Day 41

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Natsu groaned, getting annoyed in his sleep at the constant poking someone was doing to his cheek.

"Natsuuuu." the voice whispered in to his ear. He peeked an eye open to find Happy looking down at him.

"Happy, it's too early for this." he groggily grumbled. His head was killing him from the slight hangover he had recieved from the night before.

"We have a problem."

"What is it?"

"Lucy slept over last night. She's gonna flip when she wake up." Natsu shot up like a rocket when he heard what the exceed had said. He realized his mistake as he felt something move slightly beneath him.

He jumped off the couch when he realized he was sleeping onto of Lucy. Her hand, that was once tangled in his hair, now lay limply at her side. Her chest heaved up and down in a calming matter.

"What are we gonna do, Happy? What can we tell her that'll make her believe why she's here?" Natsu shouted in a whisper. Happy brought a paw to his chin, thinking it over.

"I got it!" he cheered with a smug grin.

"I'm listening."

"We convince her she was the drunk one last night. She was so drunk that she forgot her where she lived and all her friends left, so Mira told us to bring her back here for the night."

Natsu thought it over while Happy stood with his hands on hips looking proud. "That's not a bad idea."

"It's a brilliant idea, thank you very much!"

"Happy, stop shouting. My head hurts enough as it is." Natsu said, grasping his head in hands.

"Ahhh!" Lucy shouted, sitting upright from her sleep. The two looked over at her, slightly confused and worried.

"It was just a dream." she mumbled, then proceeded to look at her surroundings. "Where am I?"

"Uh, morning?" spoke Natsu. She turned her head to them, eyes widening in surprise.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Natsu."

"Well Natsu, why am I in your home?"

"You came back from a job last night and you stupidly accepted to see who could drink more, you or Cana. Of course, you got drunk and everyone from the guild was heading home. Happy and I were one of the few left and you had apparently forgot where you live, so Mira had us bring you back here for the night." He smoothly explained. Happy gave him a thumbs up.

Lucy just looked down at her lap, processing it all. "How come I don't feel hungover?"

"I, uh, gave you some medicine. Yeah, that's it!" he chuckled. Happy then facepalmed at his idiocy.

She just nodded her before blushing at the sound of her grumbling stomach. Natsu let out a laugh.

"It's not funny!" she whined.

"I'm sorry, but it was. Let's feed you." he ruffled her hair and then headed towards the kitchen. "Ooh! Your cakes from your job are in the fridge!"

"Natsu, it's too early for cake." scolded Happy.

"It's never too early for cake!" said Erza as she came through the front door. The trio looked at her with a surprised face.

"What are you doing here?" Natsu asked, setting the box filled with a arrangement of cakes on the table.

"I went to make sure Lucy got home okay last night, but she wasn't there. Mirajane informed me that she was probably still here with you." she explained giving the dragon slayer a knowing glance.

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