Chapter Eleven

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Sorry I haven't updated, I've been really busy with school work and family matters. Plus, I had severe writers block. My birthday in  3 days! October 24! (: I'm soo excited, anway back to story. (: Lol Writer's block by Royce da 5'9" came on while I was writing this xD

*Cam POV*

We are finally fully mated and we've been locked in my room for the past week waiting for Alex's heat to be over, and you know what we've been doing to pass the time. *hint hint*

"Babe, please???" Alex begged. "Not right now baby." I replied.  "But-but I want chocolate, an-and pickles!" she announced. "Fine, we'll go to the store..." I said.

*Alex POV*

Ever since we've mated,  I've gotten these weird cravings and felt really weird lately.  Yes, I wanted to come to the store for food, but also to find a pregnancy test.

We finally pulled into the supermarket parking lot and I bolted into store, hopefully beating Cam into the store.  I knew he would catch up to me, but it was worth a try.

"Babe, can you go get me some cookies, chocolate,  pickles, apples, ooh and some chicken?!" I listed off the things I was craving in hopes that he would leave so I could go buy the test. "Sure,  baby." he said.  "I'll meet you buy the magazines in 10 minutes?" I asked. "Yup!" he answered.

I waited for him to walk away and I rushed into the isle that held the pregnancy tests. After glancing over a few,  I quickly grabbed one and grabbed a magazine and some gummy worms to not seem all the suspicious if Cam spotted me.

I quickly walked up to the cash register and handed the clerk my items.  "That will be $6.95."she stated.  I handed her the money and made my way to the bathroom.  I sat my bag on the sink and grabbed the box and opened it. As I was waiting for my results,  I began to muse over the whole situation.

What if I was pregnant? Would it be a girl or a boy? I began to imagine what Cam would be like as a father. Of course,  he would be a wonderful father.

As I looked down at the stick, I saw the result I knew I would.

It read: Pregnant

So did you like it? And I know, it's only been a week since they mated, but werewolf pregnancies progress faster. Tell me what you think. (: Love you guys (:


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