Chapter Eighteen

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*Alex POV*

Pain shot throughout my body.

"Ow, ow, ow, OW!" I cried.

"Shhh... It's alright babe. You can do it!" Cam consoled.


"Pregnancy hormones." He mumbled.

"What did you say?" I growled.

"Nothing! I said nothing." He declared.

The pack doctor was called, and I was hauled to the infirmary. I was then transported to the small maternity section.

"How are you doing?" Taylor asked. And I glared at her. I think she got the picture.

"Well, you are dilated 7 cm. Three centimeters left!" She cheered.

'Yeah, now she's cheering. Let's see her in labor.' My wolf stated.

"SHOOOOTMMMEEEE!" I moaned. The pain was excruciating.

"Hey babe. Remember our first date?" Cam reminisced, wanting me to do the same, finding my happy place.

"Can I open my eyes yet?" I whined. I'm getting kind of excited, I mean I HAVE had my eyes closed for like twenty minutes! "Not yet!" he replied. After waiting yet another minute he finally gives the okay for me to open my eyes.

In front of me laid a beautiful handmade quilt with a picnic basket full of all kinds of foods. I looked around and we are surrounded by a waterfall on one side and a lake on the other. "This is beautiful! " I exclaimed and wrapped my arms around him. "Not as beautiful as you. " he replied and I blushed.

We sat down and ate some kind of pasta dish that was amazing by the way and finished off with chocolate cake and champagne. "To us." he said holding up his glass. "To us." I replied and clinked glasses.
**********End of Flashback**********

That day marked the beginning of our relationship, and I felt my wolf relax.

Another contraction came, and I was ready to push.

"You can do it Alexis!!" Taylor cheered.

I pushed for several minutes, but nothing was happening.

"You have to push harder Alexis!!" Taylor informed.

"Babe, I can't do it. I just can't." I wailed.

"Yes you can. You are a strong, gorgeous, and brave woman. I'm so glad the moon goddess put us together, and I hope we never part." He encouraged.

"Aww. I've noticed Alpha/Luna relationships are a lot stronger than normal wolf relationships. I can clearly see that with you two." Taylor informed.

The words from my mate gave me the motivation, I can do this. I can do this.

With a strong push, the first baby was out. A boy. The future Alpha of this pack.

After another hour, all babies were out and named.

Greyson Alexander- future alpha, first born.
Scarlett Lynn- second born.
Jonathan Lee - Third born.
Xavier Michael- last born.

They were all gorgeous.

Greyson had black hair and piercing blue eyes, like his father, and I could tell he would be a handsome man.

Scarlett had beautiful green eyes and curly blonde hair.Which is weird because, I have dark brown hair and green eyes.

Jonathan had big brown eyes and blonde hair. I wondered where he got his eyes from, but then I remembered. My mother had blonde hair and brown eyes, so that's where Scarlett got her hair and Jonathan got his eyes and hair.

Last, but not least, Xavier. He had bluish green eyes and brown hair like me. He was the smallest, and the youngest, which meant unfortunately for him, he would never be Alpha.

The next day, I got to go back to the cottage, I thank the moon goddess for the ability to heal fast.

Thanksgiving is in two days, and I am thankful for my fiancé and children. I'm so happy them came into my life, and I couldn't imagine life without them.

The house is decorated and I've started preparing some food ahead of time. My life is complete.

I've gotten everything I've wanted in life, and so much more.


FYI this book is probably coming to and end soon.

I love all of you guys. Thanks for sticking with me all this time!!

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P.S. Please check out my new book Written In the Stars!


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