Chapter Seven

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*Alex POV*

There in the doorway stood someone I never wanted to see again. The man that abused me all these years. My old alpha, Sam Harris.

"Sam?! I finally managed to choke out. My eyes drifted from him to my mate who was sitting tied to a chair with a slash across his beautiful chest.

It brought tears to my eyes, my mate was here because of me. I dragged him into this and it's my job to take him out.

"Alexis, so glad you could join us." Sam said with an evil smirk on his face. He took a step towards me and I stumbled backwards. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Alexis, you should know better than to back away from me didn't you learn anything?" Sam scolded, and used his thumbs to rub my cheek.

"Don't you touch her!" Cameron roared, and struggled to get out of the restraints. Why doesn't he shift? I thought. 'Wolfsbane' my wolf replied.

I shuddered underneath his touch, it feels gross compared to Cam. Poor Cameron.

"This is going to be fun." Sam smirked. He started walking towards me again, and again, I stumbled backwards. But this time, I lost my balance and Sam caught me by the hips, earning a growl from my mate. Sam brought me back up and groped my ass.

"Get your hands off my ass right now!" I hissed. "Well if you want your prety little mate to live, I suggest you shut up. And I can and WILL do whatever I want with you." he growled.

From there he picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist, and started kissing down my neck. I look over at Cam and he was pissed. His eyes were black and filled with anger and hatred, but once he looked at me, they filled with sorrow and regret. I couldn't help it, I started to cry.

Sam sat me on a table and started trying to take off my shirt, but I refused. "Stop struggling, or I will end him." he bellowed. By this time, I was bawling my eyes out. He lifted my shirt and slipped it off of me. He continued kissing down my neck and came upon my mark, kissing and sucking on it. Disgust was all I felt.

In one swift move, I brought my knee up to his groin. He crumpled to the ground clutching his manhood. "You bitch!" he thundered.

The wolfsbane must have wore off because all of a sudden, the restraints holding Cameron down ripped off the chair. His eyes were black and I could tell his wolf wanted to come out. I ran over to him and jumped into his arms. He calmed and his eyes turned back to their normal bright blue.

He was beautiful. "No, you're beautiful babe." he whispered. "Wait-How?" I stammered. "The mark." he replied. "Oh yeah." I giggled. "Excuse me? I thought she wasn't your mate?" Sam smirked getting up off the floor. Cameron put me down, "Hold on a second." He said and ran over to Sam snapping his neck. "He can't hurt you anymore." Cam said and snuggled his head in the crook of my neck and kissed my mark, wrapping his arms around my waist. I untangled us and looked into those beautiful blue orbs.

"Can I mark you?" I asked him, wanting him to finally be mine. "Of course." he said and bared his neck.

"Mine." I said. "Yours." he replied. I kissed down his neck until I found his weak spot, and I marked him as mine.


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