all listened intently, but Asahi was right. No sounds could be heard from upstairs, until the basement door flung open.
"Out the back door, now! Hurry because I-" Tanaka screamed in pain as he fell to his knees. Luckily, no fatal wounds came to the boy afterward so you assumed he was stabbed somewhere on his legs.
"I can't kill my best, Suga and Asahi. Famous third years that have come to steal away my (Y/N). Why?" Nishinoya pushed his friend out of the way and slowly made his way down the stairs, setting an unbelievably ominous tone to the silent room.
"Noya people are not property you can't just...claim (Y/N). She already gave her love to someone else."
"Well now that scum is out of the way so now she can be all mine."
"No. Not quite yet. See, Yamaguchi was wise beyond his years, his insecurities just never showed it. He knew who you really were before anyone else did. So, in a way to protect her in means of negotiation and love, the team and I will now be taking care of (Y/N)." Sugawara defensively stoop in front of you, ready to protect you at all costs. Asahi tightened his grip around his bat and prepared to swing at his now yandere friend.
"I am apart of the team, mother."
"Not for much longer if we don't get (Y/N) safely out of here within the next five minutes."
The room fell silent as Nishinoya began to think about the situation give to him. Obviously, he'd give up his life for you, but how would all of his friends react? Be forever alone or with the one you love?
"I must decline your offer. Sorry, you need to go now." Nishinoya gripped his knife handle as he prepared for a battle with the silver haired boy, forgetting about his friend, the tall ace.
"We wont leave without (Y/N)...One more chance, and think long and hard."
The room fell quiet once again, but moments later, silence wasn't your friend.
"My answer is still no." Nishinoya slowly passed Asahi, focused on the only thing that mattered: you.
"Fine. You make us do this." And so, Asahi swung at the libero and hit him with the bat leaving a sound that sent shivers up your spine.
Suddenly, you were picked up bridal style by Sugawara and the group began to slowly make their was back to the setter's house. Tanaka turned out to be fine and could walk, you were carried because your mind was still trying to thoroughly process everything that just happened.
What mattered now to everyone is that you were safe and out of harms way.
"What...What you said about Yamaguchi back there...was that all true?" You quietly asked, wrapping your hands around the warm teacup given to you.
"Every word. It's quite a shame...He loved you so much, and yet he was so shy and insecure..." Sugawara looked down thinking how the team would handle the loss of their pinch setter and how Tsukishima would handle the loss of his best friend.
Tears were currently flowing from your eyes. You didn't care who was around you, you were just saddened by the loss, that you wished to do more than just cry.
"Yamaguchi really did want you to know that he loved you very much. To the moon and back." You laughed at the reference that your boyfriend secretly threw in there leaving Suga slightly confused.
"I love him so much..."


A/N-IVE LITERALLY BEEN CRYING FOR TWO HOURS I CAN'T RIGHT NOW GOD DANG!! Im so tired right now too, like seriously it's past 1:00 AM and I should seriously be sleeping, but Im very bad when it comes to sleeping and taking care of myself overall lol. I realize I previously said Sugawara Koushi II would be next but I lied woops. He probably will be up soon though lol. That said, STAY AWESOME!!

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