Nishinoya Yuu

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A/N- Heyo! Thanks a bunch for the sudden explosion in reads and the votes that people have given to my recent chapters. It really made my day!
"I got it!"
The ball unexpectedly went up into the air, even though the tiny libero said he would get it.
"Nice receive!" You and some other members of the team yelled. Just one more point until the full set was made.
"Hinata, Kageyama! End it!" You screamed. Surely enough, Hinata and his freak quick made it through his own team members. Today was a nice day for the Karasuno Volleyball team. Everyone was split into two teams along with some community college members.
"Nice kill!" You heard Yamaguchi holler as he ran up to Hinata and Kageyama. Yamaguchi has always admired their ability to work together. He and Tsukki never got the chance to work as one well built machine.
"Ok, ok line up." Ukai said as the two teams went to their ends before they could scream their appreciation at the top of their lungs. Once the boys reached their spots you began to brace yourself.
"THANK YOU FOR THE MATCH!" Everyone managed to scream at an astonishingly loud volume. You didn't flinch though. You naturally enjoyed the loud volumes and rising tensions. It felt like home where you and your family always screamed while watching sports. You felt at home with the volleyball team and that made you happy.
Suddenly, you snapped out of your small trance as many boys bombarded you for bottles of water.
"Slow down! One at a time! Hey-!" You hit Tanaka on the head lightly with a water bottle. "Don't try and take one from me!"
"Oh my gosh. She hit me! Ahahaa!!" Tanaka fanboyed to his friend Nishinoya
"Lucky! (Y/N)! Please hit me as hard as you can with a water bottle!" The libero requested. His eyes sparkled with hope and his smile screamed with innocence, but of course you had to deny.
"No Noya. I will politely give you a water bottle." You said handing a water bottle to Noya. Although he didn't want that, he took the water bottle sneaking in the brushing of hands.
"Hah! Tanaka, Tanaka! Our hands brushed!"
"WHAT?! (Y/N) please ho-"
"Absolutely not." You blankly replied leaving Tanaka to cry his unhappy tears and Nishinoya to boast about his 'win'.
"Wow they're still at it, huh?" You heard a familiar voice. Yamaguchi.
"Yeah they are. Water?" You asked offering the slightly chilled drink.
"Yeah please." He gleefully accepted the water and took some large gulps from it.
"You did really well today! I did want to see your jump float serve today though." You began to talk about the match to Yamaguchi.
"O-oh. Sorry (Y/N) I just don't feel too confident in it yet." Yamaguchi looked to the ground disappointed in himself again.
"Its ok! Don't get bummed about it. Nobody's upset with you, and I am definitely proud of the way you played." You almost leaned up to peck his lips, but forgot. Nobody knew that you and Yama were dating.
"S-sorry!" You began to blush profusely as you looked away, but Yama's freckled face was an even brighter red than yours!
"N-n-no i-its ok! I-it's uh- it's my fault f-for not telling y-yet!" Yamaguchi barely managed to stutter out.
"Maybe its time know...tell." You awkwardly stated.
"After the community members leave. I don't want all of Japan to figure out!" Yamaguchi meant it seriously, but you couldn't help laughing. Of course, until a certain boy butted in.
"Figure out what?" A certain blond haired male asked.
"GAH! U-u-uhm n-nothing! No-nothing at a-all!" Yama stuttered again with a worried expression on his face.
"Its obviously something." Tsukki stated while turning to you for water.
"Jerk." You said while tossing him the bottle.
"Up yours too." The blond replied catching the bottle. You both began to laugh though. It was a running joke between you two. Always insulting each other and calling each other names. It was weird, but for some odd reason it made you and Tsukki closer.
It must match his major ego of invincibility you thought to yourself laughing a bit.
~•~•Time skip brought to you by Freckles!•~•~
"Bye! Thank you again for taking the time to come!" Daichi said one last time before each of the community members left.
"Thank you for having us!" They all said while heading out. The gym door closed after they were all out.
"There's not a lot of time left to clean up! Hurry so you can get home while it's still light out!" Daichi announced. "Good game today!"
"(Y/N) I don't think I can tell them." Your freckled faced boyfriend suddenly said.
"Its ok we don't need to rush to te-"
"Wait! Yamaguchi and (Y/N) have something to share." You turned to see a very annoying blond hair boy wearing glasses announce a sentence that made you want to make that blond hair turn bright crimson red with his own blood.
"Tsukkishima Kei I will make sure you don't see tomorrows daylight!" You were fuming with anger and ready to charge at Tsukki, until Yamaguchi stopped you.
"I like you too!" Tsukki said smiling a gigantic smile you wanted to punch right off his face.
"Ooh obviously (Y/N) has something to share!" Sugawara called out smiling. Suga was the only person to get an idea that you and Yamaguchi were dating, but he never knew for sure. Darn mother of the team figures out everything!
"Tell us (Y/N)!" Hinata and Nishinoya suddenly jumped up and shouted. The two shorties were definitely excited to learn the new secret.
"Yamaguchi please help me." You whispered to your boyfriend. You wanted to squeeze his hand for reassurance and confidence, but you didn't want anyone to know!
"Come on theres nothing to hide!" Asahi yelled out.
"We're all a family. Tell us if you want to" Daichi, the captain, the dad of the team, said the perfect words to calm your nerves.
You cleared your throat and tried to stutter out some words.
"W-well uhm. Th-the thing that uhm." You began to get extremely nervous as if it weren't obvious enough to the team from how you acted.
"Me and (Y/N), we're uhm..." Yamaguchi suddenly began to speak up as well so that he could help calm you.
"We're dating." You both stated at the same time. Both of you looked to each other with red faces and embarrassed smiles.
"I knew it!" Suga and Daichi screamed.
"OH MY GOD (Y/N) AND YAMA ARE DATING!" Hinata jumped up and hollered
"Shut up idiot!" Kageyama scolded Hinata, but Kageyama couldn't help but crack a small smile.
"Aha thats amazing! Congratulations!" Asahi called out.
"Nosy person." You said to a smiling Tsukki.
"Its not my fault you don't know how to hide something." He replied
"You try hiding that you're dating someone for two months."
"TWO MONTHS?!" The entire team screeched. The only thing you and Yama could do was smile bashfully.
"(Y/N) how could you hide this from me for so long?!" A hurt, but joking Tanaka said.
One person wasn't celebrating though. One person wasn't smiling or laughing. He was on the verge of tears. You thought it was an act to make you feel bad for your fanboy.
~•~•Timeskip after an eventful practice! :D•~•~
"We finally told them." Yamaguchi breathed a sigh of relief sending a puff of white into the cold winter air.
"I mean its pretty good because we can finally do what we've wanted to in front of the team." It was a true statement too. You longed to hold his hand while watching games, and to peck him on the lips after practice.
"Thats true...s-so then c-can I hold your h-hand?" A suddenly nervous Yamaguchi asked.
"You don't have to ask, silly!" You teased as your freckled boyfriend slipped his hand into yours.
It was a short journey home. At least it felt short, despite the cold air and snow you've always hated. Yamaguchi walked you home like he always did, but this time it was different. You were hand in hand and you both had a larger sense of confidence.
"Thank you again, Yamaguchi." You smiled warmly as Yama slowly let go of your hand. Immediately, you longed for the touch of his hand even though they were covered by gloves. It just felt right.
"Its no problem." He replied with another smile. Slowly, he leaned down and you leaned closer until your lips touched. A kiss. Once you two pulled away both of your faces turned bright red.
"Th-thanks a-again!" You stuttered before hurrying inside.
"Wow." An astonished Yamaguchi said while walking himself home.
After you calmed yourself down you announced your arrival home.
"Im home!" You hollered while taking off your winter gear. No answer.
"Im hoommeee!!" You yelled again. Silence greeted you. Your parents are probably out shopping. You did need some things from the store.
You marched up to your room and set your bag down onto your bed. You sighed letting go a mixture of emotions. Relief, happiness, exhaustion. You were in a very lazy state right now. You didn't even close your bedroom door. Suddenly, it slammed shut.
"Oh thank you." You said while sitting on your bed. "Wait, WHAT THE?!" You immediately stood and ran for the door realizing what just happened.
"Sorry didn't mean to scare you!" Someone blocked the door. "We just need to talk." A familiar voice. Almost unmistakeable.
"Hi (Y/N)!" Nishinoya stepped forward and smiled as if everything that was happening right now was perfectly ok.
"What are you doing in my house?!" You had a million questions running through your head.
"I said I wanted to talk, so sit down on that bed because we're gonna talk." Something isn't right here. Nothing is ok right now, what is happening? Nonetheless, you sat on your bed.
"So, (Y/N). You're dating Yamaguchi Tadashi. How...revolting."
"How da-!"
"Im not done. I honestly don't know what you see in him. What won you over, I will never know. I know today, though, today I will win you over." A devious smile danced on Nishinoya's lips.
"What are you talking about?!" Nothing in this world had confused you more than what was happening right now.
"Im talking about my love for you. I love you a lot. I always have. You've only looked at me as a stupid fanboy. Im nothing near that though. Nowhere close. I know Im yandere. I can't hide it anymore. So, today Im winning you over."
You were completely dazed now. Noya? Yandere over you?! Never.
"That kiss you and Yamaguchi exchanged. That upset me a lot." Noya looked to the ground in disappointment. "I won't have to worry about kisses from him anymore though."
A long passionate kiss was planted onto your lips until suddenly
The world turned black.

(To be Continued)
A/N-I post chapters at the weirdest times its so weird. My chapters are getting so long too, but Im freaking Yamaguchi trash so I had fun with the back story! Thanks for the reads because they sort of exploded today so that is really amazing. I got two votes too! WOO TWO VOTES!! That's more than I expected at least. Anyhow, thanks a bunch and STAY AWESOME! (Next up Hinata Shoyou II)

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