Chapter Twenty

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*Alex POV*

Christmas is drawing closer, the children are getting bigger, and life is better than ever. I still haven't went shopping for anyone's Christmas presents yet, and we only have two weeks!

"Cam?" I whispered, pecking his lips to wake him up. His eyes fluttered open and he replied with a groggy voice.

"Yeah?" He mumbled.

"We need to go Christmas shopping." I replied, hoping we could go.

"Now?" he whined. Haha he's so cute when he's confused in the mornings.

"No, not now silly." I playfully hit his chest.

"Did you just hit me? Because you will regret that." He smirked.

"No sir! I did no such thing!" I replied in a mock British accent. He started to get up to come after me.

"Liar! Now you're going to get it." He ran after me, chasing me down the stairs.

"You'll never catch me alive!" I yelled, but quietly so I wouldn't wake the babies.

He chased me into the kitchen, tackled me to the floor, and started tickling me.

"N-n-noo! S-s-st-stop!" I said through giggles.

"This is your punishment! You will endure it!" Cam replied, trying to sound tough.

I caught him off guard and flipped him over, straddling his lap. His eyes held a look of shock.

"I got you now!" I yelled, and started tickling him back. He was squirming around trying to get out of my grip. Our little 'tickle fight' was interrupted by the sound of a baby's cry.

"I'll get it." I answered, and ran back up the steps.

The crying baby turned out to be Greyson, fussy because he was hungry and needed his diaper changed. I quickly changed his diaper and popped a bottle into his mouth. His gorgeous blue eyes looked up at me and all I could think of was how much he looked like Cameron.

His eyes began to droop, and I could tell he was about to fall asleep. I let him finish his bottle, and when I knew he was asleep, I walked down stairs. Cam was watching the science channel, sitting on the couch and I was about to cook breakfast.

"Here, take Greyson. I'm going to make breakfast." I stated, and handed him Greyson, who was still sound asleep.

I walked into the kitchen and got out some eggs, bacon, waffle mix, and sausage. I made a few omelets with cheese, bacon, green peppers, ham, and sausage. Then I made Belgian waffles and put berries on top, along with bacon and sausages on the side.

I carried the plates into the living room, planning on giving one to Cam, and eating the other. When I walked in the living room, I found Cameron and Greyson sound asleep on the couch. I couldn't help but notice the similarities between the two. The eyes, the noses, the hair, you could tell with out a doubt Greyson was his.

I took a quick picture, sat our plates down, and grabbed Greyson.

"Cam! Cam! Cam!" I whisper-shouted.

"Yeah?" he mumbled.

"Breakfast." I replied, and he shot up.

"You're lucky I grabbed Greyson or he would have fell right on the floor." I scolded him.

I handed him his plate and sat Greyson in the crook of my knee and I started eating. This was a great breakfast, if I do say so myself. The other babies started to wake up, so Cam went up to get Xavier and Jonathan, while I got Scarlett. We each had two babies in our arms, and all they wanted was to be held.

Family time with my fiancé and children was the best family time I've ever had.

Sorry for the wait. They won't get married for a few chapters, just to let you know. Thank all of you who stuck with me all this time. Love you all!!

Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and maybe Fan? They mean a lot to me, especially the comments.


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