The Introductions

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*Zoey's POV*

"Tonight was amazing August. I love you so much." I said as I kissed August

"I love you to Zoey." August said to me as we went our separate ways. I walked home with my headphones in and my music blasting. I couldn't stop thinking about my night with August. I got to my house and climbed up the rose vine ladder, so I could sneak back into the house. It's 5:30 am, and my parents should be waking up soon.

-Zoey's telling the reader-
Before I go any further in my story I should probably tell you about me and my story. My name is Zoey Birch. I am 19 years old and I live in Lakewood California. I live with my mom Revena Birch, my dad Nathaniel Birch SR, and my little brother Nathaniel Birch JR. My dad owns a night club called Scene City. I work there on weekends. I have dark red hair, very pale skin and I am very skinny.
There is another rival night club called Gold Rush Nightclub. My family has been fighting with the Durand family for almost 35 years. The Durand family has two boys, named August (19) and Merek (14). Do you see where this story is going now?

I am in love with August Durand. Our family's and some of our friends don't know. We would like to keep it that way. August and I have been dating since we were both 18 years old, we are boy 19 now. The only person that I told about August was my best friend Tyler Mite.
Tyler has been my best guy friend for almost my whole life. When he was 15 he came out to me and told me that he was gay. We tell each other everything, even our deepest darkest secrets. He is the only one I trust other then August. My friends that I have known for almost 10 years now are Nixie, Kaleb, and Annabella. We all went or still go to Lakewood High School.

Now that you know about me lets get back to my story. I woke up that morning smiling because I had a dream about August and me. I always have dreams about August. I got out of bed and went to get in the shower. When I got out I saw a note on my balcony. It was from August. We each have a secret spot that we put notes. For my house its my balcony, his house its his window in his room. The note said

Dear Zoey Birch
Every time we spend time with each other I fall even more in love with you. One day we will not have to hide our love, we can get married and have a life of our own. I promise you this. I can not wait to see you again my love.
-August <3

I have a huge smile on my face from reading his letter. I reread the letter four times before my mom knocked on the door. I hide the letter and said "come in."

She walked in "Zoey breakfast is ready, come and eat."

"I will be down in a few minutes."

I said "OK" said my mom as she shut the door. I grabbed the letter and put it in my secret hiding place.

I walked down the stairs to see my mom, my dad, and Nat already at the table. Dad had made French toast with sausage. I grabbed the French toast before Jr could. He stuck his tongue out at me, I did the same while laughing.

"Children, stop now."

"Yes mother." We both said For awhile the table was quiet.

"So Zoey what are your plans for the day?" My dad asked

"I'm going to hang out with Tyler until I have to come home, and get ready for work tonight." I said

"sounds like a plan. Oh you have to be at the club early, we are having a employee meeting before we open." Said my dad

"OK" I said back as I finished up my French toast.

"May I be excused?" I asked

"yes you may." Said my mom I got up to put my dishes in the dish washer. After I did that I went upstairs to change my clothes. I went to my walk in closet. I grabbed my favorite pair of black skinny jeans, and my concert shirt that I got at the last Black Veil Brides concert I went to. I did my makeup and hair, then grabbed my bag and keys. I went to the garage where my 2001 Yamaha crotch rocket is. I put on my helmet and left the house going almost 60 miles per hour.

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