Day 49

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The next few days passed by quickly thanks to the festival preparations. Natsu and Lucy tried to talk to each other, but someone always dragged them away to help. Lucy yearned to be near him, to get to know him better and understand the familiarity there.

Natsu was just frustrated that time was running. He was hoping the guild would understand that, but they must've spaced it and just wanted him to help.

They had just finished the final touches to all the decorations for tomorrow. The atmosphere was one of excitement. The guild couldn't remember the last time they had a party, so now they were anxious for tomorrow to arrive so they could fill the void.

Lucy was heading out to return back home when Natsu finally caught up with her.

"Natsu Dragneel." she stated as he approached her. They were only a few steps away from the guild doors where the cheerful chatter was in full swing and high volume.

Natsu cocked his head to the side, surprised she had known his name before he told her. Of course, he had been informed by Erza and Gray of when she randomly asked Happy about him but he had doubted their words.

"You know me?" he asked.

"I think I do. Well, I know your name and that's it." she replied calmly.

"Is the curse wearing off?" he mumbled to himself, yet it didn't go unheard by the blonde.


"I guess not." he sighed before proceeding to inform of the whole story. Again. Lucy was unphased by it. She felt like she had heard it a thousand times before.

But then, Natsu said that he loved her and it was something she would never get used to hearing. It was three small words that caused a blush to fall upon her cheeks and butterflies to swarm in her stomach. Yet, she didn't know if that was enough to say those three words back.

"Do you want to take a walk with me?" she asked. The warm sun was setting. The cloudless sky had fallen into different hues of orange and pink with a slight lilac. A warm breeze sent strands of her hair and the ends of his scarf to flow.

"As long as I can hold your hand." he bargained. She smiled at him, outstretching her hand towards him. He gladly took it, interlacing his fingers with hers. His thumb lightly traced circles on the back of her hand, causing her to feel at ease.

She began to lead him down the slightly busy sidewalks as the townspeople were bustling around. Some were rushing home from work, others were gathering items for dinner or going to the diners, and some just did what they were doing and going for a stroll. It was crowded, but it made you feel at home.

"Tell me how we know each other. How did we meet?" Lucy began. They were walking side by side, their laced hands swinging a bit inbetween them.

"We met in Hargeon. You were hypnotized by some guy named Bora who was posing as 'Salamander' from Fairy Tail, which by the way, is actually me." he stopped his story, grinning proudly.

Lucy just gave an amused snort and rolled her eyes. She then gestured for him to continue and he did.

"Happy and I saw that he was surrounded by a group of girls, and at the time, I believed that he was Igneel. So, I pushed my way to the center and confronted him. You were in the crowd, but I didn't see you till the crowd dispersed and you came up to thank me for snapping you out the charm spell."

Maybe the Bora guy was using the Charm spell that made people have an attraction towards. But if that's the case, it's said to only break if the caster calls it off or you see your soul mate. Does that mean that Natsu and I are... Lucy thought.

"Some other stuff happened and I ended up bringing you to Fairy Tail!" he said with another proud grin.

"I wish I could remember." pouted Lucy.

"Don't worry about it."

"Aren't you scared or worried?" she asked in a hushed voice. They were now standing in front of the Sakura tree that Natsu had once uprooted for her. Lucy gazed up at the lovely leaves that lived there.

"What would I be scared or worried about?" he retorted. She turned to stand directly in front of him.

"If this curse isn't gone by the end of tomorrow. That doesn't scare you? Worry you?"

"Of course it does. I don't want you to forget all about me, but fate has a dirty way of doing things."

Lucy chuckled sadly. "I guess you're right. Are we really in control of anything?"


She raised an eyebrow, "And that is?"

"Our feelings, our actions, it's just the way things play out that we can never be so sure of."

"That is true. You're pretty smart you know." she sent a playful wink his way.

He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, laughing lightly. "Try telling that to everyone back at the guild."

Lucy then suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his face towards hers. Their lips were inches away from touching, causing Natsu to blush at the close proximity. Never before had Lucy been this bold.

"What are you doing?" he whispered, resting his hands on her hips.

"Taking control of my actions." she smirk before planting her lips on his. Natsu's eyes widened in surprise. Usually, he was the one that kissed her first, but he liked this side of Lucy.

Their lips moved in sync as another light breeze came, sending the sakura leaves to fall around them. When they pulled away, Natsu rested his forehead on hers.

"I love you, Lucy."

"I like you, too, Natsu." she grinned at him. "I have an idea!"

She pulled away from the confused looking Natsu running towards the trunk of the tree. She rummaged through her bag before pulling something out.

"Wow! Is that a pocket knife?!" Natsu screeched as he snuck up next to her.

"Shhh! And yes! It's for safety reasons! You never know what could happen when you're walking home at night by yourself!" she defended.

"But you have your spirits and me."

Lucy blinked. "Oh yeah, huh."

Natsu just shook his head as Lucy proceeded to do what she had sought out to do with the knife. Natsu watched her with a curious expression. She was blocking his range of sight, refusing him even a small glance at her work.

Five minutes passed before she stepped back, wiping the sweat from her forehead away.

"There." she breathed with a smile. Natsu looked and let out a small surprised gasped. Lucy had carved their initials together on the tree trunk with a oddly shaped heart surrounding it.

"Cliché, I know, but once the curse is broken we can always come back to look at this." she said.

"I like this. Thanks, Lucy." he smiled at her and she blushed a bit, mumbling a simple 'you're welcome'.

Even though she knew she wouldn't remember telling herself this tomorrow, she loved Natsu. But, she was still second guessing herself and couldn't form the words to tell him herself.

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