Chapter Twenty Two.

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*Alex POV*

When I walked out into the parking lot, I was shocked at what I saw. Beside our car, Cameron was practicing a little speech, pacing back and forth. What is he doing? I wondered. Without him noticing me, I strapped Xavier and Scarlett into their seats. Greyson and Jonathan were already asleep, and so were Xavier and Scarlett. I put away the groceries and walked over to the driver's side of the car where Cam was standing. "Babe, are you alright?" I asked.

He turned his head to look at me. "Oh yeah. I'm fine. Just something on my mind." He stated.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I inquired, looking puzzled. He usually spilled his guts to me all the time.

"Maybe later, not right now." He shrugged. I was surprised. He usually tells me everything, maybe it's something big.

"Alright babe. Just know, you can tell me anything." I stated and walked over to my side of the car.

He nodded his head, got in the driver's seat and pulled out of the parking lot. I grabbed his hand and felt the all to familiar sparks shoot through me, as I smiled and leaned my head back on the seat. I soon let darkness take over. When I woke up, I was laying in bed. I checked the clock, 3:19 a.m. Crap! Cameron was going to tell me something. I rolled over to face him, but he wasn't there. He left a note on his pillow.

I have some pack business to take care of. I have to talk to you when we get a chance. I just want you to know I love you.

Your soulmate, Cam. <3

I smiled at the note, but it sounded like a death note, like he might not make it back. I started to frantically worry. I started to hyperventilate. Is he going to come back!? Will he be alright? What pack business? I wondered. I got up and checked on the children. They were still asleep, I sighed.

Christmas was tomorrow. I better wrap the presents up. I went to the closet and picked up the wrapping paper, it was green and had snowmen on it. It was adorable, obviously or I wouldn't have picked it out. I wrapped up all the presents and placed them gently under the tree.

The tree was bare since we haven't had time to decorate it. I grabbed the ornaments, tinsel, and lights from the attic and started to wrap them around the tree. It looked like something out of a movie. The rails of the stairs looked bare too, so I wrapped multi-colored lights around the banister. I looked at my finished work and then went and started coffee. I walked into the living room and searched through Netflix for The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. You know, the one with Jim Carrey, the best Christmas movie ever.

"You're the the the-" Cindy Loo Who stuttered. "The the the. THE GRINCH!" Grinch mocked. I loved this movie. The coffee machine beeped and I filled up my mug and took a sip. It was scalding hot, and I burnt my tongue. "Ouch!" I exclaimed, throwing my hand up to my mouth. I put my mug in the freezer, in an attempt to cool it down.

I really hoped Cameron was okay. He had me worried sick! The door jolted open and I jumped. "Cameron!" I exclaimed and threw my arms around his neck. "I missed you baby. Don't ever leave me again!" I stated.

"I won't if I can help it." He smiled and kissed me. We stood there holding each other for many minutes. I was the first to pull away, and I took a good look at him. He was covered in long scratches, and had a bruise on his left cheek.

"What happened?" I asked, rubbing my thumb over the bruise. He winced, "Rouge attack, no big deal." He shrugged. Normally, I would have pestered him about it, but it was Christmas Eve, and I wanted it to be a good one.

"You decorated? And put the presents under the tree?" Cameron asked, surprised.

"Yes. I did. I couldn't sleep without you with me, so I did all of this." I stated and motioned at the decorations I put up. He smiled and looked back at me.

"Why don't you go up to bed? I have to put some presents under the tree too, and I'll be up in about ten minutes." He suggested. I nodded my head and headed to the kitchen first. I got my mug out of the freezer and turned off the coffee pot. I placed it on the counter and ran up to bed. I snuggled under the blankets and inhaled Cameron's scent. I fell asleep soon after, but right before I nodded off, I felt a pair of warm arms snake around my waist.

I woke up to all four babies crying at seven a.m. I shook Cameron's arm because I couldn't pick them all up at once. "What?" He mumbled. I turned up the baby monitor all the way and stuck it next to his ear when one of the babies started to scream. He jolted up and fell of the bed, entangled in the blankets. I clutched my stomach and started to laugh uncontrollably.

I got up and grabbed Jonathan and Greyson. They cooed and reached up when I walked in and I smiled. They were growing up so fast. I made four bottles and warmed them up in the microwave. I placed Jonathan and and Greyson on the floor with their bottles, and handed Cameron Xavier and Scarlett's bottles. I heated my coffee back up from last night, but not as hot as it was. I stirred it and walked into the living room with some coffee for Cameron. "Thanks!" he muttered and slurped it down.

"Present time!" I exclaimed. I placed a present in front of all the children. They each reached for one, taking each others. "No, this is yours." I stated and placed the corresponding presents on the children's laps. They ripped and chewed on the paper, but I made sure they didn't swallow anything. They opened each of their presents and stockings and it was our turn. They got bottles, outfits, and a bunch of toys.

Cameron handed me my present, and I handed him his. I opened mine first. He got me a bottle of red wine, a spa coupon, and a necklace with two howling wolves like the ones in my mark, and they each had our initials on the wolves. "Aww. It's beautiful. Thank you!" I said and wrapped my arms around Cameron's neck, planting a warm kiss on his lips. He smiled then opened his, and laughed at what he got, a textbook. "Open it." I stated. He complied as opened it, but it wasn't a real textbook, it was one you hid things in like jewelry.

"What? Really?" he said excitedly, looking at what was inside. I smiled and nodded my head. It was an ultrasound picture. I was pregnant with another baby girl.

Thanks to all you loyal readers. You mean so much.(: I love you guys.

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