Rosewood's Visit

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(June 10)

*August POV*

Today I got a call from my mom asking if she could come up here and visit Zoey and I. We both have today off so we said it was okay. We waited for mom to show up.

We heard a knock on the door, I got off the couch and opened the door. I saw my mom and surprisingly Vincent was standing with her. "Hey honey." mom said hugging me

"Hi mom, hey Vincent." I said hugging my mom back then bro hugging Vincent.

We walked to the living room, everyone said their hello's and then we all sat down.

"So mom what's the news you wanted to tell us." I asked

"Well I just got the papers saying the divorce is final. Luis didn't fight any of the agreements." she said "He also has decided to sell Gold Rush."

"Really, you agreed to this?" I asked

"Yeah, I don't care for the place anymore. Luis isn't even opening it anymore. He spends to much time with the skank to run Gold Rush so he sold it."

"What happened with your share of the company?" I said

"His lawyers made him buy my side out before he sold the place." mom said

"Looks like Scene City is the only club now." said Vincent

"Bet your parents are happy about that. It looks like the feuding can finally end for good now." I said looking at Zoey

She smiled "That's amazing news. What about Merek?" Zoey asked

"Merek was old enough to choose which house he wanted to stay at and he choose Luis house."

"Are you okay with that mom?" I asked

"Yeah, he proved that he was a daddy's boy and didn't like us anymore. He isn't the son I raised so now Luis can deal with him when he ends up in jail."

"You didn't need the stress from him either." I said

"That's true. Ohh and we also have something to tell you." mom said pointing to Vincent "Vincent and I are together now."

I was shocked, I wasn't expecting that to come from my mom and Vincent. I could tell Zoey was shocked too, her face was in shock.

"That's great, Rosewood. I so happy for you." said Zoey, I was shaken out of surprise when Zoey said that.

"Yeah im really happy for the both of you also. Just a little shocked." I said

"We realize this is a shock. It just kind of happened. One day he was in town and we saw each other at the coffee house. We talked for a long time then we started talking every day since then. We just made it official the day I got the final divorce papers which was last Friday."

"Well im really happy for you mom, you deserve someone better then Luis. I think Vincent is a really good guy." I said hugging my mom "And Vincent you better not hurt my mom. I will get you if you do."

"I appreciate that August and I promise I wont hurt her. I have no intentions on doing that to her or you guys." said Vincent

(A hour later)

"Ohh Auggie, I wanted to give you your birthday present early." mom said before they were walking out the door. She handed me a big envelope. "Open it after we leave."

"Thank you mom, you didn't have to give me anything." I said then hugged her.

"I wanted too, you still are my son even though you are getting married soon and have your own life." she said

We all said our goodbyes. Mom and Vincent left. Zoey and I went to the couch and I opened the envelope.

"Mom paid for a trip for two to Germany for our honeymoon." I said shocked

"Are you serious?" Zoey asked

"Yeah" I handed her the papers that came in the envelope

"I cant believe this. Nobody knew we were planning on going to Germany but us. How did she afford this?"

"I don't know" I said, I started thinking to myself 'How did she afford to pay for this? Why did she pay for our honeymoon? How did she know we wanted to go to Germany?'

"We are gonna have to visit her and tell her thanks for this. We cant just tell her thank you over the phone." said Zoey

"Yeah, I still cant believe this." I said

"Me too. It's getting late. Lets go to bed shall we?"

I shook my head in agreement and we walked to our room.

We had a little make out session that got a little rated R, then we went to bed.


(A/N: Sorry its taking long amounts of time to update my books. I promise this book isnt ending anytime soon. Comment and I will dedicate the next chapter to you. Tell me what you think might hapen and what not. Tell me what you want to see from this book.)

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