Day 44

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Natsu walked through the town, on his way towards the guild with a giddy Lucy on his back. She was as hyper as a five year old and that was all Natsu and Happy's fault.

You see, the trio had just finished a job which was to manage the local potion shop in town. While Lucy was helping a customer, Natsu and Happy decided to play a prank and spike her drink with a potion that would give her gas. The only problem was that Happy grabbed the wrong potion, spiking her drink with a potion that made her have the mindset and act like a five year old.

"Oh, Natsu! Look! A butterfly!" cheered Lucy as pointed over his shoulder at the flying insect.

"Yeah, Lucy. That's the fifth one you've pointed out."

"Catch it!"

He turned his head slightly to give her an annoyed glance. Natsu was tired and her hyper attitude was exhausting him even more.

"I can't catch it. It needs to fly freely, Luce." he reasoned with her.

She pouted, resting her chin on his head as she wrapped her arms securely around his neck. Happy chuckled as he flew above before falling silent at the deadly glare Natsu gave him. It was a glare that read 'this is all your fault'.

Lucy suddenly perked her head and grinned. "Natsu! Hey Natsu! Let's go there!"

"Where?" he asked.

"Over there!" she pointed towards a toy store.

"Why do you need to go to a toy store?"

"For a dolly, duh. Please!"

At this point, they were earning stares. I mean, it isn't every day that you see a teenaged girl whining to go to a store like a five year old. Natsu sighed, not wanting to argue but also wanting to get to the guild and eat.

"Lucy, we're almost to the guild. I'm hungry."

"Quit whining like a baby!" she retorted.

"Says you!"

"It'll be quick!"

"C'mon Natsu! You don't want to make Lucy cry now do you?" Happy tried to reason once he saw Lucy's facial expression.

"Who's side are you on?" said Natsu before he saw Happy gesturing to the girl on his back. He looked back to see Lucy with teary eyes and a wobbling pouty lip.

Natsu certainly did not want to see her cry again. He's seen her cry every day for almost two weeks because of this damn curse. If he didn't take her to the toy store, it would be his fault for her tears. And boy, he did not want to be at fault if any of this was mentioned to a certain scarlet haired mage back at the guild. Oh, and you can't forget the white haired demon who managed the bar. Just the thought sent shivers down his spine.

"Fine! We're going!" he replied.

Lucy cheered, instantly wiping at her eyes as a smile was placed on her face. They walked into the toy store filled with families and kids running up and down the aisles.

"Can you put me down please?" Lucy politely asked the dragon slayer. He did as asked, watching her as she wandered about the store.

"How long is this potion supposed to last?" Natsu whined.

Happy pulled out the empty bottle that once held the potion out of his sack and read the label. "According to this, after she wakes up from a nap or just sleep in general, she'll be back to normal."

Natsu nodded. Lucy was now standing in fromt of the shelves filled with stuffed animals. He watched as she looked at a particular one in awe. He decided to walk over to her and look at exactly what it was supposed to be.

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