Chapter Five

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*Cameron POV*

I don't even know what I was thinking when I marked her! My wolf just took over. I want to slow way down for a while because this is moving way too fast.

I haven't felt this way about someone before, and I know its because she is my mate but still. Shit, now that I've marked her, she is going to go into heat soon. Great. Just fricken great.

I punched the wall leaving a big dent in it, and surely everyone on our wing heard it because i heard a lot of shuffling around and gasps.

I was in Alex and I's room and she left shortly after I marked her. She didn't leave the pack or anything she just went into a different room. Needless to say, she was pretty pissed.

I need a run. "Mate hates us." my wolf Felix sulked. "Well if you didn't take over me and mark her, maybe she wouldn't be mad." I retorted. "Well sorry, she's hot!" Felix groaned. "I know but still, calm your ass down. " I sighed.

I changed my clothes into a baggy tee and basketball shorts and ran outside. "Hey Alpha! I-" my beta Thomas tried to say, but I ignored him and didn't get the last part in.

I ran behind a tree and stripped and tied my clothes to my ankle. I sprinted about ten feet before changing into my massive black wolf. I decided to run around the perimeter a few times. Altogether, the perimeter is about twenty miles.

I circles the perimeter once and was about to go around again until something hit me in the head and I blacked out.

*Alex POV*

I can't believe he did that! Sure, I wanted to be with him but I've only been here what? Three, four days? Thats way to soon to be marked. Why didn't he listen when I told him to stop?

All these thoughts ran through my head after the realization hit that I was now his, and only his. I jumped out of the shower and ran to the closet to get clothes. I need to get out of here, I need some time to think.

I grabbed a bra and underwear, not caring what they were or if they matched or not.

"Baby, wait! Let me explain!" He pleaded. "No need to explain. Why couldn't you see I wasn't ready for this?!" I argued. I grabbed a random shirt and jeans not caring if they matched. "I didn't mean to m-" I cut him off. " Save it." I said and walked into the bathroom and locked the door.

I threw on my clothes and brushed my hair through. As I was brushing my hair to on side, I caught a glimpse of my mark. Of course it was still healing, but it was beginning to take shape. the shape of two wolves howling at the moon.

I know, sounds cheesy right?

"I don't care, I'm still mad at him." I told my wolf Charlotte. "Why? Mate loves us! He marked us!" she purred. "Yeah, and I wasn't ready!" I debated. That made her shut up.

I walked out of the room without muttering a syllable. Where to go? The one place I can think straight. The library.

I grabbed the book I had been reading and started reading again. By the time I was well wrapped up in reading, my wolf howled in pain. "Mate gone!" she screamed.

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