Chapter Twenty Six

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*Alex POV*

After a long, but refreshing honeymoon in the Bahamas, we finally arrived home. Hannah was waiting there for us. I brought a little "suprise" back with me.

"YOU HAD YOUR BABY?!" Hannah screeched.

"Sshhhhhhh!!" I hushed. I was not about to wake up a newborn. Not a chance.

"I'm so happy for you!" Hannah exclaimed.

"Thanks, she has been a handful. " I chuckled.

Cameron came down the stairs and wrapped his hands around my waist and nuzzled his head into my neck.

"So where are my babies?" I asked, and they came running out of the living room.

"Momma, deres a bebe!" Greyson said, jumping up and down.

"Yes, it's your little sister." I replied and watch a smile boom on his face.

Cameron went off to play with the kids and I motioned for Hannah to follow me to my room.

"What's up?" she asked casually.

"I have some news. After I delivered Hailee, I had to get my tubes tied. The doctor said that I couldn't deliver any more children and it would be too dangerous to have a C-section. Cameron doesn't know. Please don't tell him." I spilled.

"Alexis! You have to tell him! What if he wants more children?" Hannah scolded.

"I just can't right now. He will have to deal with it, I couldn't put myself through that again. You don't know how hard those pregnancies were on me." I sighed.

"I'm going to make dinner." I said and hurried down the stairs. I turned on the stove to boil water for the potatoes and started to grill some steak. "Mmmm...that smells nice." Cameron stated as he wrapped his hands around my waist.

"Yes it does." I replied and leaned up to kiss him.

We ate dinner in peace and I put the children to bed.

"Nighty nite mommy!" Greyson yawned as I kissed his forehead. \

"Goodnite baby boy."I whispered.

I changed into my pajamas and crawled into bed next to Cameron, and he snaked his arms around my waist. I was tired, but had no sudden urge to sleep. Most of the rest of the night I studied Cameron's facial expressions. They way his lips pouted while he was dreaming, the steady rise and fall of his chest. There wasn't a doubt in my mind; this man was the most perfect man I have ever met, and there was no way in hell I woulkd give him up. My life was perfect.

I don't think i'm going to continue writing this book. As you can tell, I haven't updated in a LONG time. I just don't have the motivation continue writing it anymore. Sorry guys. Also sorry that this wasn't a long chapter.


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