Chapter Twenty-Five

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*Alex POV*

I woke up to sun streaming in my bedroom window. I was currently tangled in a mess of sheets, hair disheveled. "Wake up!" Hannah grumbled.

"But I don't wanna!" I mumbled, sounding like a five year old child.

"I have food in the kitchen." Hannah teased. I quickly shot up.

"I'm awake!" I yelled.

"Thought so."

I ran at inhuman speed down the stairs and was disappointed when there was nothing on the table. "HANNAH! WHERE'S MY FOOD!" I yelled, angry that she lied. You don't lie to a pregnant woman, especially one who loves food as much as I do.

"There isn't any. I had to get you out of bed. Don't be pissy, i'll take you out for breakfast." She stated.

"Whatever." I mumbled. Today is the day I've been looking forward to my entire life. Getting married to my mate.

I grabbed my keys, dress, and shoes, along with other marriage necessities. (A/N: Idk what you have to have. Lol) And followed Hannah out to her car. She had all her hair supplies in the back seat and I was astounded by how much was there.

"I'm just taking you to my shop. It will be easier and I can leave this stuff in the shop." Hannah explained, I didn't know she owned a beauty salon.

"Alright. Are you buying me breakfast now or later?" I winked.

Hannah rolled her eyes and looked at me. "Well, I guess now."

We finished eating a big meal at Darla's Diner (A/N: Made up) and were on our way to the shop. Her salon was huge, and I wondered how she could afford it.

Just because we are werewolves, doesn't mean we are made of money. There is just a bunch of werewolves with different careers and we get a certain amount of money taken out of our paychecks and it goes to the Alpha to pay for things the pack needs. At the end of the year, we get money paid back from our Alpha as well as the government. Kind of like a double tax return.

The inside was just as extravagant as the outside, if not more. I helped carry in her tools and places them on a table in the back. "So what's the style?" Hannah asked, trying to determine the tools to use.

"Up-do, with pieces hanging down." I smiled.

"You got it boss." Hannah saluted.

I spent about an hour in the chair while Hannah was curling my hair and putting in a types of clips. After she was done with my hair she moved on to makeup and wouldn't let me see. She finshed with a smile on her face and spun my chair around. I was amazed about how different I looked. My makeup was neutral, but subtle.

"Hannah! Thank you! I look amazing!" I squealed, jumping into her arms.

She giggled and put me down, "No problem, mess up your hair and i'll kill you though."

We went to the church to get ready before the ceremony, and Cameron wasn't there yet because there was only about two hours until it started and they don't start filling in until about half an hour to forty five minutes before it starts. I ushered into the dress while Hannah was naming things off.

"Something new? Something borrowed? Something blue?" She listed.

"Well, I just bought this bra and underwear set, and I borrowed those clips duh. And my bra and underwear are blue, so I think I'm good." I stated.

"I made sure everything is set up just how you wanted it, no suprises." Hannah stated sincerely. After all, this was my big day, and she didn't want anything to go wrong.

"I'm so glad you're here. I don't think we could have pulled this off without you." I revealed.

"Don't cry, you'll mess up your makeup." She said. I smiled and continued to get ready.

An hour later, I was ready to walk down the aisle and marry the love of my life. He was ready before I was, when he got there an hour before the wedding started and was ready in thirty minutes. The music started and I started down the isle. Hannah hugged me and handed me my bouquet which consisted of white roses and blue orchids. I looked into Cameron's beautiful blue eyes and was astounded to see that he was crying. Not full blown crying, but his eyes were definately watering.

I finally reached the alter and grabbed Cameron's hands. "You may all be seated." The pastor stated, signaling the guests to sit down.

"We are gathered here today in the sight of God to unite Alexis Lynn Daniels and Cameron Alexander Simmons." the preacher spoke.

(A/N: I kinda forgot Cameron's name, if you remember, let me know.)

"If anyone should object, speak now or forever hold your peace." He continued. I already mindlinked the pack and ordered them not to say anything, or else.

"Now is time for the vows. Alexis?" He stated.

"Cameron, I vow to help you love your life, now and forever. Ever since I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one I would spend my life with. You own a spot in my heart, a spot no one else can ever fill. I am so happy you are in my life and that you are the father of my children. Cameron, I can't wait to start our life together." I stated, honest and heartfelt.

"Cameron?" He asked.

"Alexis, I love you with all my heart. You are my one and only girl, and I couldn't imagine life without you. If I ever lost you, I couldn't survive. I'm so happy you are in my life and the mother of my children. You are the best mother anyone could ever ask for, and our children are the luckiest to have you. This is the best day of my life, aside from meeting you. I'm so happy you're the one I'm spending my forever with." Cameron said.

"The rings?" The preist asked. Our little Greyson waddled up the stage, with the help of Hannah of course, and passed the rings to Cameron. I smiled at him and Hannah held him for the rest of the ceremony.

Cameron slipped it on my finger and smiled at me. I was handed his ring and I slid it on his.

"By the powers vested in me by God and the state of South Carolina, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The preist smiled.

I leaned in and shared the most beautiful and passionate kiss I have ever felt in my life with my one true love. We were standing there while everone else around us was clapping, and it felt like 20 years that we were standing in each others embrace. We finally pulled apart, grabbed hands, and ran down the isle. Everyone was still clapping and we got ready for the reception.

I changed into a shorter, more conservative dress, which still looked like a wedding dress, except it had lace up to the collarbone and 3/4 sleeves. We cut out the father-daughter dance, for obvious reasons, and moved on to the husband and wife dance. I'll Be by Edwin McCain. I snuggled against him during the dance, greatful to be in his arms. The song ended and everyone was clapping, so much clapping happens at weddings, it's not even funny.

I shoved cake in Cameron's face and laughed so hard at the expression on his face, but not before getting it shoved back in mine. I actually ate some and time flew in no time, it was time to leave for the honeymoon. I threw my bouquet backwards and Hannah caught it. I figured she would. I giggled when Cameron took of the garter, and Joshua caught it. I thought it was pretty funny that a couple caught it.

We ran out to the car, sprinkles flying everywhere instead of rice. It was beautiful, and many pictures were taken. "I love you wife." Cameron smiled as we got in the car.

"I love you too husband." I replied, and leaned in for another slow kiss.


Did you like it? Sorry I took so long. I hope you like it. I love you guys, thanks for the reads and votes. I'll try to update more often.

Video to the side!


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