Yelling and Screaming

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*Zoey's POV*

*Zoey tells readers-

It's been three days of Hell. The doctors wouldn't leave me alone. My family wouldn't talk to me much. Most likely because of what Meridia had blurted out to everyone. Tyler and Nixon came in and told me that August waited for along time in the waiting room. My parents wouldn't let him see me. Now most of my friends hate me, my family hates me and I'm pretty sure they are going to send me away. The only people that don't hate me are Tyler, Nixon, and Nixie. My mom doesn't hate me as much as my dad does, but she isn't happy with me. I don't think they even care that I almost was killed by Meridia.

The doctors said I had a concussion,

a few broken ribs a broken finger on my left hand and my left wrist was broken. I don't even remember her doing anything to my wrist or hand. Must have been when she knocked me out. I lost a lot of blood. They also said that I wasn't pregnant in the first place. That was a relief to me.

The doctors gave me the all clear to go home. I don't want to go home. That means my family have the chance to yell at me. I'm not ready for that

Done telling readers*

The doctor brought me my realese papers and I signed them. I got changed and packed all of my stuff. Nixon and I walked out to the car where my mom and dad were waiting for us. They wouldn't even look at me. We pulled into the drive way. Nixon helped me get my few bags out of the car. The doctors said I was able to go home but I am still very weak from the blood lose.

Mom opened the door and we walked in. Nixon and I just got to the stairs when I heard dad say

"Wait a minute. We are going to talk."

"I knew that was coming." I mumbled as I turned around to look at them

"I don't care what your pathetic excuse is for being anywhere near that Durand boy. I will not allow it in this house hold. If it doesn't stop you will be sent away. Far from here so you will never see him again. Do I make myself clear? Dad asked

"I might as well go pack my bags then. Go ahead send me away, take the money away from me. I love August and there is nothing that you do will change my mind. Go ahead and send me away I will still love him. This feud has nothing to do with me and him. It had to do with our Grand Fathers. We don't care about what happened over 35 years ago." I said

"We'll if that's what you think, then you can go pack you're bags you are going to live in Amador City with close friends of ours. You will leave tomorrow. I have already talked to them. See if they let you get away with half of the shit we let you get away with. Now go pack you're shit." Dad said as he walked to the kitchen, mom fallowed him.

Nixon and I walked up to my room.

"You okay Zoey?" Nixon asked

"Not really." I said

"It will be okay. They will forgive you eventually."

"I don't think that will happen anytime soon."

"Do you want me to tell August anything?"

"I'm gonna write a note for him after I pack my stuff. Can you give it to him after I leave." I asked Nixon

"Of course. I will do anything for you. You know that. I don't know how I'm going to be able to stay in this house with out you in it."

"When do you go back to Florida?"

"In a few weeks."

"If only you could come with me."

"I would if I could."

"I know, what's gonna happen with you and Bella when you go back home?"

"I'm not sure yet. We still have to talk about that."

"We'll I hope it works out for the both of you. Even if she hates me now."

"I do to, and she won't hate you for long."

"I need to start packing."

"Do you want me to help you?"


We packed up all of my clothes and most of my room.

*August POV* (graphic language and violence)

*August tells reader-

It's been a few days since Zoey's birthday party. I have been up at the hospital as much as I can. Zoey's family won't let me see her. Tyler and Nixon told me everything they found out. Meridia was sent to jail for attempted murder and attempted to kidnap. Nobody said anything about Declan being involved so he went home. But his parents have him on lock down for a long time.

Word about Zoey and I spread all over Lakewood. It got back to Luis and Merek. Luis yelled at me once then said him and Merek were going to the whore house. (That's what I call it because both the mom and daughter are whore's.)

Done telling readers*

Me and mom walked into the house after going to the store. We noticed that there were a lot of beer bottles in the sink.

"I think Luis is here." Mom said (we don't call him dad anymore)

"How can you tell." I said sarcastically as Luis walked in to the kitchen

"We'll well, if it isn't my bitch of a wife and the bastard son." Luis said starring. You could tell he had way to much alcohol in him. Mom and I ignored him and started putting away the groceries.

"HEY, I'm talking to you bastard." He yelled

"I do have a name you worthless piece of shit." I spat back

"Why you little shit. You are no son of mine. You being with that disgusting girl from the Birch family. You are a disgrace to my family. You probably are not even my son." He looked over at my mom "bitch you probably slept with a bunch of guys." When he said that I ran over to him and punched him in the face. He fell to the floor.

"Mom call the police." I said as she grabbed her phone and called the cops.

Ten minutes later the cops were here and taking him away. We had to go down to the station also. So we could give our statements. Luis apparently called the whore because her, her daughter and Merek showed up. They kept glaring at mom and I. We ignored them for the most part.

Whore must have posted bail because Luis walked out of the cell he was in and over to them. Mom had brought a big envelope with her to the station. I didn't know what was in it until she gave it to Luis.

"What did you give him?" I asked

"The divorce papers." She said

"Finally" I said as we walked to the car.


(A/N: woohoo two updates in one night. Please tell me what you think. If anyone actually reads this book, please let me know. Like it, comment what you think of it and I will dedicate the next chapter to you. Photo is Zoey's mom Revena)

Listening to Welcome To Ruining My Life by Endeavors

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