No Love P2

387 18 3

Kera Wendell

Checking the time on my phone just pulling into the driveway, 3:06am. Hopefully Trey's sleep and I can just ease my way into bed, acting like none of this ever happened. I've been gone for about eight hours but I didn't do anything. I went to the lake and sat looking at myself. Why did I deserve this? Or Trey?

Everyday I see myself getting worst and worst and there's nothing I can do about it. This bag of weed, I didn't smoke I looked at it, like is this really going to make your problems go away? From everything I've been through with Trey it's so fucking crazy. And yet we still seems to make it back to the same roof. How could we have so much on our minds, but there rooms filled with silence?

I hop out the car noticing the bag of weed was in my purse, I'll just hide it from Trey and then get rid of it this time. I walked to kitchen, in the dark since it was super late and the lights were off. The bag of weed is caught on my zipper, as I try to fix it with the lights turned on.

"Oh come on!" I say to myself, since it's really stuck on my bag.
Suddenly I feel a presence stand right behind me. How did he come down here so quiet?

I know he seen it, and I know he's mad ond outraged, I know he's pissed, angry and confused. I know he's curious and upset? I know how this is going to go.

I turn around and face him. I face the man that I love so much, I'm hurting him and myself. How could I do this to him? Isn't our love undeniable?

Staring at his big brown, outraged, upset, hurt, curious eyes was all I see. There was nothing to do at this point.

"You been gone for eight hours, no calls no texts, no nothing. NOTHING!" He voice goes from soft to deranged within a matter of seconds. "I texted you! And you been gone for eight hours, to come back with weed at three in the fucking morning!!" He yells.

"You lied to me, and all we were trying to do was having a damn conversation Kera! And you go out smoking weed, how do you think this makes me feel! We been through so much shit, and it's seems all you do is start new shit!" He voice sounding so deep and scary, the side of Trey I've never seen.

He snatches the weed looking at it, he's hurt and it's all my fault I did this to him, to us.

"Kera you know what's in here?" His voice back soft again, which frightens me.


"Weed and other drugs, who gave this to you!" He demands with so much hurt. "WHO DID YOU GET THIS SHIT FROM HUH!?" He spats but, I didn't say anything because I couldn't, I deserved this.

"We been through so much, I and I love you but to all this new secret shit, the drugs. Do you think we're a joke huh? Is this what you doing now? You don't talk to me you do none of that shit! What fucking relationship is this?!!"

"I don't know Trey. I don't okay I didn't smoke that. All I did was drove around and went to the lake. So what I lied to you, I didn't want to be here. So all yall can talk bad about me-" I say getting heated.

"Talk bad about you? Kera that's not even what we were doing. Yo ass come in a three am and expect me to be all happy. Ain't no so what you lied to me, what kinda fucking bullshit is that. Obviously you don't love me and am I just wasting my time on us?" He argues passionately. "I NEED TO FUCKING KNOW!" He yells grabbing something, and throws the glass everywhere. I try walking out but he grabs me pushing me near the cabinets.

"What are we huh? You get to do all this shit, while I suffer!" He punches the wall, raging with anger.

"I don't know? So just give me back the weed!" I say watching him get more agitation.

"You think this a fucking game! You ain't gettin' this shit back. Belive that!" I try to get the bag out of his hand, but he pushes me away. His hand slaps me, as I push him away again. My face feels a slight burn as the tears start to come, and I screamed from everything.

"You did this shit on yourself!" He shoutes as I try walking upstairs. "I'm so sick of this!" He gets in my face after throwing the weed somewhere.

I slap him so hard he grabs his face, just as I kick him in his area. He groans in pain falling to the floor but I could care less. I walk upstairs seeing the kids still sleep, thank God heading to the bedroom. Making sure I lock the door sliding down the wall crying. It was all my fault...


I'll just set this chapter right here
How do you feel, does anyone need tissue? 😭 Comment x Vote I would really appreciate it! Laybear in the media!

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