Chapter Three

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*Cameron POV*

Alex walked down the stairs and I had to hold my wolf down just to summon the strength to not mark her then and there. She was so beautiful and I can't wait to have pups with her!

"What are we doing today?" she questioned. "Um, I figured we could go on a date?" I replied, making it sound more like a question than a statement. "Okay, great! " she beamed. Wow, she actually wants to go out with me?! I thought to myself. I had to stop myself from doing a victory dance.

"Is there a library here? I would like to read a little." she added. "Um yeah, up the stairs, to the left and the third door down." I responded. I watched her leave and decided to go upstairs and get ready for the day.

I jogged up the stairs and hopped into the shower and lathered myself down and rinsed off and jumped back out and walked to my walk-in closet. I changed into a black muscle tee and loose fitting jeans. I grabbed some socks and my nike shox and walked out to the library.

I saw Alex sitting in a chair in the library reading a novel. "You alright babe?" I inquired. "Hmm? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just reading." she acknowledged and shut the book still keeping the place. "Want to go somewhere?" I asked. "Yeah, let me put in a bookmark." she replied and sat her book down. "Alright, lets go." she beamed.

*Alex POV*

"Where are we going?" I asked. "It's a secret." he said and wiggled his eyebrows. "Come on, just tell me!" I pleaded. "Nope!" he smirked, and kept heading down the road.

I slumped back in my seat. Oh! I just remembered he wanted to go on a date! That's why he's being secretive! I tried to hide my excitement but he ended up seeing it anyway.

"You remembered didn't you?" he asked raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, kinda." I teased. "Quit doing that or you are going to get yourself in trouble." he growled. "Maybe I want to get in trouble. " I smirked.

He growled lowly and I stopped teasing him, even though it was fun. "You're such a tease." he smirked and we turned down another road. "I know!" I replied.

He parked the car by a forest and got out of the car and started comeing over to open my door. "What the fu..." I mumbled. He opened the door and grabbed my hand. "Close your eyes." he said. "Why?" I asked. "Just do it, please!" he pleaded. "Fine" I said and shut my eyes. Soon after I closed my eyes I felt myself being picked up bridle style like when we met.

"What are you doing?" I asked, peaking a little at him. "Carrying you so you don't trip. You are kind of a clutz." he teased. "Thanks!" I said sarcasm dripping from my voice. We walked, well no HE walked for about ten more minutes and the stopped.

"Can I open my eyes yet?" I whined. I'm getting kind of excited, I mean I HAVE had my eyes closed for like twenty minutes! "Not yet!" he replied. After waiting yet another minute he finally gives the okay for me to open my eyes.

In front of me laid a beautiful handmade quilt with a picnic basket full of all kinds of foods. I looked around and we are surrounded by a waterfall on one side and a lake on the other. "This is beautiful! " I exclaimed and wrapped my arms around him. "Not as beautiful as you. " he replied and I blushed.

We sat down and ate some kind of pasta dish that was amazing by the way and finished off with chocolate cake and champagne. "To us." he said holding up his glass. "To us." I replied and clinked glasses.

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