Day 50

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"Ah! Everything looks so pretty!" cheered Lucy as her and Natsu entered the festival grounds. The lanterns shone brightly against the twilight sky, only to shine brighter when the sky grew darker. Not only guild members of the invited guild attended, but so did the townspeople of Magnolia.

"I still don't get why we had to wear this stupid thing." Natsu complained, pulling at his yukata like an annoyed child.

"Natsu, it was part of the rules." Lucy reminded him. "Even Happy is wearing one."


"What a stupid rule."

"Why did Erza make me come with you?" Lucy shook her head with a grimace. In all honesty, she was interested in the dragon slayer since he stepped foot into the guild that morning. She felt drawn to him and her heart sped up when Erza suggested that the two went to the festival together.

It was almost like a date with a stranger, except there was no awkward tension. Oh, and Happy also joined them.

"Are you saying you don't want to be here with me?" Natsu playfully pouted.

"What! No, of course not!"

Happy chuckled behind his paw, spreading his wings to fly above them. He then gasped when he saw Wendy up ahead with the white exceed that he found so lovely in a bright blue yukata.

"I gotta go!" he said before flying off.

Natsu walked over to Lucy with his arms resting behind his head. "What do you wanna do?"

Lucy allowed her eyes to wander over the festivities. Everything looked like fun and she just didn't know where to begin. All the thinking made her head swim. Natsu watched her in amusement, before taking her hand and leading her over to where some of their friends are.

"Oh, Lucy! You look so cute!" complimented Mirajane. Ezra stood beside her along with Gray, Juvia, Levy, and Gajeel.

"Thank you, Mira!"

"Hey guys!" yelled an excited Sting as he weaved his way over through the crowd. He earned himself a few glares and curses here and there, but the grin never fell from his face. Rogue followed behind him, grunting apologies to those who glared, while Yukino chuckled. It looks like all the exceeds had wander off, much to Happy's disappointment.

"Glad to see you could make it." greeted Erza with a nod.

"Of course, although the dress code was a bit strange."

"That's what I was saying!" shouted Natsu.

"Calm down, Hot Head. It's not that bad."

"Easy for you to say since you're already stripped down to your underwear."


The group laughed together at this; even Rogue gave a small chuckle.

"Mira! I'm out of booze!" Cana whined as she stumbled over.

"Cana, you know this is a festival and not the guild, right?"

The brown haired girl blinked before taking a look around. "Oh yeah."

She then made her way over to Lucy and threw an arm around her shoulder, groping her left breast in the process. "So Lucy, have you confessed your love yet?"

Lucy back away from the intoxicating aroma coming from Cana.

"What are you talking about?" Lucy asked.

Before Cana could answer, Natsu grabbed a hold of Lucy's wrist and began tugging her away from the group. "Lucy and I are gonna get some ramen! Bye-bye!"

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