Chapter Sixteen

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*Cam POV*

About an hour after I sent the mindlink to the pack, my beta Joshua came up with information about Alex's father. "Here it is Alpha." He stated respectfully. "Thank you Joshua." I replied and he left the room.

My eyes wandered over the file. I shivered in disgust. I hated this man with a fiery passion. Next time I see him, I WILL kill him, and that's a promise.

Age: 46
Description: He is 6'2" tall and weights about 230 pounds. He is the Alpha of the Red Blood pack until he broke off ties in March. He is now a rogue.

He was the Alpha of the Red Blood pack and his late wife was the Alpha female, but she died after being kidnapped by the Silver Moon pack in 2006.

He only had one child, Alexis Lynn Daniels. About a year after her moms passing she fled to the Blue Moon pack and is now the Alpha female of the Gold Blood pack.

No one knows his whereabouts.

How could he do this to someone? Especially his own daughter!? Even though it didn't say in the file, I vaguely remembered Alex telling me that he dad used to work in a factory on the south border of Colorado, and it had been long since abandoned.

That's it!! That has to be where he is hiding her! 'I KNOW WHERE ALEX IS! GET TO THE CONFERENCE ROOM. EVERYONE EXCEPT FOR THE PUPS AND THE WEAK.' I yelled through the pack link using my alpha tone.

I'm going to find her, I'm going to bring her back, and I'm never going to let anyone hurt her again.

*Alex POV*

"Father?" I questioned, not quite believing my eyes. He chuckled a deep throaty laugh. "Yup." He responded taking in my features. "You've grown up little one." He commented and tried to cover up, only to see I was changed into nearly nothing.

'Bad man. He hurt us.' My wolf whimpered. 'I know. I'm sorry.' I replied.

"You're coming with me." He stated and he grabbed my arm. I slightly hesitated, but I didn't want to get beat, especially being pregnant.

He led me to a room at the end of a long hallway full of twists and turns. He opened the door and practically threw me inside making me stumble and then fall. "Stupid girl." He chuckled.

Then he walked over to a desk and pulled out a syringe. "Wha-what's th-th-that?" I stuttered. "Wolfsbane. To keep you from shifting." He stated. Little did he know I couldn't shift because I was pregnant.

He walked back and stuck the needle in my arm and pushed down the plunger. Soon after, darkness took over.

When I awoke, I was in a different room. I looked around and realized that I was tied to a bed. There were bruises all over my body. I started shaking in anger.

He couldn't do this to me! I've done nothing wrong. I hope Cameron kills him.

The rope was already beginning to burn my wrists and ankles and I sighed in frustration. There was no way I would be able to get out of this myself.

I tried to mind link Cam, but it wasn't working. After a few try's, it finally went through. 'Babe?' I asked. 'ALEXIS! I'M COMING. ' he replied and I sighed in relief. 'I love you.' I told him. 'I love you too.' He stated and we shut off the link because it was making me weaker.

Soon the door burst open and my father walked in again. "You're pregnant!?! Again?!" He screamed. "See? I told you that you were a whore." He spat. "I HAVE A MATE THANK YOU VERY MUCH." I yelled. "How dare you! You remind me so much of your mom, that's why I chose you. You look just like her and it pisses me off everyday that she died and you didn't." He retorted.

I laid there in shock. He wants me dead. Then he untied the ropes on me and pulled me up by my hair. He threw me into a wall and I collapsed on the floor. I managed to get back up and land a few hits to his face.

I ran over to the table and grabbed a knife. I ran back over to him and knocked him down, got on top off him, and stabbed him in the chest.

He laid there gasping for air. Must have stabbed him in the lung. I let him die a slow painful death, made him go through the pain he constantly put me through.

I found the cell keys and ran back to the cells. I unlocked very single cell and let each girl out, one giving me her extra clothes.

We were searching for the exit when a group of guards come out. "Where do you think you're going?!" they asked. "Um, you know, we are just leaving." A girl with red hair and green eyes said. Then their eyes locked and they both whispered "Mate."

Needless to say, the guard showed us the exit. We a walked out and were met with my pack. I spotted Cam and I bolted towards him. "Cameron!" I yelled. "Alexis!" he yelled back and kissed me with passion.

"Where's your father?" he asked, his eyes turning cold. "Dead. I killed him." I replied. "Can these ladies join our pack? Please!?" I begged. "Alright." He replied and we all left for home Cam carrying me the whole way back.

A few of the ladies found their mates in our pack and they were all settled. Good thing we had a lot of rooms!

Cam and I went back to our little cottage to change me and then I heard him on the phone. "What's up?" I asked, confused. "The doctor says your are far enough along to see how many babies there are and she wants to check up on them and you too." He stated and I agreed.

We got to the pack doctor and greeted her. "Hi, I'm Dr. Samuels, but you can call me Taylor." She stated. "Alexis or Alex." I replied. "Well Alex, let's see those babies!" Taylor cheered.

She spread the cool gel on my very noticeable baby bump. "Well, well, well. Looks like there is four. See right here, here, here, and here?" she pointed to the screen.

She printed out the sheet and handed it to me. "Before you look at it, do you want me to tell you the sex of the babies?" Taylor asked. "Of course!" Cam and I both replied in unison.

"Alex, it looks like you are having three boys and one girl." She stated.

NAME CONTEST! Comment what you want the babies names to be and I'll announce a winner next chapter.(:

Thank you for all the reads, I'm almost at a thousand! I want to thank the ones who have stuck with me all this time. It means so much! Keep reading! 😘

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