Being Apart

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*Zoey's POV*

It has been a month since my party disaster. My family sent me to live with their friends The Millers. (And no their not like the Millers from Meet The Millers.) this family is so religious that they do everything by the bible. They keep me in the house doing chores. I'm only allowed out to go to work. Which I haven't found a job yet. This whole town is a religious freak show, everyone is religious and dislike the way I live my life. They wont let me out of the house in my clothes, they supplied old granny/ counseled clothes. I changed and cut the clothes up to make them more me. They didn't like that but I don't care.

*Zoey tells reader-

People maybe asking 'your 21 why are you still being controlled by your parents? Well that is because my family has A LOT of money. Not just from mine and my parents generation im talking about from 70 years ago. All of that money gets handed down to the oldest kid. My dads theory on that is that he controls me until he thinks I really deserve it. Then I get the $10 trillion left from the $100 trillion my family got a very very long time ago. I know what your thinking what about the other kids? Well they do get some of the money, just not all of it. The only down fall is we can only spend 1 billion dollars. (which isn't bad at all) the Birch family will be set for a very long time.

After everything that has happened recently, im not really sure I want the money. Don't get me wrong, that money would come in handy but its not worth it if he will never think im worthy of it.

So now you know why I'm still being controlled by my father.

done telling reader*

I went out early today because I finally had a chance to sneak and call Tyler on the house phone. Yeah the millers only have a house phone, that is one of those old box phones that are on the wall, have the curly cord and you have to spin the wheel to dial it. When both of the watch dogs (Mr. and Mrs. miller) were out of the house I snuck and called Tyler. He was coming to see me today. I haven't seen him since the day before I was released from the hospital.

I walked into the little diner that is close to town. I searched and then I saw Tyler. I ran over to him and hugged him tight. He did the same thing. We stood there hugging each other for awhile.

When we finally let go of each other Tyler said "I've missed you so much girly, we need to catch up on everything."

"I've missed you to Tyler. I'm so Lonely here. What's going on with you, and how's life back in Lakewood?" I asked

"I think you missed a question."

"What do you mean?"

"You forgot How is August?"

I just looked at him in a shy look "I figured you wouldn't know how he's doing. So I didn't ask."

"Oh on the contrary, Nixon and I have became good friends with him since all this went down. He wrote a note for you." He said as he handed me the long few page note. "Read it later, we have other things to talk about."

"Thank you so much Tyler. I don't know what I would do with out you and Nixon. Speaking of Nixon, what's going on at the Birch house?"

"We'll, your dad and your brother are still mad, your mom has cooled down a lot and she really misses you. Nixon has moved to Cali. He went back to Florida to pack his things up and he lives in a apartment in Lakewood.''

"How are all of our friends? Are they still mad?"

"That story is really bad."

"Why do you say that?" I asked scared to know the story

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