Hinata Shouyou IV

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You thought this story was over? So did I honestly, but due to high demand for our smol bean to live on, I've decided to make another part! Enjoy!

It's been years since the event. And since then, your life has been rather normal and enjoyable. No orange haired yandere to bother. 

Of course, after the death of Hinata, Karasuno slowly began to lose their matches. With a cog missing in the machine, nothing was the same. 

As said before it's been years since the event. You are now in a serious relationship with Yamaguchi, and close friends with Tsukki. The heroes for the rest of your life. 

Your Yamaguchi went on to become the captain in his third year, and he continues his successful volleyball career at a college not too far from your own, so a long distance relationship isn't needed for you two. You both meet up after your work is done, and you have a nice snack while going over work. 

It's a good life. 

You don't really know if Hinata was pronounced dead or not. You didn't really care if he was or wasn't either. Everything is fine, there's no reason to worry right now, because everything is ok, and you'll live a ni-

"(y/n)?" The sweet voice of your boyfriend pulled you back into reality. "Everything ok?"

"O-Oh, uh...yeah, everything's fine." You said quietly with a weak smile. It was obviously not enough to convince the freckled man. 

"Come on you can tell me anything. It's been, hm..." He gave you three pecks on your cheek. "Three years now? You trust me, don't you?"

"Of course! Of course..." You hid your rosy cheeks through curtains of hair. "I was just thinking about...before..."

You could hear a sigh. You wanted to go home and forget about everything, but it just seemed absolutely impossible. How could anyone? You needed to be brainwashed, and you needed kisses from Yama, as well as cuddles and a day with Tsukki maybe. 

"It's ok, (y/n). Im going to be here for you when I can, and I will protect you. Always. So just trust me, rely on me, lean on me. You understand?" He gave a kiss to your forehead, and you smiled softly. Suddenly, the fear of the past slowly fizzled away. 

"Yes sir, I understand." You chuckled and nudged him with your shoulder, but only met muscle. Not to brag, but over time Yamaguchi got completed ripped. You had no complaints, but you still wondered why. And how, because it was impossible to get through his tough skin. 

But nonetheless, you always tried to at least get a scratch on him. Or a simple "ow." 

The both of you were on your way to Yamaguchi's dorm because you were both hungry, but broke, and just wanted to sit and feed each other, and be a cute couple. 

And be a cute couple, you two almost did. Yama didn't have anything that was easy to feed, like grapes or something, so instead you fed each other spoonfuls of ice cream. Except Yamaguchi dropped some down your shirt, leading to a frenzy "dance" to get the frozen treat out, and then furious slapping as well as laughing. The television was babbling random things, nothing interesting on so you both settled for a random comedy show. 

"You know, (y/n), Im glad I helped you all that time ago...It changed both you and I. For the better." Yamaguchi wrapped an arm around you protectively. "After that, I realized I didn't have to be such a scaredy cat...I couldn't, really. Besides, what more than that was there to be afraid of?" A trail of kisses was lining up your shoulder to your neck. 

"Mmph...Well, there's spiders, and heights, drowning, being alone, being kil-"

"Stop trying to ruin my moment." Yama mumbled into your neck. "My point is, you shouldn't let that control you now...he is gone, after all, and you should have learned from him too. So...learn to relax a little, if not more, only a little...especially when you're with me."

You smiled and pecked Yama on the lips. 

"I'll listen to you...try and relax like the lazy person I am." You yawned and stretched. With his ok, it must be fine to relax. 

For awhile you watched random shows, watched a few episodes of an anime before you were both half asleep. 

"Turn off the lights, (y/n)..."

"No, you turn them off..."

"I am going to kick you off of this couch, go turn them off...!"

"You're the one that told me to relax..."


"Love you too." You smiled into the pillow and closed your eyes, stretching out your legs a little more with your annoying boyfriend gone. 

"I'm all sore because your fat body made me curl up awkwardly, you stink."

"I believe the proper term is suck."


Just before Yamaguchi flicked off the lights, the power cut out. 

Fear bubbled up only for a second before you felt Yamaguchi holding you tightly. 

"You ok?" You heard him mumble.

"Im fine..."

Until there was laughing from somewhere. Somewhere.

"I've come to get you my love!"

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