Chapter Six

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*Alex POV*

"Mate gone!" my wolf screamed. I fell to the ground writhing in pain. "What do you mean, gone?" I questioned, worried. "Someone take mate! Go get mate!" she pleaded.

I ran to our bedroom and threw open the door to the closet. By this time I was hyperventilating.

How could he be gone? What would they do to him? What do they want with him? A million questions flooded into my head and I was freaking out!

I grabbed my batte clothes which consisted of my black tee, black cargo pants, and combat boots. I concealed a knife behind my back and a gun in my waistband and threw my hair up into a ponytail.

No one messes with my fucking mate.

Since I was accepted into this pack, and I was future luna, I called a pack meeting. 'Everyone, conference room, NOW." I demanded through the pack link. Soon I heard the rustling on feet and doors shutting.

"I'm guessing you are wondering why I called you all here?" I asked. That earned a few nods.

"Your alpha and my mate was taken not to long ago. He went out for a run and someone knocked him out and dragged him away." I said earning gasps all around.

"We are going to go find him. All omegas, pregnant women, children, and weaklings will be left here to guard the pack house along with a few fighters. Anyone strong enough to fight is urged to come along. Be ready in 15." I demanded.

We left the pack house and we traced his scent, but when we were about fifty miles out, his scent trail ran cold. That can only mean one thing. They sprayed him with Nightfall, it is used to cover up werewolves scent.

"Shit." I muttered. "Everyone listen up. Alpha Cameron's scent trail has ended, but we are not going to stop searching. Its seems whoever took him sprayed him with Nightfall to mask his scent. We need to search anywhere or anything that seems suspicious or out of place. Now go." I stated.

Everyone started to move out when we heard an ear-piercing scream. One that belonged to my mate.

*Cameron POV*

"Tell me where she is!" the mysterious man bellowed. "I don't know who your talking about!" I replied in my alpha tone to show dominance. But, it probably wouldn't work because he was an alpha too.

"Don't play stupid! You know exactly who I'm talking about. Your fucking mate! I smelled her on your territory!" he roared. "Tell me now!" he yelled. "I told you, I don't know who your talking about!" I shouted.

"Very well, we will do this the hard way." he said with a smirk on his face and you could see the evil in his eyes. He turned around and grabbed something off of the table, the light glinted off of it, but I couldn't see what it was.

A knife.

"I'm going to give you one more chance. Where is she?" he asked. "I don't fucking know!" I yelled. "Wrong answer." he said and pulled the knife across my chest, earning a scream for me.

Then I smelled her. She was here. He can't take her for me. She is MINE.

Just then the door burst open. The mystery man turned around and saw Alex in the doorway. "Sam?!" Alex choked out. "Alexis, so glad you can join us."


Thanks for taking time to read my book! *does a happy dance* I love all of you guys!

If any of you have any ideas about what should happen in the next chapter you can comment or message me. If you need someone to talk to or vent to also, I'm here (:

Thanks! Please Vote, Comment, and maybe fan? (:


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