Christmas Special- Sugawara ♡

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This song is so bittersweet and beautiful and refreshing, I feel like it fits the ending of this oneshot perfectly. Listen to it!

Again, another beautiful bean fluff and awesome chapter. Kinda nice to get a break from all the yandere craziness, right? Some nice refreshing warmth, maybe some nice tea or hot chocolate, presents. No death in sight. And Season 4 is possibly right around the corner, isn't that amazing? It's a good time in life and in fanfiction. 

Love interest: Sugamama, obviously!

Warnings: An absolutely adorable little oneshot, but will be very cliche. 

Oneshot: Soulmate au (I freaking love this au)

Title: That's Christmas to Me

Sugawara sat at home, very, very bored. He would be practicing volleyball right now, but everyone was busy with family or soulmates. 

Ah, soulmates...

My soulmate always draws during class, they draw beautiful flowers, or random doodles. 

Most of the team has already found their soulmates too. Asahi, Tanaka, Nishinoya, even Daichi. Ah, Daichi's was a funny story. When we got to practice we saw that we had similar drawings on our hands. Sometimes I wish we were soulmates, but neither of us are gay...and Daichi later found his soulmate.

Little did Suga know, you and your friend, Nina, had done that in hopes one of you guys would find the others soulmate. But, slowly, the drawing faded away over a few days. Nina later found Daichi after that drawing. 

Sugawara was completely unaware of this though. 

The only thing that he was aware of was that he had no soulmate, no girlfriend, and he was lonely and depressed. 

As were you. Well, you were more stressed preparing for Christmas, but you were bored nonetheless. And when you were bored, there was one thing that would always make you feel better. 

Drawing on yourself. 

And it was then, that Sugawara was broken out of his fog of boredom as he saw the image being drawn on him by some invisible force. As you kept drawing, Suga grabbed a pen, prepared to respond with his own drawing. 

A Christmas tree. You drew a Christmas tree on your hand. 

You had your own doubts about finding your soulmate. It had been years, your hopes were so high...Your soulmate hardly even drew on himself, and if he did it was simple things, like a reminder. Something saying Volleyball 2:30, was the most recent, but that was last week. 

It saddened you. 

You wanted whoever this man to just...

just do something.

You almost fell off of your bed. Not from the fanfiction you were reading, but from what was on your arm. 

He responded with little ornaments, some resembling volleyballs, on your tree. It was adorable! 

Frantically, you grabbed a pen and drew slowly and carefully. If your soulmate was watching, this had to be perfect!

And perfect it was in Sugawara's eyes. You drew yourself, sitting in front of the tree wrapped in a blanket. Lonely, was the first thing that popped into his head seeing the picture. Suga had no knowledge what you looked like. But, whether it was gut instinct or motherly instincts, he just knew it was you, sitting alone by the Christmas tree. 

But why is she lonely? She is so beautiful, and very talented...How could she be lonely? I can't let her feel so awful!

The response you received...Ah, was enjoyable? You discovered, now, that your soulmate was...not the best laughed at the somewhat failed drawing of, what you thought was, your soulmate. Upon further noticed that he looked...familiar? 

As your response, you wrote a small and simple sentence. The sentence that changed your life. 

That's Christmas to me Sugawara read. He simply wrote Me too, until he thought of something bold, something he was too afraid to do for years. 

What's your name?

At this point, you were rapidly texting Nina, who was rapidly texting Daichi, who was now rapidly texting a waiting Sugawara. 

And that simple question that was written on you, it just sat there in simple black ink, just waiting to be answered. Why am I nervous you thought. What is there to be afraid of? 

Much to Sugawara's dismay, a response never came. 

Not that day. 

Not the next day. 

Not even the days after, when the ink and sight of the tree long since faded. 

And he wondered, pondered, thought for hours on end what he did wrong, where he messed up.

Even when he returned to school, he was usually so good at staying on task, but he couldn't help but wondered what happened...

The lunch bell.

Everything was so mechanic nowadays. You stopped drawing, and Suga slowly stopped hoping. All until Nina came up to him, seconds after the lunch bell rang. 

'You're coming with me right now." She said, pulling Suga without even letting him speak. 

"H-Hey, wait! Where are we going, at least give me a hint!" He groaned and kept trying to pull his arm free from Nina's grasp. 

"Relax you'll like this surprise!" Was the final thing Sugawara heard from Nina, before he found himself in front of a familiar girl. 

That's....the girl from the drawing... 

"You must be..."

Sugawara stood and stared in awe, until you started moving your hands in gestures.

"Ah...I apologize, I don't understand." Sugawara was now confused more than ever, until Nina spoke up for you. 

"She's uh...she's deaf...Sugawara this is your soulmate."

Deaf? That must be why she draws so much...

"(y/n)..." Sugawara read off of his hand. "Can she read lips?"

"Yes, she can."

Sugawara took a deep breath in, before staring you straight in the eyes and saying three simple words. 

"I love you." 


Little bittersweet there, but in the end it's kinda nice though. I know this is an odd thing to say though, but the idea of being deaf or blind is so interesting to me. It's amazing, and it can sometimes be beautiful. I have an odd way of thinking though. Don't mind me. Can we all appreciate the beauty of Sugawara though, like dAD PLEASE. Can we all talk about the beauty of season 3, and Yamaguchi, and, and, and, and, Im dying, save me, please, thank you, ah ;-;

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