Day 1

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The following day was spent with both the guild and the people of Magnolia fixing up the damages of the town. Bankotsu's minions sure did cause some damage but nothing too beyond repair. Master Makarov had informed everyone of the curse placed on Lucy. He put Levy in charge of researching other ways to undo it with the help of Pantherlily and Carla.

Natsu and Wendy stayed by Lucy's side all night, awaiting her to wake up. Wendy was able to heal the wounds Lucy earrned when Bankotsu tossed her aside. The only way she would know of her injuries was from the soreness of her muscles and a small but visible scar that was on her cheek, a little bit below her right eye.

"Natsu, you should go get something to eat. You've been here since you woke up and I can hear your stomach growling." Wendy suggested as she returned from eating, herself.

"I'm fine, Wendy."

"Natsu." The sterness of the young girl's voice made him get up from his seat. He really didn't want to leave but he knew Wendy would get Erza in here if he didn't.

Wendy gave him a small smile and took her place beside Lucy. The door to the infirmary clicked shut. She began to double check the bandages on Lucy's body, making sure they weren't in need of changing.

"W-Wendy?" a tired voice questioned. The young dragon slayer looked up to see Lucy had awaken.

"Lucy! Oh thank goodness you're awake." Before thinking it through, she jumped on Lucy and engulfed her in a hug. Lucy winced but chuckled.

"Sorry!" She pulled back quickly but Lucy pulled her back in to the hug as she sat up.

"I'm fine, Wendy. Just a bit sore. What happened?"

"You don't remember?"

"I only remember taking a bath and coming to the guild yesterday morning but nothing else. Did we go on a job that I forgot about?" Lucy pulled away from the hug to look at Wendy. She was confused and wanted to know what happened.

"I guess you could say that." Wendy mumbled. "Wait here. I will inform the guild that you have awaken."

Lucy gave a nod and watched the young girl see her way out. Wendy slipped out and went straight to Mirajane.

"Mira?" she timidly called out.

"Yes, Wendy?" Before Wendy could utter out a single word, a crash was heard over in the infirmary. All eyes wandered in that direction wondering what could have happened.

"Lucy! You're awake!" Cana slurred loudly.

Immediately, Lucy's friends, or those close to her, rushed to the infirmary. Even the Raijinshuu decided to go see how she was doing. Other members, like Wakaba and Macao, decided to hang back and allow the girl some space. They would see her when she felt well enough.

Natsu was a bit hesitant to go back into the room. Happy was one of the first to rush in, leaving him alone. Makarov approached the dragon slayer.

"Natsu, you need to go see her. We have to make sure the curse is really what he claims it to be." He told him. Natsu sighed but nodded and followed the old man.

Lucy was sitting up on the bed, her bare legs hanging over the edge. Her small shorts were hidden under the big t-shirt she wore and she had tied her long blond hair into a pony tail. She smiled at everyone as they piled in.

"Lushee! You're not dead!" Happy cheered, flying into her chest for a hug.

"Of course I'm not!" she chuckled, hugging him back. Then Levy joined the hug followed by Wendy and Erza.

"Guys, I kinda need to breathe." she told them.

"Sorry!" they squealed.

"Hugging is a man!" Elfman chanted. Everyone rolled their eyes but Lucy just laughed.

"Hey, cool scar." Gray told Lucy. She gave him a confused look before he gestured to the one under her right eye. Her fingers lightly grazed over the small scar as Mira handed her a small mirror.

"First Laxus, then Sting, and now me. Guess us blondes need a scar to be complete." She chuckled. This earned an amused snort from Laxus himself, but he couldn't help the small smile forming on his lips. Everyone was just relieved and happy that Lucy was okay.

Suddenly, the sound of someone clearing their throat was heard. All eyes averted over to the master, who gave each of them a knowing look. They grimly nodded, remembering that Lucy may be under a curse. Makarov looked behind him and gestured Natsu to enter the room.

Happy and Lucy were still sitting on the bed, lost in their own conversation when Natsu stood directly in front of them. Lucy looked up and stared at him. Their eyes locked; it was as if they were having a staring contest with each other and neither wanted to lose.

After a few minutes, Lucy giggled and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Lucy." she told Natsu, cheerfully. The members in the room felt pained when they saw all hope on Natsu's face disappear. They couldn't imagine how it must feel to have your best friend forget everything about you. Natsu's face paled, worrying Lucy. She slowly got up from the bed and walked over to him.

"Hey, you okay? You're really pale. You're not sick, are you?" She questioned as she placed her hand on his forehead, looking him directly in the eyes.

Her intense gaze and cute determined face actually made the dense dragon slayer blush. His face began to heat up, and she felt it almost instantly. The guild members who were present in the room watched the two in amusment as Lucy pulled her hand away.

She then placed both of her tiny hands on his cheeks. This only caused him to blush more.

"Okay, now you're super warm and your face is red. Guys, I think he's sick." Lucy said as she looked to the crowd, her hands never leaving his face.

They all sweat-dropped. They couldn't believe that Lucy could be as oblivious as Natsu. She just turned her attention back to him. After removing her hands, she took a step back. Natsu immediately missed the feel of her small hands against his skin but shrugged it off.

"So stranger, what's your name? Just joined? What kind of magic do you use?" Lucy excitedly asked.

Natsu cleared his throat a bit before answering, "I'm Natsu Dragneel. I've been a part of this guild for a while and I'm a Fire Dragon slayer."

"No way!" Lucy's eyes gleamed in awe. "You're like Wendy and Gajeel! Were you raised by a dragon?"

"Yeah, his name was Igneel."

"That's so cool! I hope we can be great friends, Natsu." She smiled at him again and this time, he genuinely returned it.

"Lucy, are you feeling well enough to go on a job tomorrow?" Erza asked her. She looked to Erza and gave a firm nod.

"Of course I am! Gray and Wendy, you coming?"

Gray and Wendy both nodded. Carla and Happy both said they would be glad to tag along as well.

"Natsu, you want to join us?" Lucy asked.

Even though Natsu knew in the back of his head that Lucy would wake up tomorrow and not recall his existence, he couldn't help but say 'yes' to going. He didn't want to see her bright smile falter.

"You can count me in." He gave her his signature grin and of course, she returned it.


sorry for the long wait for the next chapter. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Also thank you for all the votes and reads so far !!

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