Chapter Seventeen

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*Alex POV*

Four babies?! I thought there was only going to be one! Oh well, nothing I can do about it now. I placed my hand over my stomach.

"I love you. Each and everyone of you. I just wanted you to know, mommy loves you." I whispered.

Cameron walked into our room and laid down beside me planting a kiss on my cheek and enormous belly. "Daddy loves you!" he cooed.

All I have done since I have gotten back is rest. It's tiring being pregnant, you know.

I'm about to pop. Taylor said I should have them by next week. "Hey babe?" I asked. "Yeah?' he said looking up at me. "Well, since I'm due next week and we still have nothing for the babies, can we go shopping?" I asked excitedly. "Of course angel." He said and kissed me passionately.

We ate a quick breakfast and drove to the mall. "Where to?" he asked. "Well obviously to the maternity store!" I replied with a duh tone.

We went into a maternity shop and went searching through hundreds of outfits. "How about this one?" Cam asked. "Eww! That one?" I replied, mortified with his decision on a onesie that said: I'm Daddy's Little Pooper! with a picture of poop. "Yeah! It's cute!" he exclaimed. "Umm. No." I replied.

We actually found about a hundred different outfits. You may think that's a lot but with us two losing everything, plus four kids, it isn't that much.

We paid for everything and walked out of the store. As I was walking to another maternity store, Cameron redirected me. "What are you doing?" I question, clearly confused. "I want to get something for you. Not just the babies." He replied, walking me into a Victoria's Secret. "Oh my gosh, really? I'm going to have a terrible body after these children!" I exclaimed. "You will always be beautiful to me. Stretch marks and all." He smirked. I playfully slapped his shoulder.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked. Half and hour late we were done in THAT store. Word of advice, don't bring boys in lingerie stores...

We spent another hour buying pacifiers, bottles, blankets, diapers, a crib, and a whole bunch of baby things.

As we were walking out of the mall, I heard footsteps quickly approaching. I turn around to see a man running towards me with a knife. When he tried to stab me, I grabbed his wrist and snapped it earning a scream from him. He got up and tried to jump on my back and knock me down, but I elbowed him in the face and broke his nose. After earning quite a few curse words from him, he got up and ran away. I look over at Cam and see him gaping at me with wide eyes. "What?" I asked. "Don't mess with a pregnant person." I smirked.

We got back to our house and started setting up things in the baby's room. The room had been painted earlier that week at neutral green color with stuffed animal stickers. It was a really cute room. We finished setting things up and putting the baby clothes away and walked to our room and laid down on the bed. "I love you." I told Cameron. "I love you too babe." He replied and gave me a quick kiss before we both soon fell asleep.

When I woke up, I decided to make breakfast and surprise Cam. Y'all know how much boys love food. I finished cooking and started making coffee when I felt arms envelope me.

"Good morning." I cooed. "Good morning babe." he said and sat down with the tray of food. "Hey! I want some too!" I exclaimed, trying to stab at a sausage, but missing entirely. "Nope." he replied, chowing down. "You wouldn't starve the mother of your children, would you?" I said with puppy dog eyes. He grunted and passed me the food. "I thought you would say that." I smirked.

After we, I mean I, finished the food, I washed the dishes and wiped off the counter. "Hey babe? Do you want to go for a walk?" Cameron asked. "Sure!" I replied and grabbed my coat. We walked for a while then sat in a meadow. "I love you." He stated. "I know. I love you too." I replied. "No, I mean 'I love you'. You are my best friend, my fiancé, and the reason for my existence. I'm so happy you're my mate." Cameron smiled.

I grabbed him and kissed him passionately. He kissed me back and I grimaced. "What's wrong? Is it me?" he asked. "No, my water just broke." I stated.

Don't kill me. (Especially you Megan! Love ya😘)

Thank you for all the reads, comments, and votes. They mean so much to me!!

Love you

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