Day 27

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"Gray, your clothes." Lucy scolded the ice mage as they arrived at the requesters home.

"It's so damn hot. Let me live." he retorted. Lucy just rolled her eyes and knocked on the door.

It was strange to be on a job with just Gray, but the town was suffering from a heatwave and the water park was closed. And that's where Gray and Lucy come in. Juvia would've been more suited for this job, but she was already off with Wendy and Carla on job. With the help of Aquarius and Gray's ice make magic, they should be able to help cool this town down in no time. Lucy was even smart enough to bring a canteen of water to summon her from without being scolded.

"Ah, you're the mages from Fairy Tail, I assume?" a guy said after opening the door.

"That would be us."

"Your job is pretty simple. Just help fix the water park. It just needs fresh water and for the ice mage, a few nice ice sculptures would be  greatly appreciated." he informed the two.

Gray and Lucy nodded before he sent them off. It was torture to just walk the small distance from the requesters home to the water park. Everyone was surrounding the closed off area of the park, gazing at it with longing eyes.

None of the towns people even laid the mages any attention as the went inside. Although, an upheveal of complaints could be heard as they began to drain the dirty out of the pools and such.

"Oi! Stop your complaining! We're just doing our job." Gray tsked.

Lucy sweatdropped before turning to the crowd, "What my friend means to say is that, we are fixing the problem so that you all can enjoy the coolness of the park."

This shut the crowd up and they just watched the two do their work. Once the water was drained and they cleaned the pools, it was time to refill them with water and make the ice sculptures.

Gray made ice sculptures of anything really. He even asked some of the children want they wanted him to make, smiling down at their glee-filled eyes.

"Open! Gate of the Water Barrer, Aquarius!" Lucy chanted. A distant ding-dong was heard and out came the celestial spirit.

"What do you think you're doing summoning me from some tap water inside a canteen?" she hissed at her summoner.

"Man, and here I thought you wouldn't complain." Lucy grumbled.

"What was that?"

"Nothing! Nothing!" Lucy chuckled nervously while waving her hands in front of her face.

"So what do you want?"

"Gray and I need your help with refilling the pools with cool water. That's it and then you can go back."

"Whatever gets me back to my boyfriend fastest is fine with me. Speaking of which Lucy, I doubt this guy here is your boyfriend. He's totally out of your league." Aquarius smirked at Lucy to which Lucy rolled her eyes. She was used to the teasing of Aquarius.

Aquarius quickly did her job and went back to the celestial realm but not after scolding Lucy to never summon her from tap water again. After making sure everything seemed well enough, Gray and Lucy high-fived and welcomed the towns people into the park. Cheers and laughter filled the air as the pair headed off to the requesters home to retrieve their reward.

"Man, Aquarius can be harsh on you sometimes." Gray stated, trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah, but I know she means well."

"You guys have been together for a long time, huh?"

"Ever since I can remember." Lucy smiled.

"Why is she always picking on you about having a boyfriend?" Gray pestered on.

"Probably because I've never really had one. Strange, right?"

"Nah. I mean, you're still young and who has time for all that when you work dangerous jobs because you're a wizard?"

"Oh, come on Gray. Like you wouldn't mind having Juvia be your girlfriend." Lucy teases with a smirk. The ice mage blushes and looks away.

"We're talking about you here, not me."

"Well in that case, I've never really found anyone that I thought was 'the one'. But lately, I've been having these dreams that seem so real and they're always involving Happy and some guy but I don't know who that guy is." Lucy admits.

Gray knowingly smirks to himself. It's Natsu he thinks.

"What do you think about Natsu? I saw you looking at him before I asked you to do this job with me."

"You mean the pink haired guy that Erza forced to take a job with her?"

"Yeah, him."

"He seems like a nice guy. I don't know him too well to think much more about him." Lucy frowns a bit. She felt a but bummed out about not knowing the guy well, but why? She couldn't deny the fact that she felt so drawn to him.

"He likes you, more than you know." Gray whispered.

"What was that?" Lucy asked, breaking out of her thoughts and looking at her friend.

"Nothing. Let's go get our reward." he chuckled, ruffling her hair before walking off ahead of her.

Lucy smiled slightly at his figure walking away before jogging to catch up with him. She was glad to have this kind of talk with Gray; it was almost like discussing something with an older sibling.

But now, every since the mention of the pink haired dragon slayer, Lucy couldn't stop thinking about him. And how little she knew about him. It all made her head hurt.

After claiming their reward and getting on the train back to Magnolia, the pain didn't fade. Lucy closed her eyes and what she saw when she closed them was a lot to take in.

A blur of images involving a certain pinkette was displayed through her mind. The pain in her head became excruciating that she began to cry out. Gray tried to calm her down and ask her what's wrong but it was no use.

The last thing she saw before completely passing out was the sinister smile of Bankotsu. And then, she felt the sensation that she was falling.


small filler but hey! double update!

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