Day 3

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"Natsu! Who knew you could be such the romantic type?" Mira gushed after Natsu told her of his idea.

"You sure? It's not stupid or anything right?" he asked, a bit uncertain.

"No, not at all! Girls love these kind of things, and if I know Lucy, which I do, she will adore it!"

"What's all the commotion?" Erza asked as she made her way over.

"Natsu came up with a great idea to make Lucy fall in love with him!" Mira squealed.

"Mira!" He whined, cheeks reddening.

"Oi! I wanna hear what hot head has planned." Gray said, butting into the conversation.

"There's no way I'm telling you ice prick!"

"Fine, I'll just have Mira tell me." Gray shrugged and headed over to the group of girls surrounded around Mira. Juvia, Wendy, Lisanna and Levy joined Erza after she asked Mira to tell her Natsu's plan.

They were all eager to find out if Natsu really had a romantic side. Natsu just groaned and ignored them squealing over what Mira was telling them.

"Wow, didn't know the hot head actually had it in him. Are you sure you're not the one in love?" Gray teased with a smirk.

Natsu said nothing, but his cheeks still began to redden once again.

"Ah! He's not denying it! Natsu, do you like Lucy?" Lisanna joined in on the teasing.

"Or is it love?" Levy added.

"Can you guys just leave me alone?!"

"Not until you admit it."

"Admit what?"

Erza rolled her eyes at Natsu's stubborness, "That you love Lucy."

Natsu sighed and looked away from her before grumbling, "I'm not sure how I feel yet."

"Why was that?" Wendy asked.

"She makes me feel weird now."

"Weird how?"

"Like, I get this warm, fuzzy feeling when I'm around her and I feel happy. I always want to see Lucy smiling and laughing, and when she's hurt, I feel hurt too."

"Awww." the girls cooed.

"Flame head is totally in love." Gray patted his shoulder and smiled at his friend.

"Shut up."

"So when does this plan of yours come into action?"

"I'm planning on starting tomorrow, and hopefully, I'll be able to do it everyday unless we go on jobs."

Just then, the blonde celestial mage walked through the guild doors. A small smile was playing on her lips as she made her over to the crowd hanging by the bar.

"Morning!" she chirped.

"Good morning Lucy! Meet Natsu." Erza introduced the two as she saw Lucy look curiously at him.

"Hi Natsu." she smiled kindly at him. For a minute, he froze. Sure he had seen this smile many times before but this time, something was different. He felt a flutter in his chest.

Could he possibly be falling for Lucy? He shook his head to rid of the thoughts before looking up at Lucy.

"Hey." he grumbled back. He quickly regretted his tone of voice as he saw her eyebrows knit together in confusion. His grumpyness wasn't aimed towards her but more at himself for being so unsure of how he felt.

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