Chapter Twenty Seven(Final Chapter)

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So literally everyone commented the same thing, so I'm going to go with that. Also sorry it's been taking so long. I spent all summer moving and school just started again.

I don't know what time it was when I fell asleep, but it was late morning by the time I woke up. My mouth was agape and I was stretched out over the entire bed, legs tangled in the blankets.

"Cam?" I mumbled groggily. I heard a groan from underneath me. "Oops, sorry babe." I whispered and rolled off of him to my side of the bed.

I couldn't fall back asleep so I decided to take a shower. By the time I was done, Cam wasn't in bed, but I smelled food and ran full speed down the stairs tripping on the last one and falling on my face. But do you think that stopped me? Nope, I got right back up and scurried to the kitchen. There was a plate of blueberry waffles, eggs and bacon waiting for me along with a note.

Went for a run. Be back soon, enjoy your breakfast, Cam.

I scarfed down the food, grabbed a cup of coffee, and headed upstairs to change the kiddos and bring them down for breakfast. I walked into their room and expected to hear a fussy Scarlett like I do every morning, but she was quiet.

Hmm. She must still be asleep. That's a first. I thought.

I headed over to check on her,but her crib was empty. Did Cam take her with him?

Hey babe? Did you take Scarlett with you on your run this morning? I mind linked.

No, it's just me. Why?

She's gone Cam.

CONFERENCE ROOM. NOW. We linked to the pack. Feet scurried to the room quickly.

"Does anyone know where my daughter is? And more importantly, does anyone here have her?" I pleaded.

"No Luna. We have no idea where she is." Someone spoke up.

"Well, that can only mean one thing. Someone kidnapped my daughter. We will start looking immediately. Show no mercy, and get her back at any cost. Got it? We leave in 20 minutes people." Cam ordered.

Cam and I rushed up to our room to change our clothes to prepare for war.

"You should stay here with the kids." Cameron stated.

"STAY HERE WITH THE KIDS?" I shouted. "You can stay with the fucking kids. That is my daughter out there and I'll be damned if I'm going to be left here worrying about the both of you."

"What is wrong with you? You have been different since we came back, it's like you're not telling me something." Cam replied.

"It's none of your damn business. Can we please go find our daughter?" I stated.

"No goddamnit! Tell me what's going on first! Quit keeping secr--" he started, but I cut him off by kissing him.

"Now shut the hell up, and let's get going." I whispered.

I quickly changed into a pair of dark green cargo pants and a black tee shirt, tying my hair in a ponytail. We met out in front of the pack house.

"Jess, stay back and watch the kids." I commanded.

"Yes Luna." She submitted, and walked back into the house.

"Ready?" Cam asked me.

"Ready." I smirked, and we both shifted and took off. We caught her scent about 50 miles southwest of our territory, and followed it through a dense patch of woods.

"Filthy animals, I tell ya." Someone said.

"You're right about that. Every damn one of them needs to be wiped clean off this earth. We can start with this one." Another said, and picked up Scarlett.


There were about 20 of them.

"You bagged an alpha baby? Nice man!" Another said, high fiving the man holding Scarlett.

Surround them. Don't attack. We've got it, step in if necessary. Once we take down the man with Scarlett, grab her. I commanded.

Cam and I pounced, and I ripped out the man's throat who threatened my baby. Scarlett was laying on the ground and Hannah swooped in an grabbed her, and starting running back to the pack house. We managed to kill them all within twenty minutes.

"Don't threaten my family." I spat and walked away.

We got back to the pack house within the hour, Cam and I retrieved Scarlett and went back to our house. She didn't come out completely unscathed. There was a gash just above her left eyebrow. Must have been a silver knife.

"Don't you ever scare mommy like that again baby girl." I whimpered.

"Brrbbbbbb gah" Scarlett giggled.

I laid her down in her crib, and walked back to my room to shower.

I wrapped my hair in a towel and walked out of the bathroom. "Now tell me what's going on." Cam ordered.

"You didn't ask nicely." I stated sarcastically.

"Seriously, please tell me. Are you afraid you're doing to upset me?" Cam pleaded.

"I don't know. I just don't want you to be mad..." I trailed off.

"The only thing that's making me mad is you keeping secrets." Cam exclaimed.

" So after Hannah, I got my tubes tied. I couldn't go through that again, carrying her almost killed me, my body can't go through that again." I sobbed.

"Babe, why do you think that would be mad? What upsets me is that you didn't tell me right away." Cam soothed.

"I didn't want to upset you. I'm sorry baby." I cried into Cam's chest.

"Shhh. It's okay baby," Cam said as he lifted my face up "I'll always love you Alexis Lynn."

"And I love you, Cameron Alexander, forever."

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