Day 43

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"So, only seven days left? Huh?" Lucy pondered after Natsu just finished explaining everything to her. They sat in her apartment, just sitting on the couch while Happy was laying in Lucy's lap.

She was absentmindely petting the top of his head, thinking everything over. When the two first showed up at her doorstep, she was a bit skeptical at letting them in. Then they proceeded to tell her the story of the curse, which had made her more uneasy, but it slowly made sense.

And now Lucy was a bit anxious due to the fact that there was only seven days remaining, and she felt like they were no where near breaking it. Lucy let out a sigh, getting up after sliding Happy off her lap. Natsu and Happy looked up and watched her as she moved to put on her shoes and walk towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Natsu spoke.

"To the store. I'm in the mood for homemade sundaes. You can come if you want." she stated calmly.

Happy hopped up, wings appearing and flying towards Lucy. "Yay! Ice cream!"

"Guess I'll go too!" Natsu said. She smiled at them as they head out after locking up the apartment. They walked to the nearby grocery store, enjoying the warm weather after last week's storm.

When they got to the store, Lucy filled her basket with cherries, whipped cream, hot fudge, caramel sauce, sprinkles, and chocolate chips since Natsu insisted.

"Strawberry. Vanilla. Strawberry. Vanilla." Lucy mumbled, eyes flickering back and forth between the two flavors. "This is the most difficult decision I've ever had to make."

"Why not get that one?" Natsu asked. He pointed towards the neapolitan ice cream flavor. Lucy looked at it and shook her head.

"No. I don't want the chocolate, so that would be a waste."

"Then I'll eat the chocolate and you can have the strawberry and vanilla all to yourself."

Lucy stood straight, turned towards him, and put her small hands on his broad shoulders. "Where have you been all my life?"

Natsu gave her a confused look. "Uh..."

"She doesn't mean it literally, Natsu." Happy whispered to his buddy.

"I knew that!"

"Okay, let's the ice cream and go back to my place and make sundaes!" Cheered Lucy as she placed a tub of the ice cream in her basket. They paid for their things and walked back to the apartment.

Upon arriving, Happy decided to take his leave and head towards the guild. Although Lucy protested, insisting he had his sundae before leaving, the exceed denied. She pouted but shrugged it off as she began to set things out on her kitchen table.

"Natsu, grab the bowls." she instructed the dragon slayer. He gave her a swift nod before reaching into the cabinet and pulling out two bowls.

"Okay! It's sundae time!"

The two made their sundaes, piling each of their bowls high with both ice cream and toppings.

"I can't believe you ate a whole bag of chocolate chips!" Lucy said, while trying to tie her cherry stem into a knot.

"I got carried away." Natsu rolled his eyes. He was also in the middle of trying to tie the stem into a knot.

"Hey, Natsu."


"I bet I can tie mine faster than you." Lucy snickered.

"Oh, you wanna bet?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

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