Chapter Twenty-Four

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*Alex POV*

"This may sound like an odd question, but how are you fifteen weeks pregnant when you've only been with Josh for a few weeks?" I asked, a little puzzled as I thought about it longer.

Hannah's face turned bright red and she looked at her lap. "I went to a party at my friend Jessica's pack house, her mate is Alpha Matthew, and I got really drunk and Joshua was there and we were both wasted, and one thing led to another..." She explained.

"Hannah! I thought I was the whore!" I laughed. It was not like Hannah to just hookup with someone when she meets them.

"I know. I know. I'm not the same person I was before. I'm a slut now." Hannah winked. It was now when I saw Hannah in her true essence. She had changed a lot from when we were kids. When we were little, she had short, dark blonde hair and green eyes, but now she had chocolate brown hair that ended mid back, blue eyes and is about 5'4".

"So what has happened in all this time we have spent apart Hannah Banana?" I asked, as I haven't seen her in a few years.

"Well, I finished high school in 2011, went to community college and got my Associates Degree in Business, went to beauty school over the past few summers and got my license, and finally pursued my dream career, photography. How about you?" She confessed.

"Well, I finished high school online, I got pregnant so I put off college for a few years, I plan on getting my Masters Degree in Education and Biology. I want to be a Science teacher." I admitted.

We continued to chitchat and paint each others nails. Hannah gave me a professional manicure for free and agreed to do my hair and take some pictures for the wedding. She couldn't take them all of course because she has to be in some of them.

"I've really missed you Hannah Banana." I stated sincerely. I really did. I've wondered about her over the years and now I knew how she turned out.

"I've missed you too Allie May!" she whimpered. I can see the hormones got to her, I rarely had trouble with them.

We finished with our nails I'm no time. "I can't believe I'm getting married next week." I stated.

"Me either. Last thing I knew, we were both five and pushing each other on swings. Now we are sitting here, pregnant and you're getting married!" She added. We giggled for awhile, talking about pastimes until it was about 10 o'clock at night, when Josh and Hannah left.

I rested my head on Cameron's shoulder. "I love you babe." I sighed, snuggling close to the love of my life.

Cameron wrapped his arms around my torso, kissed my forehead, and whispered "I love you too. Infinitely."

"Oh! I forgot to tell you! Greyson said his first word, and I found out what his gift is, I think." I stated. Cameron was shocked, of course, Greyson was only about six months old.

"What did he say?" He replied.

"Baby, while pointing up at my stomach, and then crawled over to Hannah and said the same to her. I didn't even know Hannah was pregnant, which gets me to his gift. The ability to know when a woman/wolf is pregnant." I explained.

"And that's going to be useful to this pack, how?" He asked.

"He will be able to detect when his mate is pregnant, and who needs to stay behind, and if he needs to help someone who is pregnant escape danger, after all, he will be Alpha." I stated.

The kids were all nestled in their crib with a bottle in each mouth, and I wondered if married life could get any better than this.


Don't forget to Comment, Vote, and maybe Fan? Thanks you beautiful people. Any ideas for the wedding? Its going to be the next chapter, finally!

As always,


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