Day 45

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"I heard Master had an announcement to make today." Erza said as she approached the dragon slayer and celestial spirit mage at the table they were occupying. The two looked up at requip mage, curiousity etched on their faces.

"I wonder what it is." Lucy pondered.

"Probably excited to share his new mustache brush with us." Natsu suggested, earning an amused snort from Gray as he took a seat at the table.

"Geez, you always come up with the dumbest ideas."

"Well what do you think it is, Icee?"

"Probably something better than what you thought."

Just as Natsu was about to launch a fist into Gray's jaw, Erza pulled them apart and Makarov hopped onto the bar.

"Brats!" he bellowed. Everyone turned to face him, dropping any conversation that was being held. "I have an announcement to make!"

The guild members all mumered a reply along the lines of 'go ahead' and 'what is it?'.

"I have recently bought a marvelous comb to groom this perfect mustache of mine," Natsu stuck his tongue out at Gray when this was told, "but that's not all."

"Drum roll please!" said Mira with a giddy smile on her face. Some guild members put in the effort to make a drum roll noise effect before Master silenced them.

"We are going to hold our very own festival in five days time! I have invitations right here for the other guilds to attend. You must dress in what is called a 'yukata'. They're not that hard to find." He grinned as the guild cheered. If you know Fairy Tail, which I'm sure you all do, they live for parties. It doesn't even matter what the reason is for partying; they would still enjoy it.

"Alright. Gray and Wendy will deliever the invitation to Lamia Scale. Erza and Juvia will go to Mermaid Heel. Levy and Gajeel go to Blue Pegasus. Cana and Romeo, you two can deliever one to Quatro Cerberus. And finally, Natsu and Lucy will take one to Sabertooth. I'll give you the invitations and I expect them to be delievered by tonight! The rest of you brats will begin to help Mirajane decorate both the guild and the city." with one final look at his kids and giving said invitations to each pair, Master resorted back to his office.

"I guess we should get going." Lucy told Natsu as she held the invitation sealed in an envelope in her hands. Natsu nodded, calling Happy over to join them. They, along with all the other groups, set out towards their destination.

Lucy summoned Plue to accompany them on their short journey to the Sabertooth guild. On the train ride over, Lucy was unsure how to comfort the motion sick dragon slayer. Happy reassured that this happened all the time along with Plue who agreed with a 'pun-pun'!

Lucy looked at her Celestial Spirit, confused as to how he knew of ut and she didn't. She shrugged the thought off as the train arrived at their stop.

They got off the train, waited for Natsu to recover, and walked through the town before finally arriving in front of the guild doors of Sabertooth.

Natsu kicked the doors down as if he was back at Fairy Tail, causing the others to sweatdrop and all conversation cease inside the guild.

"Oh, it's just Natsu." says the voice of one of the twin dragon slayers, Sting.

"Yo!" grins Natsu. He walks over to him, grabbing Lucy's wrist.

"We were asked to deliever this to you." she says, handing over the invitation. He takes it and opens it, a smiling spreading across his face.

"We'll be there."

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