Chapter Fourteen

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*Alex POV*

It's been a few weeks and my baby bump is getting noticeably larger by the day. My once loose-fitting clothes were now almost to the point I couldn't wear them. I will need to go maternity shopping soon.

A few days ago I got a letter in the mail. I couldn't figure out who it was from or where it came from but it was here. It read:

My Dearest Alexis,
You a finally getting settled and everything seems to be falling in to place right? Well not for long, my beautiful angel. I've been watching you, and it's time for payback. We'll meet soon enough my beautiful angel.


C? Who is C? I wondered. I suddenly worried for the beautiful life I've created inside of me. Would "C" hurt it? I caressed my stomach, worrying about my unborn child.

And what does C mean by payback? Have I even met this person? I retread the last part over and over.

'We'll meet soon enough my beautiful angel.'

Do I have a stalker or something? What did I ever do to this person?

Millions of questions raced through my mind , and this worried me to the point I couldn't sleep at night. I finally mustered up the courage to tell Cam.

"Babe, I need to tell you something and please promise me you won't freak out." I begged. "I promise." He replied and we pinky swore. "I've gotten a letter from someone and I have no clue who it is and it is scaring me." I said as he was reading the letter.

He started shaking violently. "MINE." he bellowed. "NO ONE TOUCHES MY MATE!" he yelled. "Babe! You promised you wouldn't freak out!!" I shushed him.

'PACK, CONFERENCE ROOM. NOW.' he mind linked. Soon, the shuffling of feet could be heard making their way towards the conference room.

"I'm going to take care of this angel." He said and walked out of the room.

I was flabbergasted at first, then I shrugged it off and decided to take a shower. I jumped in the shower and let the warm water cascade down my back.

But soon, I felt as if I wasn't alone. I figured it was Cam so I didn't think about it any longer. I kept my eyes closed and washed my body.

I felt the shower door open and I welcomed Cam in. "Hey babe." I whispered, my eyes still closed. "It isn't Cameron." I heard a husky voice say and I opened my eyes. Not before I was knocked unconscious of course.

Soo tell me what you think?? Good, bad? I know it's short, but oh well. Thank you for reading!

Please Vote, Comment, and maybe even Fan? Love you!

-Amy- 😘✌💜

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