Chapter Nine

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*Alex POV*

I could feel my mate shaking violently in my arms. "Baby stop." I pleaded running my hands down his chest. "THEY WANT TO MATE YOU! YOUR MINE!" He bellowed.

He got off the bed and ran to the door yanking it off the hinges. "SHE'S MINE!!" he screamed and got into a protective stance.

"Touch her and I will kill you." he stated in his alpha tone. The men bowed in respect and went back to their rooms.

"Why didn't you just open the damn door?" I asked. "Now we have no privacy. " I mumbled. Damn hormones.

"We have extra rooms babe." he smirked. "You and your ego..." I said, shaking my head.

"I have to shower dude." I stated. "Well I could join you." he hinted. "Well when don't what happened last time to happen again now, do we?" I teased. "Well...Kinda." he blushed. HE EFFIN' BLUSHED! THE ALPHA FLIPPIN BLUSHED!

"Alright." I gave in and dragged him into the bathroom and locked the door. Hopefully he doesn't tear this one off.

We managed to get out of the shower with only a few minor slip-ups. Which were his fault. Okay, they were my fault...

I dressed myself in a lavender longsleeved shirt with lace sleeves, dark wash jean shorts, an infinity scarf, and moccasins. I fishtail braided my hair and only did light make up.

"You're beautiful." Cam whispered in my ear then kissed my mark making me shiver once again. He was wearing low hanging jeans and NO shirt. "Mmmm, your sexy." I smirked, raking my eyes over my mates body. "What? No 'You're beautiful'? Do you just want me for my body?" he joked. "Yup!" I said popping the 'p'.

I smashed my lips against his feeling the all too familiar sparks. Things started to get heated and I pulled away, I'm not ready for that step just yet, plus we don't have a door...

I laid down on the bed and came to a important realization. I literally have NO friends here. All I had was Cameron.

Realizing that I was upset, Cam immediately questioned me. "What's wrong babe?" he asked, worry filling those beautiful blue orbs I have grown to love. "I have zero friends here. I feel like I'm not wanted." I didn't even realize I was crying until Cam wiped away the tears that fell.

"Of course you are welcome here. Tomorrow is your birthday and your acceptance into the pack and your induction as Luna. You will meet a few people and I'm sure make great friends." he reassured. I was silent for a while hoping he was right.

I turned on my side facing him, "I love you." I whispered. His eyes filled with happiness and his face relaxed.

"I love you too." he replied


Okay guys so I'm like in LOVE with this chapter! Tell me what you think! And don't forget to kill that vote button. I love you guys so much!!

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Love you guys!


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