Nishinoya Yuu II

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A/N: **has over 800 reads and is drowning in school work while figuring out depression...CRYING**
You slowly felt yourself coming back to reality. Dizziness and nausea is the only thing you felt as the black that once blocked your vision, disappeared.
You opened your eyes to find yourself someplace you've never been before. You attempted to get up, but you were restrained to a chair.
"What happened last night....?" You mumbled to yourself looking around. You thought you had a hangover or something because of your headache, but that wouldn't explain why you were tied to a freaking chair!
Suddenly, you heard a door open. Instinctively, you shut your eyes trying to fake your sleep. You forgot what happened since...yesterday? The only thing you remembered was Yamaguchi kissing you.
"I know you're awake." Someone whispered in your ear. After that, they kissed your cheek causing you to tense up. You opened your eyes to see a smiling Nishinoya. "Good morning beautiful."
"Wha...?" You were hopelessly confused at the situation. "Nishinoya what is..." You trailed off into thought, not bothering to complete your sentence.
"Ah, I apologize (Y/N). You may need a refresher on last nights events because of what I gave you. Putting it simply, I made you mine!" Noya smiled a crazy smile that caused you to shiver and look away.
"B-But...Yamaguchi..." You sadly mumbled. What about him? Your beloved boyfriend...Concern had now marked your face.
"Oh would you like to see him? He....stopped by for a visit last night!" Noya went into a separate room and pulled out someone.
"(Y/N)...Oh no Im...s-so sorry..." Yamaguchi slowly stuttered, but you were concerned about his apology, you were concerned about his wounds!
He had bruises and scrapes everywhere, his freckles were connected by cuts, burn marks on his arms, and his hair was an absolute mess with some parts cut off.
"Yamaguchi oh my gosh are you ok? This is my fa-"
Suddenly, duct tape was put over your mouth by Noya. His eyes were filled with anger, but his smile spoke insanity. "Pay attention to me." He said pointing to himself. "Not him."
"P-Please let me take care of him..." You attempted to get out of the chair that held you back, but you were stuck. Tears began to prickle and burn your eyes.
"No! He will suffer and die because he took you away from me! I love you, and you love me." Nishinoya began to walk towards Yamaguchi with an absolutely furious expression. His glare screamed anger.
"I DON'T LOVE YOU! I will never love you! I love Yamaguchi and he loves me! He's my adorable boyfriend and I love him, never will I love you." You coldly spat out in a sudden word vomit.
"Surely that's not true! Look at this runt!" He kicked Yamaguchi in the ribs. "Worthless. Weakling. Thief!" With each insult, Nishinoya kicked Yamaguchi in the ribs harder and harder. It made you burst into tears.
"Please stop hurting him!" You pleaded, thrashing and trying so hard to get out of your restraints.
"N...No (Y/N)...T-This is m-my fault...Im sorry..." Yamaguchi managed to wheeze out. He was clutching his stomach in pain and trying to hide his tears.
"Stop apologizing! It's not your fault..." Tears were rolling down your cheeks as Yama's body shuddered and shook from crying.
"(Y/N), why can't you understand that you're mine?! You wont leave my sight ever again, and you may not see this lame guy again. Look at him and look at me. Who do you think is better? The answer is obvious, isn't it? Stop caring about him, because you're gonna start caring about me, whether you like it or not because you will learn to love me. You can't escape even if you wanted to. You probably don't want to leave me though. Isn't that right, (Y/N)?" Nishinoya walked over to you and jerked your turned head to him. He asked again "Isn't that right, (Y/N)?" You just whimpered and tried to shake your head out of his firm grip.
"It's know it.." You heard Yamaguchi slowly mumble. He spoke so softly with a voice full of pain, but the room was silent with tension at the same time. "I'll al...always l-love her..."
"Ive had enough of you." Noya turned from you and walked over to Yamaguchi. He clutched a large knife already stained slightly with blood.
"It...doesn't m-matter...she..." The freckled boy stopped speaking halfway through his sentence to take a deep breath. "She' enough to...k-know what is..." Yamaguchi stared at the knife clutched in Nishinoya's hand. "I may seem...cowardly...b-but Im f...facing death now...Now that's brave...."
You sat in your chair absolutely stunned. Never did you think that your adorably shy boyfriend would be the bravest person in the world. He was right, he was facing death right now. You just hoped that he wouldn't meet death too.
"No, Yamaguchi, you're very wrong. Crying is not brave, being weak is not being brave, allowing yourself to get hurt is not brave." Noya took a fistful of the pinch setters hair and held the knife to his stomach. "Last words for a slow death?"
"Until us...part..." Yamaguchi looked straight at you, smiling weakly. Tears began to cloud your vision...You remembered when one day you and Yamaguchi joked that when you recited vows at either of your weddings you would say "Until death do us part" since it was your favorite manga and it sounded nice.
"Also...don't lie...when April...comes..." Tears were now streaming down your cheeks. You recalled the day you called him in tears when you finished an episode of your favorite anime, Your Lie in April. He immediately came to comfort you and you fell asleep in his arms.
"Keep loving pasta too..." Despite the serious situation at hand, you two laughed at the inside joke. One time, you both went on a Hetalia hype. Italy was Yama's favorite character, so you cooked him simple spaghetti one night.
"Oh just shut up." Nishinoya cut you both off by stabbing Yamaguchi in the stomach.
(A/N: Before you all come to kill me, relax. Im already sobbing right now. I have no soul and I am the worst human being on this earth. You may carry on now.)
You stared in horror as Yamaguchi clutched his now bleeding stomach. Tears streamed down his face, but he looked up to you again
"He...f-feels his s-sins...crawling up his back..." Yamaguchi stuttered out. You both smiled small thinking back to the day you both played Undertale as one of your first dates.
"I...j-just want to...make one persons day..." You immediately recognized the quote. "brighter..." You finished for Yamaguchi. That was the quote you lived by.
"K-keep smiling (Y/N).." Yamaguchi's eyelids began to close, but before they permanently did he whispered three sad, happy, and beautiful words.
"I love you..."
You sobbed as the life left your boyfriends body. You felt small arms wrap around your shoulders.
"Shh...It's ok." You heard a small libero try to comfort you. Never would this monster make you smile again.
Never will you smile.
Never will you live again.
Never will you love again.
You kept crying until
You heard a phone ringing.

To be continued

A/N- Im such a terrible person. I freaking...I killed my cinnamon roll. THERE ARE TEARS STREAMING DOWN MY FACE I...I KILLED MY YAMA LLAMA!! Uuggghhhh.....I cannot live a life. Anyhow...Thanks a bunch, everyone, for over 800 reads! I never ever expected anyone to ever read this. Here I am, not too long after publishing my first chapter and reality hit me like a truck when I saw how many people liked this. I want to apologize on my lack of updating! School and life was like "lol jk" and I was like "but life I got crap to do." Then life was like "Sorry m8 but you gotta get shrekt with school." So...yeah. I fell asleep one night trying to write this and I just woke up with drool on my Ipad screen and I was like "Ugh...Should I keep writing or go back to bed?" AANYYHHOW...Thanks a bunch for reading! Means a whole lot. Hope you enjoyed because I sure as heck didn't enjoy writing it! STAY AWESOME!

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