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A week later

Kera Wendell

Passing a year, hearing, seeing Trey talk about our relationship without knowing both sides of the story. It was finally my turn to talk. I was being Interviewed on a radio show. I closed up shop today, so Riya and Marcus could come with me.

Latterly arriving at the studio after leaving Layla with my mom. I made it inside with Riya and Marcus.

Running places, different makeup artist, and people getting you ready.

"Are you nervous?" Riya asked

"Not really, because I'm going out there to tell my side of the story. I shouldn't just be called 'Trey's baby momma'." She nodded her head, as I stood up. I had to go out in less than two minutes, as the host introduced me.

"The one who wants to tell her side of the story, to the world letting you know that she went through a lot as well. Kera Wendell." Said, Pam the host.

It was set up like a radio show, so I was already seated.

"How you feeling? Angel, the host asked.

"Good, happy to be here."

"Now before we jump into the situation, how's you business going. I here you have a shop called Curvy Q."

"Thats doing really great. It's a good place for women to get everything done. You nails, feet, eyebrows get a outfit, and come out looking like a new person."

"Wow, who would've thought..."

"And how's Layla, she's adorable?!" She continued.

"Thats my baby! I love her so much, she's great. She's helping me be a better person and a better mother and women in so many ways."

"Thats cute! Now we all wanna know, what happened with you and Trey. It's been a year later, and things didn't work out. Yall have a child, Layla Maríah Neverson and things obviously haven't been heard from your perspective." Angel explained as I sighed.

"From me it's crazy, you know because no one asked how I felt or feel about the situation. Not to bring it up and start drama but there's two sides to every story. And I was in a very dark place. You know I never showed it but. After Trey and I stated dating almost 3 years ago things were okay. The back of my head knew that he's a great guy, but dating someone like him, it's going to be a lot harder than an average person. So, after I'm pregnant, the first time a female pops up and says Trey has a child. It was way before I was in the picture, but why is she coming by saying you already have a child-" I paused talking a sip of my water.

"After that blow over, you know I just had to accept it, no time to cope with things, it's just me saying okay no big deal when it really was. Few months later, more things happen and I end up having a miscarriage with my first child. And from that point on, I told myself to stop and slow down. Trey and I split, and me still going to work, and not really have time to cry and deal. Trey and I got back together months later, things aren't the same. I end up being harassed up until his shooting, and the break in. He going into a coma, and me only me, I stayed at the hospital for days praying that he was okay, and when he finally wakes up-"

"He blamed you..." She stated remembering.

"Mhm, at the point I knew nothing would ever be the same. That's one of the things that hurted the most for him to just blame me for everything that's happened in our relationship. Myself still putting my feeling away we end up getting back together. I know crazy. Baby number 2, until I couldn't take it anymore. I Dont even think it was love anymore. I just wanted to be with a man. Not listening to what I really felt inside my heart. Him continuously wanted to make our relationship work, he ends up saying things that no women should hear about themselves. I felt so alone and so done." Angel was so engaged, she nodded her head.

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