Chapter Four

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*Alex POV*

We went home after a long, amazing day and I headed up to our room to shower.I never really noticed the room before. It was a gray room with one wall that is emerald green and the king sized bed is pushed up against the green wall.

Above the bed there is a window with black curtains and the bathroom is to the left when you walk in, while the closet is on the right.

I walked over to the closet and grabbed a pair of panties, a matching bra, and one of Cameron's shirts and walked to the bathroom.

The bathroom had a huge, clear glass shower big enough for like six people on one side and a clawfoot tub on the other.

I decided on taking a shower. Cameron insisted I put my things in the shower, because after all I'm going to be staying with him.

I hopped into the shower, turning on the hot water. The steam rose and I felt my muscles relax. I then did what most people do in the shower, I sang.

"I need your love, I need your time, when everything's wrong, you make it right. I feel so high I come alive, I need to be free with you tonight.I need your love." I sang my heart out.

"You're an amazing singer!" Cameron commented. He startled me and I jumped and covered myself. "Babe, its not like I won't see you naked sooner or later. Can I join you?" he smirked. "No! Now shoo!" I retorted.

"Fine!" he sighed and put his hands up in surrender. And walked out, but soon came back in.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked. "I'm taking a bath, duh!" he answered. "Whatever you just want to see me naked." I mumbled under my breath. "Yes I do, but only when you are ready." His last sentence made my heart melt.

"Fine, you can shower with me because i know you are going to look at me either way, but no funny business! " I said pointing a finger in his face. "Alright." he said putting his hands up on surrender yet again. As I turned back around, I saw him fist pump the air. "I saw that." I said, raising an eyebrow.

He climbed in the shower, behind me and I made SURE to keep an eye on him. But just then the most embarrasing thing happened. I dropped the soap. And I forgot he was there and bent over to grab it, my butt landing on his...'thing'.

After I realized what I did, my face flushed and turned bright red. I stood up real quick an turned. "I-I'm sorry." I stuttered. His eyes were dark, did I see lust in his eyes? He let out a growl, not a threatening growl, but a seductive growl.

He grabbee me and started kissing down my neck. "Ca-meron, s-st-op." I stuttered, at this point I was contemplating letting this happen or not. He stopped in one spot on my neck and I felt his canines extend.

"I love you." he whispered and bit down, marking me as his own.

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