Chapter Twenty-Three

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*Alex POV*

I rubbed my hand over my swollen belly and admired the ring on my finger. The wedding was in a week and I was excited as all get out. I had all the details down and I couldn't wait to call Cameron mine forever.

I threw on a black tank top, a jean jacket, and a pair of light blue skinny jeans, complete with an opal necklace. I straightened my hair and put on mascara. I wobbled down the stairs and grabbed an apple and started munching on it. I have 4 months to go before I pop out Haliee Noel.

Cam had the babies on the floor and was playing with them and I was enjoying my Sleepy Hollow marathon. I was sitting on the couch talking to my belly when my long lost friend Hannah texted me. She was from my old pack, and I haven't seen her in forever.

Hannah: "Hey! I haven't talked to you in forever! How are you Allie May?"

When we were kids, she just started calling me Allie May, and I have no clue why because my name isn't anywhere near Allie May.

Alexis: "I'm great! I found my mate! He's an Alpha, Score! Guess what? I'm pregnant with my fifth child and I'm getting married next week? Do you want to go dress shopping with me today?"

I sat my phone down and waited for it to vibrate, signaling Hannah's new text. 'BUZZ BUZZ!'

Hannah: "That's great! Mines the Beta of the Greenwood Pack. His name is Joshua! And I would love to go dress shopping with you!"

Alexis: "Greenwood?! That's my pack! Alpha Cameron is my mate! OMG how come I've never seen you around?" ( A/N:I made up the name because I forgot the name of Alexis's pack. I'm a bad author! xD.)

Hannah: "I just found him a few weeks ago! Where are you at?"

Alexis: "There's a cottage about a mile behind the pack house. Run back here so I can see you woman!"

Hannah: "Be there in ten!"

I put down my phone and changed the kids so they wouldn't stink when Hannah got here. Cam helped by getting them changed out of their PJ's and into outfits for the day.

"Hey babe? My friend Hannah is going to be here in a few minutes. We are going to go wedding dress shopping, is that okay with you?" I asked.

"Of course it is. I was going to plan some things for my bachelor party anyway with my best man." He shrugged.

"Whose your best man?" I asked out of curiosity.

"My Beta, Joshua. We have been best friends forever. He just found his mate! I'm sure i'll be his best man when he gets married to his mate. What's her name again? I think it was Han-"

"Hannah! She's the one I was talking about! She was from my old pack, I've known her since I was five." I exclaimed.

"That's weird. Our best friends being mates to each other? The moon goddess did that on purpose!" He laughed.

"I'll take the kids today. You and Joshy have fun!" I giggled.

The doorbell rung and I went over to get it. "Hannah Banana!" I exclaimed.

"Allie May!" she screamed. We hugged for a while and then pulled away.

"I've missed you so much! Did you know your mate is my mate's best friend?" I asked.

"Yeah he told me. I guess that means we will be seeing each other all the time!" she stated.

"I have an important question to ask you Hannah Banana. I was wondering if you wanted to be my Maid of Honor? I could never imagine my wedding without you." I confessed.

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